IB ACIO 2021 – How To Prepare For General Awareness & General Studies?

Almost serious aspirant appearing for IB ACIO 2021 or any other upcoming government exams is curious about how to prepare for General Awareness section. This section is vast and require certain effective tips and tricks to prepare effectively. Well, through this article, General Awareness for IB ACIO 2021 we are going to describe the most effective preparation strategy to score higher than expected in General Awareness and General Studies section.

MHA releases the IB ACIO Recruitment 2020 Notification occasionally for selection of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer II (ACIO) posts in the Intelligence Bureau of India (IB). 2000 IB ACIO vacancies have been announced for the year 2021. With a handful amount of days for the exam, let’s see how to you can prepare for General Awareness for IB ACIO 2021.

General Awareness Section in IB ACIO

The selection process for IB ACIO 2020 recruitment has 3 stages. General Awareness is asked in the Tier 1 of the exam. GA and GS consists for 40% of the total marks and number of questions. The details as follows -:

Tier 1Objective Exam100
Tier 2Descriptive Exam50
Tier 3Personal Interview100

IB ACIO Ecam Patter for Tier I

Section No. of Questions Maximum Marks Duration
General Awareness 20 20 60 mins
Quantitative Aptitude 20 20
Logical/Analytical Ability 20 20
English Language 20 20
General Studies 20 20
Total 100 100

General Awareness Syllabus

The IB ACIO Syllabus for General Awareness section consists of the following list of topics:

  • Current Affairs – National & International
  • Science & Technology
  • Economy & Finance
  • Computer Knowledge

The focus will be on Current national & International events, space, medicine, defense, IT and Communication, Banking, Sports, Awards, Recruitments etc. 

How to Prepare the General Awareness Section for IB ACIO?

As there is “No Syllabus” defined for General Awareness there has to be a proper strategy and planning to ace this section. Here is how candidates need to approach this section.

  • Finish the General Studies Syllabus First: General studies topics like History, Polity, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, and Biology has a defined syllabus and question set. Make sure you touch every chapter and question types asked in previous year IB ACIO papers. Don’t forget to revise the things learned on a weekly basis.
  • Fix A Time for Current Affairs Every Day: Keep an hour or two for current affairs in all fields mentioned above. You can revise the previous week current affairs questions here.
  • Take Mock Tests The More The Better: Once you are done with the syllabus and revision, start taking tests even if they are only GA tests. It helps a lot if you face a lot of questions before actually facing the questions in the examination.

Quick Tip – You get free current affairs quiz daily on your Oliveboard dashboard. Don’t Attempt These Mock Tests Just for The Sake of It. As there is negative marking, any irresponsible attempt will have negative impact on your final score. Attempt wisely and check for explanations given after you finish the test.

  • Regularity is the key: Unlike General Studies, you can’t have gaps of multiple days with your General Awareness Preparation. Make this your daily affair till the day of exam.
  • Don’t Devote Too Much Time to GA: As GA section does not take a lot of time during the exam, the same is true while you prepare for it. Keep it simple and give it all with one power spell of GA every day.
  • Solve Previous Year Papers Without Fail: IB ACIO has a tendency to stick to some topics when it comes to General Awareness. The most common being Economy, Sports, Technology, and Defense. Solve previous years papers without fail way ahead of the exam.

Handy Tips for General Awareness Section – IB ACIO II

Attempt This Section First During the Exam: General Awareness is such a section that either you know the answer or you don’t. So start with GA section in any examination since it will help you in devoting more time to other sections.

Newspapers Are A Must – Update yourself with the latest current affairs and strengthen your vocab at the same time. This is not it, you can use newspaper to practice Reading Comprehension where fast reading is vital. Not only this will keep you familiar with hot topics, you’ll be able to attempt RC questions without even going through the entire text. Other benefits include understanding use of grammar, phrases, para arrangement and more. This can be you Swiss knife.

Use Mobile App – Online news portals and Preparation apps have separate tabs for current affairs and current affairs quiz and are free. These applications give you the latest updates almost every hour.


Oliveboard Mobile App
  • Video Lessons, Textual Lessons & Notes
  • Topic Tests covering all topics with detailed solutions
  • Sectional Tests for QA, DI, EL, LR
  • All India Mock Tests for performance analysis and all India percentile
  • General Knowledge (GK) Tests

Free videos, free mock tests and free GK tests to evaluate course content before signing up!

General Awareness section includes a lot of topics but are less time-consuming and high scoring. With the above mentioned tips in mind and the resources in hand, you will be able to ace General Awareness for IB ACIO.

Join IB ACIO Target Batch Now

Just keep your approach simple and be crystal clear about the fact that you can’t keep worrying about the expands of the syllabus and start right. Rest will follow with your daily input. Hope this blog is of utmost use to candidates preparing for IB ACIO II 2021. Do leave us a comment below in case you have queries.

Keep Learning!!

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