Krishi Vigyaan Kendras Ebook for NABARD Grade A, Download PDF

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Krishi Vigyaan Kendras Ebook for NABARD Grade A

NABARD Grade A Exam is conducted every year for the recruitment of Assistant Managers. The ARD Syllabus is vast and many aspirants find it difficult to prepare, so we have tried to cover some of the topics in the form of the Ebooks and Blogs. In this blog, we will be covering the Krishi Vigyaan Kendras Ebook for NABARD Grade A. Read and revise it carefully so that you do not miss out on any marks in the upcoming NABARD Exam.

Krishi Vigyaan Kendras for NABARD Grade A – Notes

  1. Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVK) are agricultural extension centers incorporated by ICAR (Indian Council for Agricultural Research) and its affiliated institutions at the district level to provide various types of farm support to the agricultural sector in India.
  2. KVK is a project of ICAR (Indian Council of Agricultural Research) for testing and transfer of Agricultural technologies at the grassroots level. These centers are located in every state of the country.
  3. These are usually associated with a local agricultural university and serve as an ultimate link between the Indian Council of Agricultural Research and farmers and also aim to apply agricultural research in a practical and localized setting.
  4. All KVKs fall under the jurisdiction of one of the 11 Agricultural Technology Application Research Institutes (ATARIs) throughout India.

Krishi Vigyaan Kendras for NABARD Grade A – Agricultural extension

  • Agricultural extension is the application of scientific research and new technology to agricultural practices through farmer education.
  • The field of ‘extension’ now encompasses a wider range of communication and learning activities organized for rural people by educators from different disciplines, including agriculture, agricultural marketing, health, and business studies.
  • Extension practitioners can be found throughout the world, usually working for government agencies. They are represented by several professional organizations, networks, and extension journals.
  • Agricultural extension agencies in developing countries receive large amounts of support from international development organizations such as the World Bank and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
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Need for setting up of Krishi Vigyaan Kendras

  • Indian agriculture faces many challenges, including a high percentage of smallholder farmers, a lack of supply chain infrastructure, and extreme weather conditions.
  • A key strategy in addressing these issues, in addition to policy support and a functioning market, is using technology to better understand and adapt to complex challenges.
  • However, higher-level research about modern agricultural trends, such as Climate Change and GMOs, takes place in universities. The practical implications of this research, or their relevance to a certain local context, are not readily apparent. 
  • The same goes for ground-level innovations which are effective in one local context but may not be extensible to others.
  • Especially in areas with such geographic complexity as India, agricultural extension departments such as KVKs serve to gather, test, and disseminate knowledge between centralized institutions and a geographically dispersed rural population.

Criteria for Setting up of KVKs

  • A KVK can be formed under a variety of host institutions, including agricultural universities, state departments, ICAR institutes, other educational institutions, or NGOs.
  • The 700 KVKs in operation per the ICAR website are split into:
    1. 458 under State Agricultural Universities
    2. 18 under Central Agricultural Universities
    3. 64 under ICAR institutes
    4. 105 under NGOs
    5. 39 under state departments or other public sector undertakings, and
    6. 16 under other miscellaneous educational institutions
  • A KVK must own about 20 hectares of land for the purpose of testing new agricultural technologies.

Krishi Vigyan Kendras Portal

  • The Central Government launched the Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs) Portal which helps in monitoring the functioning of KVKs at the National level and in providing timely information and advisory to the farmers.
  • The aim of the portal is to transfer the technologies developed by the agricultural scientists to the farmers in a fast and effective manner using the web and mobile technology as well as to monitor the activities of Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs)

Objectives of Krishi Vigyaan Kendras Portal

  • To create a platform to monitor the various activities as well as resource utilization by various KVKs;
  • To create a database of the various programmes organized by the KVKs along with their detailed information and learning resources;
  • To help the farmers in resolving their queries using the web and mobile technologies;
  • To provide information about various facilities and activities performed by the KVKs and to provide linkage to other important information such as weather and market information.

Krishi Vigyaan Kendras Ebook for NABARD Grade A – PDF

The candidates must download the ebook from the direct link given below:

Also, check out the below-given links

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How to Prepare for NABARD Grade A Exam?

If you are a candidate who has never prepared for the NABARD Grade A Exam before and is scared of the Agriculture section that is asked in the exam, then you must check out the following success stories:

Success Story of Anantha Giri Padmanabhan
Success Story of Himanshu Baliyan

Special Note: Any Graduate candidate from any discipline can apply for this exam. With a systematic way of preparation, aspirants can smoothly get good marks in the Agriculture section.

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