Idioms and Phrases for SBI PO 2025

Idioms and Phrases Questions for SBI PO 2025: The SBI PO 2025 Notification is out, and candidates must sharpen their preparation strategies. One vital area to focus on is the Idioms and Phrases section, which assesses your understanding of figurative expressions and their correct application. Mastering this topic can significantly boost your performance in both Prelims and Mains.

Idioms and Phrases Questions for SBI PO 2025

Here’s are some Idioms and Phrases questions for SBI PO 2025 Exam, each followed by a detailed solution to help you ace this section.


Make ends meet
(a) To cut expenses drastically
(b) To struggle financially
(c) To manage to live within one’s income
(d) To earn more than needed
(e) To borrow money frequently

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Burn the midnight oil
(a) To waste time on unnecessary tasks
(b) To work late into the night
(c) To relax after a long day
(d) To start a new project early
(e) To avoid doing hard work


The ball is in your court
(a) To refuse to participate in an event
(b) To handle the situation carefully
(c) To wait for someone else’s move
(d) To take responsibility for the next step
(e) To pass on a decision to someone else


Spill the beans
(a) To spoil a plan accidentally
(b) To reveal a secret
(c) To ruin someone’s reputation
(d) To make a mess of something
(e) To misunderstand instructions


Cry over spilt milk
(a) To complain about a minor inconvenience
(b) To lament something that cannot be undone
(c) To express regret for future events
(d) To warn others about mistakes
(e) To enjoy solving problems


Cost an arm and a leg
(a) To be extremely expensive
(b) To be a waste of money
(c) To invest in something meaningful
(d) To sell something at a loss
(e) To avoid extravagant purchases


Bite the bullet
(a) To avoid a difficult situation
(b) To face something unpleasant with courage
(c) To prepare for a challenging task
(d) To give up under pressure
(e) To change one’s decision abruptly


Hit the nail on the head
(a) To fail to understand the problem
(b) To solve a problem by chance
(c) To describe something accurately
(d) To misunderstand a complex issue
(e) To take an unnecessary risk


Pull someone’s leg
(a) To annoy someone deliberately
(b) To tease someone in a playful way
(c) To confuse someone intentionally
(d) To offer unwanted advice
(e) To encourage someone indirectly


Let the cat out of the bag
(a) To discover a hidden fact accidentally
(b) To share an important announcement
(c) To reveal a secret unintentionally
(d) To create confusion during an event
(e) To hide the truth purposefully


S1. Correct Answer: (c)
Explanation: “Make ends meet” means managing to live within one’s income, especially when finances are tight.

S2. Correct Answer: (b)
Explanation: “Burn the midnight oil” refers to working late into the night, often on something important.

S3. Correct Answer: (d)
Explanation: “The ball is in your court” means that the next decision or action is up to you.

S4. Correct Answer: (b)
Explanation: “Spill the beans” means to reveal a secret, often unintentionally.

S5. Correct Answer: (b)
Explanation: “Cry over spilt milk” refers to lamenting something that cannot be changed.

S6. Correct Answer: (a)
Explanation: “Cost an arm and a leg” means something is very expensive.

S7. Correct Answer: (b)
Explanation: “Bite the bullet” means to face a tough or unpleasant situation with courage.

S8. Correct Answer: (c)
Explanation: “Hit the nail on the head” means to describe or do something accurately.

S9. Correct Answer: (b)
Explanation: “Pull someone’s leg” refers to teasing someone in a lighthearted manner.

S10. Correct Answer: (c)
Explanation: “Let the cat out of the bag” means to reveal a secret, often accidentally.

Tips for SBI PO Preparation:

  • Regularly practice idioms and phrases from mock tests and previous papers.
  • Use idioms in sentences to understand their context better.
  • Dedicate time to revise unfamiliar idioms periodically.

By mastering idioms and phrases, you can significantly improve your chances of scoring well in the SBI PO 2025 Exam.


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