Natural Resources Notes- Examples, Types, Consequences

What Are Natural Resources?

The naturally present resources are known as Natural Resources, and they are not created with human intervention. If we talk about Earth, the natural resources include the sun, the atmosphere, water, land, all minerals, all plants, and all animal life on Earth.


Food, fuel, and raw materials for manufacturing are all made from natural resources. Plants and animals provide all of the food that people consume. Heat, light, and power are provided by natural resources such as coal, natural gas, and oil. Natural resources are also the raw materials used to make common items such as toothbrushes and lunch boxes and clothing, automobiles, televisions, computers, and refrigerators.

Natural resources are those that originate in nature. You cannot create natural resources, but you can collect them. A few common examples are water, coal, timber, and iron. Some resources, such as hydroelectric electricity, are not considered natural because humans create them.

Some Examples Of Natural Resources


For ages, coal has been a main source of heat for people. Because coal is abundant, has a high energy output, and is relatively inexpensive, it has become the dominant fuel source for electricity generation in today’s civilization.

One of the more serious environmental concerns is the impact on surface and groundwater from the disposal of ash and sludge generated by coal combustion and flue gas purification.

Natural Gas

Natural gas has various uses, such as heating, cooking, and electricity generation, and it meets around 22% of the country’s energy needs. It’s also employed in manufacturing plastics and other commercially significant organic molecules.


Soil is one of the most significant natural resources on the planet. It is necessary for food production, industrial raw materials, and the generation of energy sources both directly and indirectly. Soil is necessary for ecosystems to function because it provides nutrients, oxygen, water, and heat. Poor farming methods and chemical contamination are degrading soil resources. Protecting this precious natural resource from pollution and physical devastation is one of the most pressing concerns that current and future generations will face.


Water is one of the essential natural resources for life to exist. Although freshwater is seen as a renewable resource, most of the water consumed by people originates from groundwater sources that are rapidly depleting. Even though water is a renewable resource, human activities pose a severe threat to water resources. Pollution, urbanization, deforestation, and climate change are examples of these activities.


Iron is found in various everyday things and is the most widely utilized metal on the planet. Some of the features of iron are that iron is a good conductor, a long-lasting material, and it makes up 5% of the Earth’s crust. Steel, electrical wire and conduct, pipes, tools, hinges, door handles, stoves, pots and pans, and even sofa frames are all made from it.

Types Of Natural Resources

There are two types of natural resources – Renewable natural resources and Non-renewable resources.

Renewable Resources

Renewable resources are natural resources that can be renewed at roughly the same rate as they are used, such as trees, water, sun, and wind. On the other hand, renewable resources can be depleted if they are not managed or protected appropriately.

Non-Renewable Resources

A non-renewable natural resource will not be replenished during our lifetime. Metal ores, fossil fuels, earth minerals, and, in some cases, groundwater is among them.

The Conservation Of Natural Resources

As these natural resources are depleting at an alarming rate, we must conserve them. It is important to follow some basic guidelines in our daily lives to conserve these natural resources.

  • Incorporate a rainwater harvesting system into your home.
  • Use a renewable energy source such as solar or wind energy.
  • It is important to plant more and more trees to minimize soil erosion.
  • Use energy-saving tube lights and bulbs whenever possible.
  • Biogas can be used in the home.
  • Crop rotation is a technique that should be used.
  • Biofuels should be used instead of petroleum-based fuels.
  • Ascertain that the garbage is recycled.
  • Create reservoirs.
  • Make use of electronic mail.
  • Treat industrial effluent and waste even before they are released into aquatic bodies.

Natural Resources And Their Consequences

Several issues are linked to natural resources.

  • These natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce as the world’s population is growing at a fast rate.
  • Natural resources are only available in finite quantities.
  • Natural resources that aren’t renewable require millions of years to form.
  • Overuse of these natural resources has resulted in several socioeconomic and environmental issues.

We hope this article helps you to know about natural resources, examples of natural resources, their types, etc. For any queries, contact us at Oliveboard.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are natural resources exhaustible?

Yes, natural resources are exhaustible. We are using these resources at such a fast rate that one day will come when nature will not be able to provide us with these resources.

What are natural resources?

Natural resources exist on Earth that are unaffected by human activity. Renewable and non-renewable resources are the two types of commonly used resources. Natural resources are also the foundation of mother Earth’s structure. Air, water, soil, minerals, and metals are among them.

Is soil a natural resource?

Soil is one of the world’s most important natural resources, consisting of air, water, minerals, and organic stuff. Soil is essential to most life on Earth as a direct or indirect food source. Plants and animals get their nutrition from the soil, and the soil is home to various life forms.

What is it about natural resources that make them so valuable?

Natural resources are so valuable as they are Earth materials that are available for meeting human requirements. They help in sustaining life. Some of the examples of natural resources are air, water, sunlight, natural gas, metals, stone, soil, sand, etc.