The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 31 January 2019

Vocabulary based questions are often asked in all Banking and Government Exams. So we at Oliveboard will be providing you with a daily dose of vocabulary to help you with overcoming your struggle in this section. You need to go through it daily to see a marked improvement in your English vocabulary. We hope it will help you in the upcoming SBI PO, RRB JENIACL AO, IB Security exams as well. The words in the Daily Vocabulary Booster 31 January 2019 are taken directly from the editorial of the Hindu Newspaper.

The Hindu Newspaper is considered the Bible by the various exam aspirants as it has the best unbiased views on various current news and happenings in the world. Also, it helps immensely if you are looking for daily dose of English reading and building your English vocabulary. So, we at Oliveboard present to all our viewers and Exam aspirants a daily dose of difficult words with their meanings, synonyms and the correct usage in this blog of The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 31 January 2019.

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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 31 January 2019






ADJUDICATE Make a formal judgement on a disputed matter;

Judge, Hear, Examine

The Committee formed will adjudicate on all betting disputes.
AFTERMATH The consequences or after-effects of a significant unpleasant event;

Fallout, Backwash, Trail

Food prices soared in the aftermath of the drought.
ANTI-SECULAR Opposing what is secular The local government’s actions after the riots can be considered anti-secular.
DEMOLITION The action or process of demolishing or being demolished;


The monument was saved from demolition by the locals.
DETRIMENTAL Tending to cause harm;

Harmful, Damaging, Injurious


The new law will have detrimental influences on future tobacco use.
EQUITABLE Fair and Impartial;


Socialism is all about equitable distribution of resources.
INNOCUOUS Not harmful or offensive;

Non-dangerous, Innocent

This was an innocuous question.
JUNCTURE Point in events or time;

Joint, Junction

The plane crashed at the juncture of two mountains
JUSTIFICATION The action of showing something to be right or reasonable;

Reason, Rationale

There is no justification for an increase in charges by the government.
MOLLIFY Appease the anger or anxiety of someone;

Placate, Pacify

Nature reserves were set up around the power stations to mollify local conservationists
NEEDLESSLY In a way that is unnecessary because it is avoidable;


She had worried needlessly about whether there would be enough food.
PALPABLE Of a feeling or atmosphere so intense as to seem almost tangible;


We all saw a palpable bump at the bridge of the nose.
PROVOCATIVE Causing anger or another strong reaction, especially deliberately;

Annoying, Irritating

The “Cult” writes very provocative articles about the private lives of the celebrities.
STATUS QUO The existing state of affairs, especially regarding social or political issues The company has a vested interest in maintaining the status quo.
SUPERFLUOUS Unnecessary, especially through being more than enough;

Surplus, Redundant, Unneeded

The supplier should avoid asking for superfluous information.

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So, this was from us in this article of The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 31 January 2019 . Go through The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 31 January 2019 very thoroughly and you will see marked improvement in your vocabulary. We suppose The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 31 January 2019 has helped you in learning new words for today and added to your vocabulary.

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