SSC CGL Typing Test Error 2025, Full Mistake, Half Mistake

The SSC CGL Typing Test is a critical component of the recruitment process, especially for candidates applying for various clerical positions. Understanding the error guidelines is vital for candidates to ensure they don’t lose valuable marks. In this blog, we have provided the details related to the SSC CGL Typing Test Error, types of errors, and more.

SSC CGL Typing Test Error

The Staff Selection Commission will conduct the SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam between 18th to 20th January 2025. As the exam approaches, candidates are eager to understand the typing tests, which include the Typing Speed Test and the Data Entry Skill Test (DEST).

A common concern is understanding the types of errors considered during these tests. Familiarity with the marking scheme for the typing test and DEST can help candidates avoid mistakes and improve their scores.

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SSC CGL Typing Test Speed

The typing test for SSC CGL which is also known as the Data Entry Speed Test (DEST) is an important part of the SSC CGL, the DEST will be mandatory for all posts, but it will be of a qualifying nature.

Test NameDetails
Test TypeData Entry Speed Test (DEST)
Passage LengthAbout 2000 key depressions
Duration15 minutes

Also Check: SSC CGL Tier 2 Admit Card 2025

SSC CGL Typing Test Rules

The CGL typing test is an important part of the selection process. It is essential that candidates follow the instructions carefully to ensure accurate performance.

  1. Test Duration: The test will be held for a total of 15 minutes.
  2. Case Sensitivity: The test is case sensitive, so make sure to use correct uppercase and lowercase letters.
  3. No Extra Spaces: Do not leave extra spaces between the words.
  4. One-Time Typing: The passage should be typed only once.
  5. Spare Time for Checking: If you finish early, use the remaining time to check your typing and make any necessary corrections.
  6. Automatic Save: If time runs out before you finish, the typed text will be automatically saved and considered for evaluation.
  7. Use of Keys: You should only use the Backspace and Arrow keys (Up, Down, Left, Right) to make corrections or navigate.

SSC CGL Typing Test Online 2025 – Error Percentage Guidelines

The Online SSC CGL Typing Test has specific rules for marking errors. Understanding these rules will help candidates to avoid mistakes and perform better on the test.

Error TypeExplanation
OmissionMissing a word/figure is a full mistake.
SubstitutionReplacing a word/figure is a full mistake.
AdditionAdding extra words/figures is a full mistake.
Spelling ErrorsSpelling mistakes due to wrong letters are full mistakes.

SSC CGL Typing Test Error – Full Mistakes

Full mistakes lead to a significant reduction in marks. These include:

  1. Omission of Words/Figures: Missing a word or a figure from the given passage is counted as a full mistake. It’s essential to read the text carefully to avoid leaving out any part.
  2. Substitution of Words/Figures: Replacing a word or figure with another not in the passage is treated as a full mistake. However, transposing the words (switching their positions) is not considered a full mistake.
  3. Addition of Words/Figures: Any word or figure added that doesn’t appear in the passage will count as a full mistake.
  4. Spelling Errors: Errors in spelling, such as repeating, omitting, or substituting letters (e.g., “seplling” instead of “spelling”), are full mistakes. Each variation in spelling can lead to a full mistake.
  5. Word Repetition: Repeating any word in the passage (e.g., “I shall shall be grateful…”) results in a full mistake.
  6. Incomplete Words: Leaving a word incomplete or half-typed will be treated as a full mistake. Candidates should be mindful of typing each word completely.

SSC CGL Typing Test Error – Half Mistakes

Half mistakes are less severe but still result in mark deductions. These include:

  1. Spacing Error: Incorrect spacing between words or between the letters of a word is a half-mistake. For example, typing “Ihope” instead of “I hope” counts as a mistake.
  2. Wrong Capitalization: Incorrect use of capital and small letters (e.g., typing “She went back Home” instead of “She went back home”) is considered a half-mistake.
  3. Punctuation Error: Missing, adding, or misplacing punctuation marks (e.g., “They, wanted to go see a movie.”) results in a half-mistake.
  4. Transposition Error: Changing the order of words in a sentence (e.g., typing “hope I” instead of “I hope”) counts as a half-mistake.
  5. Paragraphic Error: This error occurs when there is unnecessary space before a paragraph or when the Tab key is not pressed at the beginning of a paragraph.

SSC CGL Tier 2 Maximum Errors Allowed in DEST

The maximum percentage of errors allowed (minimum qualifying standards) in Module II of Section-III of Paper-I in the SSC Tier-II Examination varies by category. Candidates must meet these standards to qualify for the DEST module. The details are as follows:

CategoryMaximum Errors Allowed
General (UR)20%
Other Backward Classes (OBC) / Economically Weaker Section (EWS)25%
Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), and Other Categories30%

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern

The details of the SSC CGL Tier 2 exam pattern are as follows:

  1. Merit List: Based only on Tier 2 performance.
  2. Exam Duration: Paper 1: 2 hours 15 minutes; Paper 2: 2 hours.
  3. Negative Marking: Paper 1: 1 mark per wrong answer; Paper 2: 0.50 marks per wrong answer.
Paper 1
Session I
(2 hours and 15 minutes)
Section I (1 hour )
Module I Mathematical Abilities

Module II Reasoning and General Intelligence


60 x 3=180
 Section II (1 hour )
Module I English Language Comprehension
Module II General Awareness

70 x 3=210
 Section III (15 minutes)
Module I Computer Knowledge module
20 x 3=60
Session II (15 minutes)Module II: Data Entry Speed TestOne data entry task
Paper 2
2 hours
FOR JSO: Statistics (Paper I & II as above)100 x 2=200

SSC CGL Typing Test Error – Important Instructions for Candidates

The SSC Typing Test requires candidates to follow specific rules to avoid errors and maximize their scores. Understanding and adhering to these instructions is essential for a successful performance.

  1. Typing Medium: Type in the selected medium (English/Hindi) exactly as shown in the question paper.
  2. Paragraphs: Use the Tab key to start new paragraphs.
  3. No Repetition: Review and correct errors if time permits; avoid retyping.
  4. Spacing: Use one space after punctuation marks.

Understanding and practicing these error guidelines will help to perform better in the SSC CGL Typing Test. Regular practice and attention to detail are the keys to minimizing errors and maximizing scores.

SSC CGL Typing Test Error – FAQs

Q1. What is considered a full mistake in the typing test?

Omitting, adding, or substituting words/figures and spelling errors are full mistakes.

Q2. What counts as a half mistake in the typing test?

Spacing, capitalization, punctuation, transposition, and paragraph errors are half mistakes.

Q3. How is spacing after punctuation evaluated?

Only one space after punctuation marks is allowed; it more or less counts as a half mistake.


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