SSC GD Study Plan 2025, Study Schedule For Next 60 Days

The SSC GD Exam Date 2025 has been released by the Staff Selection Commission and is scheduled to be held from 4th to 25th February 2025. Candidates who have applied online for the GD Constable Exam must start their preparation for the SSC GD Exam. In this blog, we have provided an SSC GD Study Plan 2025, specially curated by our experts for aspirants appearing for the SSC GD Constable Exam in 60 days.

SSC GD Constable Study Plan 2025

The SSC GD Constable Exam will be held in multiple shifts on the 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st, 24th, and 25th February 2025 as per the notice released by the SSC on their official SSC website The GD Constable computer-based test will include questions from Reasoning, Mathematics, General Awareness, and English or Hindi.

The Exam Pattern for SSC GD Constable is as follows :

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  • Marks per question = 2 marks for each correct answer
  • Negative marking= 0.25 marks for  each wrong answer
  • Total Duration of Examination: 1 hour
  • Sectional Timing: None
General  Intelligence and Reasoning2040
General Knowledge and General Awareness2040
Elementary Mathematics2040
English/ Hindi2040

SSC GD Constable Study Plan 2025 For Next 60 Days

The detailed day-wise study schedule to ensure balanced preparation across all subjects is as follows:

Day8 AM to 2 PM4 PM to 10 PM
Day 1English: Vocabulary,
Grammar Or Hindi: संधि और संधि विच्छेद
Reasoning: Semantic Analogy: Recognizing relationships between words based on their meanings.
GA/GS: Indus Valley and Civilization
Daily Current Affair
Day 2Maths: Computation of Whole Numbers
Decimals and Fractions
Relationship between numbers
GA/GS: Buddhism and Jainism In India
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Day 3English: Sentence structure,
Correct usage of synonyms, Antonyms, Or Hindi: उपसर्ग, प्रत्यय
Reasoning: Symbolic Operations: Manipulating symbols according to specified rules or patterns.
GA/GS: The Magadha Empire
Daily Current Affair
Day 4Maths: Percentages
Ratio and Proportion
Square roots
GA/GS: Gupta Dynasty
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Day 5English: Spot the Error,
Fill in the Blanks Or Hindi: पर्यायवाची शब्द, मुहावरे और लोकोक्तियाँ
Reasoning: Symbolic/Number Analogy: Identifying relationships between symbols or numbers.
GA/GS: Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire
Daily Current Affair
Day6Maths: Averages
Interest (Simple and Compound)
Profit and Loss
GA/GS: India and its Independence
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Day 7Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 8English: Spellings/Detecting misspelled words,
Idioms & Phrases Or Hindi: सामासिक पदों की रचना और समास विग्रह, विपरीतार्थक (विलोम) शब्द
Reasoning: Trends: Identifying patterns or trends in a sequence of data or figures.
GA/GS: Knowledge of cultural heritage, traditions, and diversity in India and neighboring countries.
Daily Current Affair
Day 9Maths: Discount
Partnership Business
Mixture and Alligation
GA/GS: Knowledge of cultural heritage, traditions, and diversity in India and neighboring countries.
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Day 10English: One-word substitution,
Improvement of Sentences Or Hindi: शब्द-युग्म Reasoning: Figural Analogy: Recognizing similarities between figures.
GA/GS: The Universe and the Solar System
Daily Current Affair
Day 11Maths: Time and Distance
Time and Work
GA/GS: Earth
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Day 12English: Active/Passive Voice of Verbs Or Hindi: वाक्यांश के लिए एक सार्थक शब्द
Reasoning: Space Orientation: Understanding spatial relationships and orientation.
GA/GS: Mountains and Rivers
Daily Current Affair
Day 13Maths: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations
GA/GS: Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Atmosphere
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Day 14Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 15English: Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration Or Hindi: संज्ञा शब्दों से विशेषण बनाना
Reasoning: Semantic Classification: Grouping words based on their meanings or categories.
GA/GS: Wind Cyclone Daily Current Affair
Day 16Maths: Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems) and Graphs of Linear Equations
GA/GS: Climate
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Day 17English: Shuffling of Sentence parts Or Hindi: अनेकार्थक शब्द
Reasoning: Venn Diagrams: Solving problems based on logical relationships between different sets.
GA/GS: Geological Survey Of India
Daily Current Affair
Day 18Maths: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centers GA/GS:  Indian Climate, Natural Vegetation, And SoilDaily Current Affair Revision Practice Mock Test
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Day 19English: Shuffling of Sentences in a passage,
Cloze Passage Or Hindi: वाक्य-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध वाक्यों का शुद्धिकरण और वाक्यगत अशुद्धि का कारण
Reasoning: Symbolic/Number Classification: Categorizing symbols or numbers based on common properties.
GA/GS: General Economics
Daily Current Affair
Day 20Maths: Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: Triangle and its various kinds of centers GA/GS: Economic PlanningDaily Current Affair Revision Practice Mock Test
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Day 21Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 22English: Comprehension Passage with questions based on given paragraphs Or Hindi: वाच्य : कर्तृवाच्य, कर्मवाच्य और भाववाच्य प्रयोग
Reasoning: Drawing Inferences: Making logical deductions or conclusions from given information.
GA/GS: National Income Of India
Daily Current Affair
Day 23Maths: Congruence and similarity of triangles
Circle and its chords
GA/GS: Budget, Market
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Day 24English: Vocabulary,
Grammar Or Hindi: क्रिया : सकर्मक, अकर्मक और पूर्वकालिक क्रियाएँ
Reasoning: Figural Classification: Categorizing shapes or figures based on common characteristics.
GA/GS: Demand and Supply
Daily Current Affair
Day 25Maths: Angles subtended by chords of a circle
Common tangents to two or more circles
GA/GS: Economic Concept
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Day 26English: Sentence structure,
Correct usage of synonyms, Antonyms Or Hindi: शब्द-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण Reasoning: Punched Hole/Pattern-Folding & Unfolding: Visualizing how a pattern might look when folded or unfolded.
GA/GS: Population of India, Mortery Rate, Unemployment
Daily Current Affair
Day 27Maths: Mensuration Of Triangle and Quadrilaterals GA/GS: Population of India, Mortery Rate, UnemploymentDaily Current Affair Revision Practice Mock Test
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Day 28Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 29English: Spot the Error,
Fill in the Blanks Or Hindi: अंग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक (तकनीकी) शब्दों के समानार्थक हिंदी शब्द
Reasoning: Semantic Series: Completing a series of words in a logical sequence based on their meaning
GA/GS: Constitutional Development of India Daily Current Affair
Day 30Maths: Mensuration Of Regular Polygons, and Circle GA/GS: State, Union TerritoryDaily Current Affair Revision Practice Mock Test
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Day 31English: Synonyms/Homonyms,
Antonyms Or Hindi: अंग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक (तकनीकी) शब्दों के समानार्थक हिंदी शब्द
Reasoning: Figural Pattern-Folding and Completion: Recognizing patterns and completing figures.
GA/GS: Fundamental Rights
Daily Current Affair
Day 32Maths: Mensuration Of Right Prism, and Right Circular Cone
GA/GS: Directive Principles of State Policy
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Day 33English: Synonyms/Homonyms,
Antonyms Or Hindi: सरल, संयुक्त और मिश्र अंग्रेजी वाक्यों का हिंदी में रूपांतरण और हिंदी वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी में रूपांतरण Reasoning: Number Series: Determining the next number in a sequence following a specific rule.
GA/GS: Executive, Legislation, Judiciary Daily Current Affair
Day 34Maths: Mensuration Of Right Circular Cylinder, and Sphere
GA/GS: Constitution of India
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Day 35Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 36English: Spellings/Detecting misspelled words,
Idioms & Phrases Or Hindi: सरल, संयुक्त और मिश्र अंग्रेजी वाक्यों का हिंदी में रूपांतरण और हिंदी वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी में रूपांतरण
Reasoning: Embedded Figures: Identifying a simple figure hidden within a complex figure.
GA/GS: Units and Measurement, Waves and Motion
Daily Current Affair
Day 37Maths: Mensuration Of Hemispheres and Rectangular Parallelepiped
GA/GS: Light, Work, and Energy
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Day 38English: One-word substitution,
Improvement of Sentences Or Hindi: सरल, संयुक्त और मिश्र अंग्रेजी वाक्यों का हिंदी में रूपांतरण और हिंदी वाक्यों का अंग्रेजी में रूपांतरण
Reasoning: Figural Series: Identifying the next figure in a sequence.
GA/GS: Heat and Temperature
Daily Current Affair
Day 39Maths: Mensuration Of Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base
GA/GS: Chemical Symbol and Formulae, Atomic Structure
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Day 40English: Active/Passive Voice of Verbs Or Hindi: कार्यालयी पत्रों से संबंधित ज्ञान
Reasoning: Critical Thinking: Evaluating arguments and concluding.
GA/GS: Periodic Classification, Chemical Bonding
Daily Current Affair
Day 41Maths: Trigonometry
Trigonometric ratios
GA/GS: Oxidation and Reduction, Acid, Bases and Salts
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Day 42Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 43English: Conversion into Direct/Indirect narration Or Hindi: कार्यालयी पत्रों से संबंधित ज्ञान
Reasoning: Problem Solving: Finding solutions to complex problems through logical reasoning.
GA/GS: Carbon and its Compounds, Fuels
Daily Current Affair
Day 44Maths: Complementary angles
Height and distances (simple problems only)
GA/GS: Living and Non-Living, Cell and Its Structure
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Day 45English: Shuffling of Sentence parts,
Shuffling of Sentences in a passage Or Hindi: कार्यालयी पत्रों से संबंधित ज्ञान
Reasoning: Problem Solving: Finding solutions to complex problems through logical reasoning. Numerical Operations: Performing operations on numbers following specific rules or patterns.
GA/GS: Genetics, Organic Evolution
Daily Current Affair
Day 46Maths: Standard Identities like sin²θ + cos²θ = 1 GA/GS: Plant Morphology, Plant DiseasesDaily Current Affair Revision Practice Mock Test
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Day 47English: Cloze Passage Or Hindi: शब्द-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण
Reasoning: Emotional Intelligence: Understanding and managing emotions effectively.
Numerical Operations: Performing operations on numbers following specific rules or patterns.
GA/GS:  Nitrogen Cycle, Animal Kingdom
Daily Current Affair
Day 48Maths: Use of Tables and Graphs
Frequency polygon
GA/GS: Animal Tissue, Human Diseases
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Day 49Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 50English: Synonyms/Homonyms,
Antonyms Or Hindi: अंग्रेजी के पारिभाषिक (तकनीकी) शब्दों के समानार्थक हिंदी शब्द
Reasoning: Word Building: Creating words from a given set of letters. Coding and Decoding: Deciphering codes or creating codes based on specific rules.
GA/GS: Understanding of ecological issues, conservation, and sustainability.
Daily Current Affair
Day 51Maths: Use of Tables and Graphs
Frequency polygon
GA/GS: Knowledge of societal structures, norms, and values.
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Day 52English: Synonyms/Homonyms,
Antonyms Or Hindi: शब्द-शुद्धि : अशुद्ध शब्दों का शुद्धिकरण और शब्दगत अशुद्धि का कारण
Reasoning: Social Intelligence: Understanding and managing interpersonal relationships.
Numerical Operations: Performing operations on numbers following specific rules or patterns.
GA/GS: Government Schemes
Daily Current Affair
Day 53Maths: Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode, standard deviation; calculation of simple probabilities
GA/GS: Government Schemes
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Day 54Practice Mock Test
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GA/GS: Government Schemes
Daily Current Affair
Day 55Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 56Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 57Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 58Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision
Day 59Practice Mock Test
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Daily Current Affair Revision Prepare the Final Documents before the exam
Last dayDaily Current AffairTake Rest

SSC GD Study Plan 2025 Download Link

Candidates preparing for the SSC GD Exam 2025 can download the SSC GD Study Plan PDF using the direct link provided below.

Download SSC GD Constable Study Plan 2025 PDF

Why SSC GD Study Plan 2025 Has To Be Followed?

A well-structured study plan is essential for candidates preparing for the SSC GD exam because it helps them:

  1. Stay Organized: A study plan divides the complete SSC GD Syllabus into manageable parts, ensuring that no topic is missed.
  2. Maintain Consistency: It helps candidates build a daily routine, making preparation more disciplined and focused.
  3. Track Progress: Candidates can monitor their progress and adjust the plan as needed to focus on weaker areas.
  4. Manage Time Effectively: This ensures that adequate time is allocated to each subject, including revision and mock tests.
  5. Reduce Stress: Having a clear roadmap prevents last-minute panic and boosts confidence.

Benefits of Using an SSC GD Study Plan 2025

Following a study plan offers several benefits for SSC GD aspirants:

  1. Comprehensive Coverage of the Syllabus
  2. Improved Time Management
  3. Focus on High-Scoring Areas
  4. Boosts Confidence
  5. Enhances Retention
  6. Identifies Weak Areas

Tips for Effective Preparation For SSC GD Exam 2025

Candidates preparing for the SSC GD Exam 2025 need a clear plan and focused effort. They should stay focused, practice regularly, and manage their time well to cover the syllabus. Following these tips and being consistent can improve chances of success and boost confidence for the exam day.

  1. Follow the Schedule Strictly: Dedicate specific hours to each subject as outlined.
  2. Mock Test Analysis: Identify mistakes and learn from them to improve your performance.
  3. Revise Regularly: Regular revision is crucial to retain information and concepts.
  4. Stay Updated: Keep up with daily current affairs to strengthen the GA/GS section.
  5. Maintain Consistency: Consistency in study habits will yield the best results

SSC GD Study Plan 2025 – FAQs

Q1. When will the SSC GD Exam 2025 be held?

The SSC GD Exam 2025 will be held between the 4th to 25th February 2025.

Q2. How to prepare for SSC GD 2025?

To prepare for SSC GD 2025, follow a structured study plan, practice regularly with mock tests, focus on important topics, and revise consistently.

Q3. Can I clear SSC GD in 2 months?

Yes, with focused preparation, dedication, and regular practice, clearing SSC GD in 2 months is achievable.

Q4. How can I improve my speed for the SSC GD Exam 2025?

Regular practice with time-bound mock tests and focusing on quick problem-solving techniques can help improve speed.

Q5. Are there any negative marks in the SSC GD Exam 2025?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for each wrong answer in the SSC GD Exam 2025.


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