GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2024, Age Limit and Qualifications

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GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2024

The GPSC Class 1-2 eligibility criteria, including age limit and other requirements, are detailed in the official GPSC notification PDF. It is crucial to understand the GPSC eligibility criteria before applying for the Administrative Services Examination. The eligibility criteria encompass various elements, such as age limit, educational qualifications, and attempts. For GPSC Class 1-2, candidates should be 20-35 years old, with upper age limit relaxations for reserved categories. Additionally, candidates need a bachelor’s degree or equivalent from a recognized university.

Candidates must enter accurate details to avoid disqualification. Providing false information in the online form may lead to disqualification. Read the complete article to learn about the upper and minimum age limit required, age relaxation provided to reserved categories, educational qualification, number of attempts allowed, experience required and other details.

GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2024 Summary

Conducting BodyGujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC)
Exam NameGPSC 2024
Post NameGujarat Administrative Service, Class-1
Gujarat Civil Services, Class-1 & Class-2
Gujarat Municipal Chief Officer Service, Class-2
GPSC Age Limit20-36 years
GPSC Age Limit RelaxationApplicable
GPSC Educational QualificationGraduate from any recognized University
Number of AttemptsNo Limit
ExperienceNo previous experience is required
Job LocationGujarat

GPSC Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must fulfill all the GPSC eligibility criteria, including age limit, educational qualifications, and other parameters specified in the GPSC Notification. The Gujarat Public Service Commission (GPSC) conducts recruitment exams for Class 1-2 posts in the Gujarat State Bureaucracy, such as the Gazetted Probationers exam. Eligibility criteria are crucial, and failure to meet any of them will lead to the rejection of applications. These criteria are announced with the official notification, covering aspects like age, education, and attempts. Aspirants should carefully review and adhere to the GPSC eligibility parameters to ensure their application’s success in the recruitment process.

Gujarat PSC Requirement – Age Limit

Before applying for the GPSC administrative services exam, candidates must verify the GPSC age limit criteria. They should be at least 20 years old as of the last date of the advertisement. The GPSC Class 1-2 age limit criteria include a minimum and maximum age, as detailed below.

GPSC Age Limit 2024:

Minimum Age Limit20 years
Maximum Age Limit36 years

GPSC Age Relaxation

Along with the upper age limit, age relaxation is also provided to those who are eligible for the extension. Category-wise age relaxation is outlined below:

Un-Reserved5 years (Maximum up to 45 years)
Reserved10 years (Maximum up to 45 years)
S.&E.B.C., E.W.S., S.C. & S.T. of Gujarat origin5 years (Maximum up to 45 years)
Ex-Servicemen/OfficersThe length of Military service (At least 5 years of Military services) + 3 years05 years
Physically Disabled CandidatesUp to 10 yearsUp to 10 years
Government ServantNo relaxationNo relaxation

Must Know About: Gujarat PSC Salary Structure

GPSC 2024: Nationality/Citizenship

For the entrance to the examination, a candidate should be –

  • A citizen of India, or
  • A subject of Nepal, or
  • A subject of Bhutan, or
  • A Refugee from Tibet, who should have migrated to India for permanent settlement before 1st January, 1962, or
  • A person of Indian origin who should have migrated to India for permanent settlement from Pakistan, East Pakistan, (Bangladesh), Burma (Myanmar), Shri Lanka, Kenya, Uganda of East African countries, United Republic Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia, or Vietnam. But the Government should have given an eligibility certificate in cases of candidates whose names come in sub-serial (B), (C), (D) and (E).

GPSC Educational Qualification

Apart from other eligibility criteria, educational qualification of candidate is one of the most important factors. Candidates must meet these education qualification in order to avoid any rejection at any point.

  • A candidate must hold a Bachelor’s Degree from any recognized University.
  • Candidates who have appeared or will appear or awaiting the results of the final semester/year of the required qualification are eligible to apply.
  • Basic Knowledge of Computer is compulsory.

GPSC: Number of Attempt Limit

Candidates applying for GPSC administrative services can make unlimited attempts as per the GPSC Eligibility Criteria. There are no restrictions on the number of attempts, and candidates can continue applying as long as they meet the GPSC upper age limit and other specified eligibility conditions set by the commission.

GPSC Class 1-2: Experience

It is not compulsory for any candidate to have prior work experience. The commission will accept application from the candidate, having or not having any experience.

Also Read: GPSC Gujarat Syllabus and Exam Pattern

GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2024: Important Points

Apart from the GPSC Class 1-2 Eligibility parameters, candidates must check these important points also, before applying for the GPSC combined civil service exam.

  • The Commission considers the S.S.C.E. certificate only as the evidence of birth date. But if candidate believes that birth date which is shown in S.S.C.E. certificate is wrong he/she should send the original copy of the certificate of Age and Domicile given by the competent authority. No affidavit shall be accepted as the evidence of age.
  • Candidates should submit all the original documents in support of their eligibility claims for age limit, qualification, etc. as and when asked by the commission.
  • The candidates belonging to any reserved category such as S.C., S.T. and S.E.B.C. shall have to produce the self attested copy of the caste certificate issued by the competent authority in the prescribed form in accordance with prevalent rules along with the application.

GPSC Eligibility Criteria 2024: FAQs

1. What is the GPSC eligibility criteria 2024?

An interested individual having graduate degree, who are at least 20 years old are eligible to apply for the Gujarat PSC Class 1-2 recruitment process.

2. What is the age limit required for the Gujarat Combined Competitive exam?

The minimum age limit should be 20 years and maximum age limit should be 36 years. However age relaxation is also provided category-wise.

3. Do I need any experience for the Gujarat civil service exam?

No, the commission has not asked for any prior work experience. Candidates have or don’t have any experience, they can apply for the exam.

4. How many exam attempts are allowed for Gujarat Administrative service?

There is no any limit on the exam attempt. Candidates can go for the exam until their upper age limit.

5. Is final year candidate allowed for the GPSC civil Service Exam?

Candidates who have appeared or will appear or awaiting the results of the final semester/year of the required qualification are eligible to apply but they should have their degree till the date of GPSC mains exam.


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