UP Judiciary Admit Card: Overview, Admit Card Dates, and more

UPPSC (Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission) will be conducting the UP Judicial services exams, PCS J (Provincial Civil Service Judicial Exam) pretty soon. The official notification about the details of this exam will be published on the UPPSC official website where they will announce the latest vacancy for civil judge positions. Continue reading for the details about the UP Judiciary Admit Card.

The UP Judiciary exam also called the U.P Judicial Service Civil Judge exams (or UPPSC Civil Judge Exam) is a government recruitment exam. This exam is administered by the UPPCS for the recruitment of eligible candidates to fill the post of civil judges. There are three stages of the exam; preliminary followed by mains and finally an interview. The selection of candidates is based on the total marks obtained by them in the Mains(written exam) and the interview.

UP Judiciary Admit Card Dates

  • UP Judicial Services (PSC J) Prelims Admit Card Date of 2021 – To be released.
  • UP Judicial Services (PSC J) Written or Mains Admit Card Date of 2021 – To be released.

How To Download UP Judiciary Admit Card 

Once the UP board has verified the documents submitted by applicants, they will release the admit cards of the eligible candidates on the official website. The admit card is released two weeks before the exam date.

To download your admit card for the UP Judiciary exam, follow the steps mentioned below:

  • Go to the official website of UPPSC and go to the login page.
  • Log in with your roll number and date of birth.
  • You will find a highlighted link “Download UPPSC J” on the page, select that. This will download a PDF copy of your admit card on your system.
  • Take a printout of the UP Judiciary Admit Card that you must carry to the examination hall.

UP Judiciary Admit Card For Each Stage Of The Exam

Eligible candidates receive their admit cards after clearing each stage of the examination process.

  • PCS J Prelims Admit Card – This is the first admit card which eligible candidates who applied for the UP Judiciary exam will receive. In the first round of examination, there will be two papers. One is General Knowledge, and another is Law.
  • PCS J Mains Admit Card – Those candidates who successfully clear the prelims round as declared by the commission are called for the Mains exam round. In this written exam, various papers (Law I, Law II, GK, Language) are there carrying 1000 marks. Usually, the UP Judiciary Admit Card for Mains is released 10 days before the exam.
  • PCS J Interview Admit Card – Candidates who successfully clear the Mains exam get called for the Interview round, which is the final round in the selection process. The interview carries 100 marks.


The UP Judiciary Admit Card will soon be released on the official website, . It is important for the candidates to check the official website to keep themselves updated with the latest information about the exam. 


Is the UP Judiciary exam held every year?

The UP PCS J exam is conducted by UPPSC as per the vacancy.

What post do I get after I clear the UP Judiciary exam?

Once you clear the final interview round, you will be appointed as a Civil Judge in the junior division.


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