The Hindu Editorial – Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 December 2018

We are back with the daily vocabulary booster to enhance your language and increase the body of words that you can use in your day to day communication. This blog The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 December 2018 gives you a list of important and useful words directly taken from the Editorial Section of The Hindu Newspaper which is also considered Bible by the various exam aspirants. Go through this daily dose provided by Oliveboard and you will see a definite improvement in your vocabulary as these questions are regularly asked in various Bank and Government Exams.

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The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 December 2018:

Go through it very thoroughly and you will see marked improvement in your vocabulary.

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Sr no. Word Meaning Usage


1.       ACQUITTAL  A judgement or verdict that a person is not guilty of the crime The family was shattered after the murderer’s acquittal.
2.       AFFIDAVIT A written statement confirmed by oath for use as evidence in court He had to submit an affidavit to the employer.
3.       AFTERMATH The consequences/after-effects of a significant unpleasant event. The prices of food prices rose considerably in the aftermath of the floods.
4.       ANTICIPATORY Taking the form of an announcement or indication that a contract will not be honoured. The lawyer got an anticipatory bail for his client.
5.       ARBITRARY Based on random choice or personal whim rather than any reason. His decisions were arbitrary.
6.       COMPLICITY Condition of being involved with others in an activity that is unlawful The family was accused of complicity in the terrorist attack.
7.       CORROBORATION Evidence which confirms or supports a statement There is no independent corroboration for the incident.
8.       GENOCIDE The deliberate killing of a large group of people The present government carried out genocide in the capital region.
9.       HOSTAGE A person held as security for the fulfilment of a condition More than hundred people were held hostage by the terrorist groups.
10.  INSTIGATE Incite someone to do something, especially something bad. He was the one who instigated he mob.
11.  MYSTIFY Make obscure or mysterious The lawyers were accused of mystifying the legal system for the common man.
12.  OVERRULE Reject or disallow by exercising one’s superior authority The high court overruled the sessions court judgement.
13.  POST-PARTUM Following childbirth or the birth of young. The custom of post-partum was absent in their household.
14.  QUASH Reject as invalid especially by legal procedure The conviction was quashed by a PIL.
15.  REIGNITE Ignite or cause to ignite again. Burners got reignited when blown slightly.
16.  REVIVE Restore to life or consciousness. The men revived after they were given proper treatment.
17.  SEIZURE The action of capturing someone or something using force. The builders conducted an illegal seizure of the factory.
18.  SPORADIC occurring at irregular intervals;

scattered or isolated

Sporadic riots took place in the city.
19.  STATUTORY Permitted or enacted by statute. SEBI is a statutory body.
20.  SUBSTANTIAL Of considerable importance, size, or worth. Breakfast is of substantial importance.
21.  UNTOWARD Unexpected and inappropriate or inconvenient. They behaved as if nothing untoward had happened.

The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 17 December 2018

The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 15 December 2018

The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 14 December 2018

So, this was from us in this article of The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 December 2018. Go through The Hindu Editorial Daily Vocabulary Booster 18 December 2018 very thoroughly and you will see marked improvement in your vocabulary.

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