Success Story of Kirtan Buhecha | Cleared IBPS PO 2020

Read the detailed success story of Kirtan, who did very well divided his subjects based on his weakness and strengths. During his journey, he practiced around 3000 puzzles to be thorough with the reasoning. Go through his full story to know about each section.

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Inspiring Success Story of Kirtan Buhecha

My name is Kirtan Buhecha. I was born and brought up in one of the largest slums in the whole world aka Dharavi, Mumbai. I am a son to a single mother and I graduated with Bachelor’s in Information Technology in the year 2019, also worked as a Tour Guide in and around Mumbai for 3 years, and recently got provisionally selected as a Probationary Officer in Bank Of India.

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How Kirtan Buhecha Started His Preparation Journey?

I started my preparation on 15th March 2020, exactly 9 days prior to the Nationwide Lockdown. I just like any other aspirant was very confused about the initial phase of my preparation, but I knew I had to start somewhere so I started following the Youtube Channel of Oliveboard and got my concepts cleared from the videos uploaded there. Banking is a sector where your skills are more appreciated than your actual knowledge hence all the subjects in the preliminary and mains phase are mainly skill-based hence building them takes time. So the improvement came but it took time. After 2 months I was almost done with the portion of Banking. During this time, I decided not to attempt mock tests as it would shake my confidence. Once done with the portion I bought the Test Series by Oliveboard and tried attempting as many tests as I could. This helped me assess myself and I found the areas where I was lagging behind and eventually took control over them. This journey was filled with many emotional downsides but I kept going and finally achieved my goal. 

I would especially like to thank my mother: Minaxi Buhecha, my sister: Urvi Buhecha, and my close friends: Swati, Siddhant, and Ankit for being there when I needed them.

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Kirtan Buhecha Section-Wise Preparation Strategy

Quantitative Aptitude & Data Interpretation: This is a subject that is known to be the most challenging amongst the Banking Aspirants. But with a proper approach and rigorous practice one can ace this subject. I first cleared my basics of Arithmetic and every alternate day solved 20 – 25 sums of the topics from Arithmetic and on those days I also solved Data Interpretation questions from the book Data Interpretation Decoded by Oliveboard. In the Preliminary exam of any Banking Sector, 15 questions from Quant are mainly from Simplification, Quadratic Equation, and Number Series. So every day I would solve 15 questions from Simplification, 15 questions from Number Series, and 15 questions from Quadratic Equation. 

Reasoning: This is a subject which in my opinion feeds the confidence of aspirants because with consistency anyone who once found Reasoning daunting can score very well in this section. I got my methodologies and approach cleared from Youtube Videos and then solved the complete book *Puzzle Mania* and also many free puzzles from Youtube. All in all, before my IBPS PO exams I had solved over 3000 puzzles and on every day allotted for reasoning, I would solve 5 questions from every miscellaneous topic. 

English: Although English seems difficult to many aspirants. For me, English was never a challenge hence I never struggled with it. But I used to read daily 2 Hindu Editorials and solved 10 comprehension passages on the weekends to get a decent score in this section. I also noted down the meanings of 3 new words from the editorials I read and on every 3rd day, I would read it to be thorough with it. This simple approach helped me get 28.75/40 in the mains examination of IBPS PO and 30.75/40 in the mains examination of IBPS RRB PO. 

Current Affairs: This section was one of the most boring sections for me. But the simple 21 days rule [You can adopt any new habit and get rid of any old habit in 21 days] helped me maintain focus on this section. I knew that I had to complete the current affairs of the last 6 months with a major focus on the last 4 months. So I divided 6 months as the early 2 months and the final 4 months before examinations. For the early 2 months, I just saw videos of the top 100 monthly current affairs and for the final 4 months, I studied in depth. And with this strategy, I was able to get an average score in this section. 


How Oliveboard Helped Kirtan In Cracking The Exam

Oliveboard was along with me in my complete journey earlier in the form of Youtube Videos then in the form of Puzzle and DI books and then in the form of Mock Tests. Oliveboard helped me build my concepts and then furnish them. I am grateful to the complete team of Oliveboard for providing aspirants like me with quality content and all the updates of every bank exam from time to time. 

Aditya Sir was my favorite as they made GA interesting and always came up with fun ways of remembering the news nicely.

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Kirtan Buhecha Tips To Aspirants

My fellow future Bankers, I understand that this journey is not very easy, and it’s filled with emotional downfalls, self-doubt, and anxiety, but the fruits at the end of this journey are the sweetest. Surround yourself with positive people and with people who would understand you. Take a break once in a while to recreate yourself. All the very best to all of you.


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This is all from us in this blog, Success Story of Kirtan Buhecha. Take a free mock test and test your preparations. Stay tuned with Oliveboard for more success stories.


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