FCI AG-3 Mains 2023 Safe Attempts, Expected Cut Off

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FCI AG-3 Mains Cut-Off & Safe Attempts

FCI AG-3 Mains 2023 Safe Attempts: The Food Corporation of India conducted the FCI AG-3 Phase 2 exam on 5th March 2023. The exam was conducted in a single shift. Phase 2 of FCI AG-3 Recruitment mainly consisted of post-specific papers. The General and Depot posts in particular only had to attend a single paper. In this blog, we will provide a brief analysis of Paper 1, the paper common to all posts. We will mainly focus on the number of safe attempts a candidate needs to perform well and qualify.

FCI AG-3 Mains 2023

FCI AG-3 Mains 2023 consisted of 3 papers. Paper-1 was common to all streams. It had 4 sections, mainly: Quantitative Aptitude, Reasoning, English, and General Awareness. Paper-2 and 3 were specific to posts and had different syllabi for each post. Here, we will cover the safe attempts for FCI Assistant Grade 3 Mains Paper-1.

FCI AG-3 Mains 2023 Safe Attempts

SubjectSafe Attempts
Quantitative Aptitude10-12
General Studies25-30

FCI AG3 Mains 2023 Difficulty Level

The FCI AG-3 Mains exam is the second phase of the FCI AG-3 Recruitment. It mainly deals with subject-specific papers. This tests the proficiency of the candidates for the post that they have applied to. For Paper-1, which is the only common paper, the following is the section-wise difficulty level:

SubjectDifficulty Level
Quantitative AptitudeModerate-Hard
General StudiesEasy-Moderate

FCI AG-3 Mains 2023 Expected Cut Off

For the FCI AG-3 Mains 2023 exam, the expected cut-off is as follows:

CategoryCut-off Marks (+/- 3)

This is of course projected values. Cut-offs depend on a wide variety of factors, including:

  • The difficulty level of the exam
  • Number of candidates appearing for the exam
  • Number of vacancies available

FCI AG-3 Cut-Off: Conclusion

The result for Phase-II will be out soon. Candidates who have applied for General and Depot posts will only have to check for the Paper-1 cut-offs. Keep checking the official Oliveboard channel for more updates on FCI AG-3.

FCI AG-3 Safe Attempts, Cut-Off 2023: FAQs

What is the safe attempts for FCI AG-3?

Depending on your performance in the GA/GS section, the safe attempts vary from 70-80. So make sure your number of attempts lies in this range.

What is the expected cut-off for FCI AG-3 (General and Depot) Phase-II 2023 for General category?

The expected cut-off for FCI AG-3 Phase-II 2023 for General Category is 78 with an error margin of +/-3.

When was the FCI AG-3 Phase-II 2023 held?

The exam for FCI AG-3 Phase-II 2023 was held on 5th March 2023.


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