SSC CGL Previous years’ History Questions with Solutions

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SSC CGL Previous Year History Questions

The SSC CGL 2024 Exam Date has been released, scheduled to be held between September and October 2024. Aspirants preparing for the SSC CGL Exam must go through the topic-wise analysis of the previous year’s question papers, as it is an important step in their preparation. This analysis provides candidates with insights into the types of questions asked by the SSC on particular subjects and topics, helping them focus their efforts on important areas, specifically for the General Awareness section. In this blog, we have provided some of the previous year’s History questions with solutions.

SSC CGL 2024 Exam – Overview

The SSC CGL Notification 2024 has been released on 24th June 2024 and the SSC CGL Application Process will continue until 24th July 2024. The Staff Selection Commission has also released the SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Date 2024 which has been scheduled to be held between September to October 2024. Further details regarding the SSC CGL 2024 Examination have been provided in the table below.

Particulars SSC CGL 2024 Notification Details
NameStaff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL)
Conducted byStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam LevelNational
Exam ModeOnline
Exam DurationTier-I: 60 minutes, Tier-II: 2 hours 15 minutes ( Paper – I)
Purpose of Exam To select candidates for Group B and C posts in various departments of the Government of India
Exam Helpdesk No.011-69999845

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam – Previous Years’ History Questions with Solutions

Q. After the death of Shri Guru Gobind Singh, the Sikhs revolted against the ______ under the leadership of Banda Bahadur.

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A. Gurkhas

B. Mughals

C. British

D. Marathas

Ans. B

Q. With reference to the administration of Delhi Sultanate, which of the following was the department of State Correspondence?

A. Diwan-i-arz

B. Diwan-i-khairat

C. Diwan-i-risalt

D. Diwan-i-insha

Ans. D

Q. Which of the following revolutionaries was arrested by the British as a accused in the Alipore Bomb Conspiracy Case?

A. Kanailal Dutta

B. Rajendra Lahiri

C. Roshan singh

D. Ashfaq Ullah khan

Ans. A

Q. Which of the following was a fishing colony that was used as a port for trading with the Romans and the Greco-Romans in ancient India?

A. Lothal

B. Badami

C. Arikamedu

D. Tulapurushandana

Ans. C

Q.  Yashovigraha, Mahichandra and Chandradeva were the first three rulers of the _____ dynasty.

A. Chauhans

B. Maratha

C. Gahadavala

D. Wadiyar

Ans. C

Q. One of the major events of Ashoka’s reign was the convening of the ______ Buddhist Sangha (council) in 250 BCE in the capital Pataliputra.

A. Fourth

B. Second

C. Third

D. First

Ans. C

Q. Padavali Kirtan refers to songs composed in the medieval period of West Bengal (15th to 17th century) in praise of __________.

A. Brahma

B. Vishnu

C. Shiva

D. Shakti

Ans. B

Q. Who among the following leaders was instrumental in convincing Mahatma Gandhi of the need to launch an allied movement in support of a Khilafat?

A. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad

B. Abdul Ghaffar Khan

C. Shaukat Ali

D. Mohammad Ali Jinnah

Ans. C

Q.  According to the Puranas, Lord Vishnu took the shape of _____ in order to rescue the earth, which had sunk into the water.

A. a boar

B. a lion

C. an elephant

D. a tiger

Ans. A

Q. Which of the following statements about Swami Dayanand Saraswati is INCORRECT?

A. He was the founder of Arya Samaj.

B. His birthplace was Gujarat.

C. He authored the book ‘Satyarth Prakash’.

D. He was the founder of Brahmo Samaj.

Ans. D

Q. To which political party did EMS Namboodiripad belong at the time of his becoming the Chief Minister of Kerala?





Ans. D

Q. Who among the following was the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom at the time of India’s independence?

A. Anthony Eden

B. Winston Churchill

C. Clement Attlee

D. Ramsay Macdonald

Ans. C

Q. The Ryotwari System covered about ______ per cent of the area under British rule comprising part of the Bombay and Madras Presidencies, Assam and certain other parts of British India.

A. 31

B. 41

C. 61

D. 51

Ans. D

Q. During the Great Revolt of 1857, the leadership at Delhi was nominally in the hands of Bahadur Shah, but the real control was exercised by:

A. Kunwar Singh

B. Nana Saheb

C. General Bakht Khan

D. Begum of Oudh

Ans. C

Q. ‘A Voice of Freedom’ is the major work of?

A. Shivanand

B. Nayantara Sahgal

C. C Das

D. Valentine Chirol

Ans. B

Q. Who wrote the book ‘Taj-ul-Masir’?

A. Firozabadi

B. Hasan Nizami

C. Abu Bakr

D. Ibn Batutah

Ans. B

Q. Which famous artist accompanied Captain Cook on pacific voyage and came to India, and painted a set of aquatints of Indian villages?

A. William Bentick

B. A Cleveland

C. William Hodges

D. Elan Hardinge

Ans. C

Q.Which nikaya of sutta pitaka comprises of minor collections of sermons, doctorines etc. of budha?

A. Majjhima Nikaya

B. Samutta Nikaya

C. Digha Nikaya

D. Khuddaka Nikaya

Ans. D

Q. Which of the following is not sub part of Vinay Pittaka?

A. Khandhaka

B. Parivara

C. Suttavibhanga

D. Anguttara

Ans. D

Q. Which of the following is not true about Palaeolithic age are?

A. human beings are represented in a stick like form

B. superimposition of black, red and white images are found

C. Majority of paintings sites are in Tamil Nadu and Kerala

D. Man, Animal and Geometric – all these three types of paintings are found

Ans. C

Q. In Chola Administration, the administration officers were known as?

A. Udankuttam

B. Valanadus

C. Kurrams

D. Nadus

Ans. A

Q. Kailashnath temple at Kanchipuram is an example of which group of temple?

A. Nandivarman Group

B. Rajsimha Group

C. Narshiman Group

D. Vijayanagar Group

Ans. B

Q. Who wrote the book ‘Ravanavadha’?

A. Vishakhadatta

B. Shudraka

C. Dandin

D. Bhatti

Ans. D

Q. Nishkaam Karma Math was founded by?

A. WC Banerjee

B. Dhondo Keshave Karve

C. MG Ranade

D. Saralabala Devi Choudharani

Ans. B

Q. Which of the following is not among the one who led the ‘Justice Party’ movement?

A. TM Nair

B. P Tyagaraja

C. CN Mudalair

D. M Padmanabha Pillai

Ans. D

Q. Against whom the trial for ‘attempt to murder district judge of Muzaffarpur’ was executed?

A. VD Savarkar

B. Aurobindo Ghosh

C. MN Roy

D. Shah Nawaz Khan

Ans : B

Q. In which state is the Harappan culture site ‘Sanauli’ located?

A. Haryana

B. Gujarat

C. Uttar Pradesh

D. Punjab

Ans. C

Q. In which year did the British gain control of Delhi after defeating the Marathas?

A. 1764

B. 1833

C. 1857

D. 1803

Ans. D

Q. Pandharpur was a medieval centre for the worship of_____.

A. Durga

B. Kartikeya

C. Ganesha

D. Vithoba

Ans : D

Q. In which of the following states is the pre-historic site named Koldihwa located?

A. Uttar Pradesh

B. Telangana

C. Madhya Pradesh

D. Andhra Pradesh

Ans. A

Q. Who among the following leaders was one of the founders of the ‘Oudh Kisan Sabha’ in 1920?

A. Rajendra Prasad

B. Vallabhbhai Patel

C. Jawaharlal Nehru

D. Mahatma Gandhi

Ans. C

Q. Who among the following was India’s first female Cabinet Minister?

A. Amrit Kaur

B. Vijaylaxmi Pandit

C. Sucheta Kriplani

D. Sarojini Naidu

Ans. A

Q. In which of the following cities was the Khilafat Committee formed in March 1919?

A. Madras (now Chennai)

B. Bombay (now Mumbai)

C. Lahore (now in Pakistan)

D. Calcutta (now Kolkata)

Ans: B

SSC CGL Syllabus Download Link

Aspiring candidates who are preparing for the SSC CGL 2024 Examination must be properly aware of the syllabus. They should have access to the syllabus whenever they need it. So, we have mentioned below the direct link to download the SSC CGL Syllabus PDF. Candidates can download the syllabus and keep it for future reference.

Download The SSC CGL Syllabus 2024 Here For Free

We hope this gave you a brief description of the SSC CGL Previous Year History Questions. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

SSC CGL Previous Year History Questions – FAQs

What is the weightage of History in General Awareness in SSC CGL Tier – 1?

2-5 marks are asked from History in SSC CGL Tier – 1

Where to find SSC CGL General Awareness Questions for Free?

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