How to revise for TNPSC Group 4?- Prepare with Oliveboard

We’re all well aware of the extremely high competition levels in TNPSC Group 4 exam and clearing the written exam is the first step towards realizing your dream of becoming an officer of the TN State. It is important to have a plan to revise for TNPSC Group 4 exam.

With approximately 1 month to go for the exam, we suggest that you use these final days to take mock tests. This will not only strengthen your test-taking strategy but will also help you in coping with stress on the final day.

Self-testing is an often neglected but it can work wonders as a revision strategy. Following are some tests that will help you make the most of these last few days!

Some revision tips:

  • Personal notes should be the first source of revision
  • Refrain from reading any new books/ sources

Revise for TNPSC Group 4 : Applied level (Subject wise tests)

These tests will help you brush up advanced application based questions of each subject individually. Each test will have 4 components, namely:

  • Subject
  • Current affairs related to that subject
  • Map based questions
  • Budget and Economic Survey

Take Subject-wise Tests: 10 Tests | Attempt NOW

These tests will help you revise the latest current affairs and also get into the habit of connecting them with other things that you study.

For instance: You are studying/ revising maps. Try to connect it to the latest events around the world. Like Syria, Korea etc were in the news recently so there would be a high probability of questions around them.

Full Mock Tests

Oliveboard’s Mock Tests will span the whole syllabus and will help you refine your test-taking strategy. You also get a thorough analysis previous years’ TNPSC papers and the general trend.

Take Full TNPSC Mock Tests: 10 Mocks | 100 Questions | Attempt Now 

At this stage, keep a check on the scores you’re getting in mocks and try to solve as many mocks as possible. Spend some quality time analyzing the solutions. Make it a point to remember any new information you come across while going through the solutions of these mocks.

Attempt a Free Mock Test

TNPSC Group 4 : Revision plan

You can follow 2 approaches :

You can finish studying the entire syllabus and keep revision for the end OR You can reserve a little time everyday to revise topics of your choice.

Based on this revision plan, aspirants should create a detailed timetable to cover the entire syllabus.

WeekMorning – 7 amEvening – 1 pmNight – 8 pm
Week 1Geography of India & TNHistory of India & TN

Mock Test -1 and Sectional Test -1
Mock Test -2 and Sectional Test – 2
Current Affairs & Aptitude & Mental Ability

General Science
Week 2Economy of India & TNIndian Polity

Mock Test – 3 and Sectional Test – 3
Mock Test – 4 and Sectional Test – 4
Current Affairs & Aptitude & Mental Ability

Development and Administration in Tamil Nadu
Week 3Culture of India

Movement of India
Culture, Heritage, and socio-political movements in Tamil Nadu

Mock Test – 5 and Sectional Test – 5
Mock Test – 6 and Sectional Test – 6
Current Affairs & Aptitude & Mental Ability

Mock Test – 7 and Sectional Test – 7
Week 4Mock Test – 8 and Sectional Test – 8

Mock Test – 9 and Sectional Test – 9
Revision of a topic of your choice

Mock Test – 10 and Sectional Test – 10
Current Affairs & Aptitude & Mental Ability

It is also recommended to take a one-day break about a week before the exam. This will help refresh your mind and make the final the revision cycle, more productive!

Hope this helps.

All the best!


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