RPSC RAS Exam-2021-Detail information

About RPSC RAS exam (Rajasthan Administrative Services):

Rajasthan Administrative Services (RAS) exam is a state-level civil services exam conducted by Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC). The exam is also called Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive Exam. RAS is the highest state service and also the most sought-after job in the state of Rajasthan. RPSC RAS exam is the gateway to enter into the RAS.

RAS exam(Rajasthan Administrative Services) Notification:

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) has started the online application process for Rajasthan State and Subordinate Services Combined Competitive (Preliminary) Examination 2021 (RAS/RTS Exam) on rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in. Eligible candidates can apply online on or before 02 September 2021.

RPSC RAS Exam will be conducted for 988 vacancies for 21 services under Rajasthan State Services and Rajasthan Subordinate Services. Out of 988 total vacancies, 363 vacancies are there in state services and 625 are insubordinate services.

Click here to view the official notification.

Important Dates for RAS Exam:

RPSC RAS Exam EventsDate
RPSC RAS Exam Notification start date20th July 2021
RPSC RAS Exam application last  date2nd September 2021
RPSC RAS admit card release date27th September 2021
RPSC RAS Pre exam date28th November 2021
RPSC RAS Pre Result DateTo be notified
RPSC RAS Mains exam dateJanuary 2022
RPSC RAS Interview datesTo be notified

 RPSC RAS Selection Process and Exam Pattern:

The selection shall be a 03 (three) stage process consisting of the following Tests: 

  1. Preliminary examination
  2. Mains examination
  3. Personal Interview

Preliminary Examination: 

The Preliminary Examination will consist of one paper, which will be of objective type and carry a maximum of 200 marks. The marks obtained in the Preliminary Examination by the candidates, who are declared qualified for admission to Main Examination will not be counted for determining their final order of merit.

SubjectMaximum MarksTime duration
General Knowledge & General Science2003 Hours

Mains Examination: 

The written examination will consist of the following four papers which will be descriptive or analytical. A candidate must appear in all the papers listed below which will also consist of a question paper of brief, medium, long answer and descriptive type questions. The standard of General Hindi and General English will be that of Senior Secondary level. The time allowed for each paper will be 3 hours.

S. NoPaperMaximum MarksTime duration
Paper-IGeneral Studies-I2003 hours
Paper-IIGeneral Studies-II2003 hours
Paper-IIIGeneral Studies-III2003 hours
Paper-IVGeneral Hindi and General English2003 hours

Viva-Voce or Personal Interview:

The Candidates appearing in the main examination shall be required to obtain a minimum of 10% marks on each paper and 15% marks in aggregate out of the total marks of all papers in the main examination to qualify for appearing in the personal Interview. The personal interview will be of 100 marks.

RPSC RAS Syllabus:

Preliminary Examination Syllabus:

Here is the complete syllabus for the Preliminary Examination

History, Art, Culture, Literature, Tradition & Heritage of RajasthanMajor Landmarks in the History of Rajasthan, Major Dynasties, their Administrative and the Revenue System. Socio-cultural Issues
Freedom Movement, Political Awakening and Integration
Salient features of Architecture – Forts, and Monuments 
Arts, Paintings and Handicrafts, Important Works of Rajasthani literature
Local Dialects, Fairs, Festivals, Folk Music, and Folk Dances
Rajasthani Culture, Traditions, and Heritage, Religious Movements
Saints & Lok devtas of Rajasthan
Important Tourist Places
Leading Personalities of Rajasthan.
Indian HistorySalient features and Major Landmarks of Ancient and Medieval India
Culture, Literature, and Architecture.
Major Dynasties, Their Administrative System.
Socio-Economic Conditions, Prominent Movements.
Modern Indian history (from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present)- significant events, personalities, and issues.
The Freedom Struggle & Indian National Movement- its various stages and important contributors and contributions from different parts of the country.
Social and Religious Reform movements in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
Geography of World and IndiaWorld Geography
Broad Physical features. 
Environmental and Ecological Issues.
Wildlife and Biodiversity. International Waterways. 
Major Industrial Regions.
Geography of India: 
Broad physical features and Major physiographic divisions.
Agriculture and Agro-based Activities. 
Minerals – Iron, Manganese, Coal, Oil & Gas, Atomic minerals.
Major Industries and Industrial development.
Transportation– major transport corridors.
Natural Resources.
Environmental Problems and Ecological Issues.
Geography of RajasthanBroad physical features and Major physiographic divisions, Natural Resource of Rajasthan-Climate, Natural Vegetation, Forests, Wildlife, and Biodiversity
Major irrigation projects. 
Mines and minerals. 
Population, Major Industries, and Potential for Industrial Development.
Indian Constitution, Political System GovernanceConstitutional Development & Indian Constitution
Government of India Acts: 1919 and 1935, Constituent Assembly, Nature of Indian Constitution; Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Directive Principles of State, Fundamental Duties, Federal Structure, Constitutional Amendments, Emergency, Provisions, Public Interest Litigation (P.I.L.) and Judicial Review.
Indian Political System and Governance
Nature of Indian State, Democracy in India, Reorganization of States, Coalition Governments, Political Parties, National Integration. 
Union and State Executive; Union and State Legislative, Judiciary President, Parliament, Supreme Court, Election Commission, Comptroller and Auditor General, Planning Commission, National Development Council, Central Vigilance Commission (CVC), Central Information Commission, Lokpal, National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Local Self Government & Panchayati Raj
Public Policy & Rights
National Public Policy as a welfare state.
Various Legal Rights and Citizen Charter.
Political and Administrative System of RajasthanGovernor, Chief Minister, State Assembly, High Court, Rajasthan Public Service Commission, District Administration, State Human Rights Commission, Lokayukta, State Election Commission, State Information Commission.
Public Policy, Legal Rights and Citizen Charter.
Economic Concepts and Indian EconomyBasic Knowledge of Budgeting, Banking, Public Finance, National Income, Growth and Development
Accounting- Concept, Tools, and Uses in Administration Stock Exchange and Share Market
Fiscal and Monetary Policies Subsidies, Public Distribution System e-Commerce, Inflation- Concept, impact and Control Mechanism
Economic Development & Planning 5 Year Plans – Objectives, Strategies, and Achievements. 
Major Sectors of Economy- Agriculture, Industry, Service, and Trade- Current Status, Issues & initiatives. 
Major Economic Problems and Government Initiatives. Economic Reforms and Liberalization Human Resource and 
Economic Development
Human Development Index 
Poverty and Unemployment:- Concept, Types, Causes, Remedies and Current Flagship Schemes. 
Social Justice and Empowerment
Provisions for Weaker Sections.
Economy of RajasthanA macro overview of the Economy.
Major Agricultural, Industrial, and Service Sector Issues. Growth, Development, and Planning.
Infrastructure & Resources.
Major Development Projects.
Programs and Schemes- Government Welfare schemes for SC/ST/Backward Class/Minorities/Disabled Persons, Destitute, Women, Children, Old Age People, Farmers & Labourers.
Science & TechnologyBasics of Everyday Science.
Electronics, Computers, information and Communication Technology. 
Space Technology including Satellites.
Defense Technology.
The human body, Food, and Nutrition, Health care. 
Environmental and Ecological Changes and their Impacts.
Biodiversity, Biotechnology, and Genetic Engineering.
Agriculture, Horticulture, Forestry, and Animal Husbandry with special reference to Rajasthan. 
Development of Science and Technology in Rajasthan.
Reasoning & Mental AbilityLogical Reasoning (Deductive, Inductive, Abductive)
Statement and Assumptions, Statement and Argument, statements and Conclusion, Courses of Action.
Analytical Reasoning. 
Mental Ability
Number series, Letter series, Odd man out, Coding-Decoding, Problems relating to Relations, Shapes and their sub-sections. 
Basic Numeracy
Elementary knowledge of Mathematical and Statistical Analysis. 
Number System, Order of Magnitude, Ratio, and Proportion, Percentage, Simple and Compound Interest, Data Analysis (Tables, Bar diagram, Line graph, Pie-chart). 
Current AffairsMajor Current Events and Issues of State(Rajasthan), National and International Importance.
Persons and Places in recent news
Games and Sports related Activities

Mains Examination Syllabus: Here is the complete syllabus for the Mains Examination

Click Here to get the complete syllabus.

Eligibility Criteria:

Nationality: The candidate should be a citizen of India. S/he should not have obtained the citizenship/permanent residency/green card of any other country.

Age criteria:

Minimum age as of 1 January 2022 – 21 years.

Maximum age as of 1 January, 2022- 40 Years

Age relaxation is provided in the following manner:

OBC Female10 Years
ST/SC Female10 Years
OBC5 Years
ST/SC5 Years
GEN [PH]10 Years
ST [PH]15 Years
SC [PH]15 Years
OBC [PH]13 Years

Minimum Education Qualifications:

  • Candidates who want to apply for this post must have at least a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university.
  • Candidates in their final year of degree course can also apply, provided they get the degree before the Mains examination. 

Application Process for RAS exam:

Application Fees:

Unreserved Category/Other Backward Class (OBC)INR 350
Other Backward Class (OBC) -Non Creamy layer/ Economically Weaker Section(EWS)INR 250
Scheduled Caste (SC)/ Scheduled Tribe)INR 150

Documents Required Before Filling Up The Application:

Before starting to fill up the online application form, candidates must keep the following information/documents handy as the candidates would be required to upload the requisite documents, as applicable, in the online Application Form:

  • Personal details like Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s name, address etc.
  • Valid and active E-mail ID 
  • Valid and active mobile number
  • Any government ID proofs (Passport, Voter I-Card, Driving License, PAN Card) 
  • Graduation Degree certificate
  • Online payment Facility such as internet banking, debit/credit card etc. 
  • Scanned recent (not older than 3 months) passport size photo.
  • Scanned signature, Left thumb expression.

Steps To Apply Online for RAS exam:

Step 1: Visit the official website https://rpsc.rajasthan.gov.in 

Step 2: Click on Apply Online.

Step 3: Register yourself by filling in the required details.

Step 4: Fill the application form

Step 5: Pay the application fee

Step 6: Submit your application

Step 7: Print the application form for future reference

RPSC RAS Vacancy Details:

RPSC RAS Exam will be conducted for 988 vacancies for 21 services under Rajasthan State Services and Rajasthan Subordinate Services. Out of 988 total vacancies, 363 vacancies are there in state services and 625 are insubordinate services. Here is the break-out of the vacancies:

State Service – 363

Subordinate Service – 625

State Level Services/PostsNo of VacanciesSubordinate Level Services/PostsNo of Vacancies
RAS – Rajasthan Administrative Services76Raj. Excise Subordinate Services32
RPS – Rajasthan Police Services77Raj Cooperative Subordinate Service146 and 2 TSP
Rajasthan Account Services32Raj Judicial and Jurisdiction19
Rajasthan Industry Services4Raj. Agriculture Subordinate Services68
Rajasthan Tourism Services4Raj. Labour Welfare Subordinate Services70 and 10 TSP
Rajasthan Transport Services7Raj. Planning Subordinate Services2
Rajasthan Excise (Preventive Force) Agriculture Service37Raj. Industry Subordinate Services3
Rajasthan Commercial Tax Services38Raj. Integrated Child Development Subordinate36
Rajasthan Jail Services9Raj. fertilizer and Civil Supplies Subordinate Services106 and 20 TSP
Rajasthan Planning Services7Tehsildar96 and 15 TSP
Rajasthan Integrated Child Development8
Rajasthan fertilizer and Civil Supplies6
Rajasthan Rural Development Services21
Raj. Labour Welfare Services1
Rajasthan State Insurance Services3
Rajasthan Cooperative Services33

Frequently ASked Questions(FAQs)

When will the RPSC RAS Prelims 2021 exam be conducted?

The RPSC RAS Prelims 2021 exam will be conducted most probably on 28th November 2021.

What is the exam pattern of the RPSC RAS exam?

The pattern of the RPSC RAS exam is divided into three stages:
1. Prelims Phase
2. Mains Phase
3. Interview Phase

How many vacancies are there in RPSC RAS 2021?

A total of 988 vacancies are there.

What is the application fee for RAS for general category students?

For the general category, INR 350 is the application fee.

Is there any interview in the RAS exam?

Yes, the final stage of the selection process will be an Interview.


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