NABARD Grade A Shift Timings 2024, Check Reporting Time

NABARD Grade A Shift Timings

NABARD Grade A Mains Exam is scheduled on 20th October 2024. The NABARD Grade A Information Handouts for Phase 2 has already been released on 7th October 2024. The phase 2 exam will be conducted in two shifts. Knowing the exam timings will help you reach the exam on time without any confusion and hassle. This blog will provide you with all the details of the NABARD Grade A Shift Timings 2024 and the reporting time.

NABARD Grade A Phase 2 Shift Timings

The phase 2 exam will be conducted at various exam centers. Check out the table below to know which paper will be conducted in which shift. The candidates will have to appear in both the shifts.

ShiftsShift 1Shift 2
PaperPaper 1Paper 2
Reporting Time1 hour before exam starts1 hour before exam starts
Shift Timings

Exact NABARD Grade A Exam Timings

Many aspirants have this query that where can I find the exact NABARD Grade A Exam Timings. Well, the exact shift timings will be mentioned on your NABARD Grade A Admit Card. Once the admit card is released, you can download the same using your login credentials. On your admit card, you will find your reporting time, venue and more details. Also note that the reporting time is 1 hour before the exam starts.

NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Shift Timings 2024

Candidates who will be appearing in the NABARD Grade A Examination on 1st September 2024 must be aware of the shift timings. We have mentioned below the expected shift timings for all the aspiring candidates.

Shifts Reporting timeExam Timings
Shift 19.00 AM10 AM to 12 PM
Shift 22:00 PM3:00 PM to 5:00 PM

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern

The candidates must note that a composite time of 120 minutes will be given for all the tests together. The paper will be conducted bilingually except for the English language.

Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Test of Reasoning2020 
English Language3030
Computer Knowledge2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Decision Making1010
General Awareness2020
Economic & Social Issues (with a focus on Rural India)4040
Agriculture & Rural Development (with emphasis on Rural India)4040
  1. Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude and Decision Making sections are qualifying in nature.
  2. General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues and Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India sections are merit sections.
  3. Shortlisting of candidates for Mains exam will be based on the marks obtained in the Merit Section Only.
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NABARD Grade A Last Minute Tips

Here are some NABARD Grade A Last minute tips that must be followed:

  • On the day of the exam, plan your travel to the exam hall carefully. Aim to reach well in advance to avoid any last-minute stress.
  • Be mindful of the schedule, and double-check the reporting time and location.
  • Keep your breakfast light and easy to digest to maintain your energy throughout the exam.
  • Hydration is key, so remember to carry a water bottle.
  • For those taking the morning shift, avoid engaging in in-depth discussions or any stressful conversations before the exam. Instead, use this time for a quick review and positive self-talk.
  • On the other hand, for the evening shift, try to stay mentally active during the day, so you’re not too tired during the exam. Stay away from any last-minute study materials or excessive caffeine as it might disrupt your sleep the next day.

Here are some tips to follow while you’re in the exam hall for both morning and evening shift students:

  • Read Instructions Carefully: Start by reading all the instructions on the question paper. Make sure you understand the marking scheme and any special guidelines.
  • Time Management: As you begin, don’t spend too much time on any single question. If you find a question challenging, move on to the next one and come back to it later. Ensure that you complete the entire paper within the allotted time.
  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive mindset. Believe in your preparation and your ability to answer the questions correctly. A positive attitude can make a significant difference.
  • Eliminate Options: When in doubt, use the process of elimination to narrow down answer choices. This can increase your chances of selecting the correct option.
  • Double-Check: Once you’ve completed the exam, if time allows, go back and review your answers. Sometimes, second thoughts can lead to corrections.
  • Manage Anxiety: If you encounter a tough question, don’t let it disrupt your flow. Take a deep breath and tackle it calmly. Panicking won’t help.

Remember, you’ve put in the hard work, and you’re well-prepared for this exam. Trust in yourself and your abilities. Stay focused and approach the exam with confidence.
Best of luck, and may you come out of the exam hall with flying colors!

Also check out NABARD Grade A Last Minute Tips

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