TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022: Answer Key

As we all know, the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. board held an exam for 372 staff assistant positions and 73 assistant manager positions on April 23rd and 24th, 2022. This is the first paper. The solution key will be posted on the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd official site. The answer key is the key that candidates will use to check their scores before the results are announced. For the test of the staff assistant and assistant manager 2022, the result has been posted on the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd (TSCAB) official web website. The TSCAB Staff Assistant Result for the job of staff assistant and assistant manager 2022 will be published on the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd (TSCAB) main website page in the month of May or June 2022. The board will announce the date provisionally.

TSCAB Staff Assistant Result

After the board conducts the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. test for the positions of staff assistant and assistant manager, the results will be issued in May or June. The result covers all of the applicants’ information as well as a record of their performance in the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd’s staff assistant and assistant manager 2022 test.

How To check the TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022?

Applicants must follow specific processes in order to view and get the TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022 from the main site.

  1. Go to the main website for more information.
  2. Go to the section under “Recruitment Results.”
  3. Select TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022 from the drop-down menu.
  4. To get the PDF TSCAB Staff Assistant 2022, click on the link.
  5. The PDF comprises all of the applicants’ names and roll numbers that qualified for the TSCAB Staff Assistant “Offer of Appointment.”
  6. You are eligible for the next round if your name appears on the TSCAB Staff Assistant Result PDF list.

Details found on TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022

Applicants must verify that all of the details shown on TSCAB Result 2022 match the information they provided throughout the online application procedure.

  • Name Of The Applicant
  • Registration Number Of The Applicant
  • Roll Number Of The Applicant
  • Post-Applied For
  • Marks Scored
  • Category Of The Applicant
  • Date Of The Examination

TSCAB Staff Assistant Answer Key

Prior to the announcement of the results, candidates will be given an estimate of their scores. The official answer key will be posted on Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd’s official site. Only the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. issued answer key is accepted. Applicants will go to the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd main website and get the answer key, following which the test will be held. Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd. will give the solution key for the jobs of staff assistant and assistant manager one or two weeks after the test date. Candidates will verify their answers in the answer key to see if they were correct or incorrect. Alternatively, how many questions are correct and how many are incorrect.

How To compute marks For TSCAB Staff Assistant Exam?

You can use the TSCAB Staff Assistant Answer key to figure out your score. Here’s how you can figure out your grade after the exam.

  • The Written Test has a total of 100 questions and is graded on a 100-point scale.
  • In the Written Test, each question carries a score.
  • For each incorrect response, a quarter of a point is removed (Negative Marking)
  • 1 is the total number of marks. the sum of all correct answers minus the sum of all incorrect responses Marks on the 1/4

TSCAB Staff Assistant Cut Off 2022

To obtain their result for the post of staff assistant and assistant manager 2022, the candidate will go to the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Ltd official site. Those who pass the written test go to the next round of the selection process. Following that, Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Limited will update its official website with further information on the job. The exam result is received over the internet. 

TSCAB Staff Assistant Expected Cut Off 2022

CategoryTSCAB Staff Assistant Cut Off 2022 (Expected)

TSCAB Staff Assistant Merit List 2022

This list will be made public when the written examination results have been announced. This list will be compiled based on the exam’s cutoff scores and results. It is required that your name is on this list in order to be considered for this position. Those whose names do not appear on the merit list will not be considered for this position this year. This recruiting is being done on a state-by-state basis. Telangana has a huge number of applicants who have applied.


The TSCAB Staff Assistant exam date has been announced. Applicants can learn about the rules and remain up to speed on changes to the examination schedule, result date, hall ticket issuance, and so on by visiting the website. The TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022 will be favourable if you prepare well for the test. Make a list of everything you learned and go over it again and again. We hope you found this guide on seeing the TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022 and understanding what to look for on the scorecard useful. Please contact Oliveboard if you have any questions. We hope you found the blog’s information useful. If you have any concerns or want assistance in receiving your results, please contact us.


What is the site of the TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022?

Go to the TSCAB’s official site to get the TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022.

What information will be included in the TSCAB Staff Assistant Result 2022?

The roll number/name of the individual, as well as the cutoff marks and other information, will be made public.

How can one find out when the Staff Assistant Manager Recruitment Exam for 2022 will take place?

One must often browse the Telangana State Cooperative Apex Bank Limited home page or the news for announcements. The TSCAB Staff Assistant Manager 2022 examination entrance card also lists test dates.


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