SBI Clerk Last Date to Apply 2023, Apply Now

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SBI Clerk Last Date to Apply 2023

SBI Clerk Application Form 2023: The State Bank of India (SBI) has released the application form for the 2023 recruitment of SBI Clerk (Junior Associates). The application is open from 17th November to 7th December 2023. The SBI conducts this recruitment once a year. Candidates interested in applying should take a good look at the procedure of registering for the exam. This article gives a detailed guide for applying to SBI Clerk recruitment.

SBI Clerk Last Date to Apply 2023 – Direct Link to Apply

The direct link to apply for SBI Clerk recruitment is active from 17th November 2023. Candidates wanting to write the exam can apply using the link below. The link will be open from 17th November and close on 7th December 2023. Further details on the procedure to apply for the recruitment are given further in the article.

SBI Clerk Last Date – Important Dates

With the announcement of the SBI Clerk recruitment, candidates interested in taking part in the selection process must take a look at the schedule and important dates for various events in the recruitment. The table below compiles these dates in a notable form for candidates. Make sure to go through the notification thoroughly a not miss out on any schedule.

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EventsNew Dates
SBI Clerk Notification Date16th November 2023
Start of Online Application Filling17th November 2023
SBI Clerk End Date for Online Application Filling7th December 2023
PET Call Letter
Admit Card for the Preliminary Exam27th December 2023
Preliminary Examination DateJanuary 2024
Result of Preliminary ExaminationJan-Feb 2024
Admit Card for Main Examination15th February 2024
Main Examination DateFebruary 2024

SBI Clerk Last Date to Apply 2023 – Details and Steps

The details for the online application process is as given below.

SBI Clerk Application Form – Schedule

According to SBI the following is the schedule specific to the SBI Clerk Application process. This also includes the last date to download the application form. Candidates should make sure to heed this schedule so as to avoid any issues.

Important EventsDates
Commencement of on-line registration of application17th November 2023
Closure of registration of application7th December 2023
Closure for editing application details7th December 2023
Last date for printing your application22nd December 2023
Online Fee Payment17th November to 7th December 2023

SBI Clerk Application Form – Prerequisites

Candidates should ensure the following specifications for the photograph and signature are followed.

  • The permissible size of the photograph must be 4.5 cm * 3.5 cm.
  • The permissible file size of the photograph must be a minimum of 20 KB and of a maximum of 50 KB.
  • File size of the signature must be a minimum of 10 KB and of a maximum of 20 KB.
  • The photograph must be passport-size with white background. Both the photograph and the signature must be clear and legible.

How to Fill SBI Clerk Application 2023

Candidates can follow the following steps to fill the SBI Clerk 2023 application form.

  1. Click on the NEW REGISTRATION link provided on the top right of the home page of the SBI Careers website.
  2. Fill in Basic Details to start your application process. Provide your basic details such as name, mobile number, email address, permanent address, etc., and click on the save and next button.
  3. Upload Signature & Passport size Photograph: Upload your photograph and signature in the required format.   
  4. Fill in your Academic Details and Professional Qualifications carefully and correctly. Click on the save and next button after filling in the details.
  5. Preview your application form and carefully check all the details that you have put in as you won’t be allowed to make any changes further in the application form. Click on the save and next button after previewing your Application Form.
  6. Pay your Application Fee through the Online Payment Option, i.e. through Credit Card/Debit Card/Net Banking for SBI Clerk 2023 Exam.
  7. Click on Submit Button. Your application form will be submitted successfully. You will be sent an email with your registration ID and password by SBI for further login into the official website.

SBI Clerk Last Date to Apply 2023 Fees

The application fee for the SBI Clerk 2023 registration is as shown below. Candidates should make sure to fill the fee before the due date and keep a copy of the receipt for reference.

General/OBC/EWSRs. 750/- 

SBI Clerk Last Date 2023 – Dos and Don’ts

The process of filling the SBI Clerk application can feel daunting. However, it is best to be aware of the process before doing it to avoid any mistakes in the procedure. Here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind as you fill out your application for SBI Clerk 2023.


  1. Read the official notification carefully: Thoroughly go through the official notification released by SBI for the clerk recruitment process. Understand the eligibility criteria, educational qualifications, and other important details.
  2. Fill accurate personal and educational information: Provide correct personal details such as name, date of birth, address, etc. Also, enter your educational qualifications accurately, including the marks obtained and the institution’s name.
  3. Verify the application before submission: Double-check all the entered information in the application form for any errors or omissions. Ensure that the provided data is complete and accurate.
  4. Follow the prescribed format and guidelines: Stick to the specified format and guidelines mentioned in the application form. Use the required font size, style, and spacing as instructed.
  5. Keep all necessary documents ready: Gather all the necessary documents, such as educational certificates, identification proof, category certificate (if applicable), and any other required documents. Keep them ready to be uploaded or submitted along with the application.


  1. Don’t provide false information: Never provide false or misleading information in the application form. It can lead to disqualification and legal consequences.
  2. Don’t miss the application deadline: Be mindful of the application deadline mentioned in the official notification. Submit your application within the specified timeframe. Late submissions are usually not accepted.
  3. Don’t leave any mandatory fields blank: Fill in all the mandatory fields in the application form. Leaving any required information blank may lead to rejection of your application.
  4. Don’t upload incorrect or illegible documents: Ensure that the documents you upload are clear, legible, and in the specified format. Uploading incorrect or illegible documents may result in rejection of your application.
  5. Don’t make multiple applications: Submit only one application for the SBI clerk recruitment. Making multiple applications can lead to disqualification.

SBI Clerk Application Form Last Date 2023 – FAQs

Q1. When will the SBI Clerk Application process start?

A1. The SBI Clerk application process starts from 17th November 2023.

Q2. When will the SBI Clerk Application process end?

A2. The SBI Clerk Application process ends on 7th December 2023.

Q3. How can I apply for SBI Clerk 2023?

A3. Candidates can apply for SBI Clerk 2023 online through the SBI Careers website.

Q4. What are the SBI Clerk application fees?

A4. The General, OBC, and EWS have ₹750 application fees while SC, ST, and, PWD are exempt from paying fees.


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