KPSC KAS interview tips 2022

The third and final test for KPSC Karnataka KAS is Interview. Interview or also referred as Personality Test is a deciding stage for you to serve in KAS. Many candidates who cleared the KAS interview with high scores have cleared the KAS exam. So, it is mandatory to ace your interview and win the judges heart. In this blog we have mentioned some KAS interview tips for your preparation. 

Interview or Personality Test of KPSC KAS 

Candidates who cleared the mains exam will be eligible for the personality test. It may be referred to as an interview but calling it a personality test will be more appropriate. In the Personality test for KPSC KAS 2 members of KPSC members and 2 other persons will be there, so a total of 4 persons will make a KPSC Karnataka KAS personality test board. The other two members of this KAS interview board are retired all India service officers and retired eminent professors from IITs, IIMs and central or state universities. This Panel will be chaired by the senior most KPSC member that is present in the board. This board is constituted by the KPSC chairman. Maximum marks for personality test is 50 and each candidate will be marked by each member of the board individually and the average score of the KAS personality test will be considered as personality test marks of the candidate.KPSC KAS merit list is based on both interview and mains exam score. 

Maximum Marks50
Board Members4
Merit List Personality test score+ Mains score
What will they testMental Caliber, social awareness etc

KAS personality test will examine the following factors

  1. Whether you are suited for the career in public service
  2. Constructive thinking and mental ability
  3. Social traits along with intellectual traits 
  4. Your interest in Current affairs 
  5. Mental Acuity 
  6. Assimilation abilities that are critical
  7. An explanation that is logical and clear
  8. A balance of judgment
  9. Wide range and depth of interest
  10. An ability to show leadership and promote social cohesion
  11. Intellectual and moral integrity
  12. Innovative and fresh ideas
  13. Honesty
  14. Commitment
  15. Fierceness
  16. Patience

As listed above the panel will be looking for the above traits in you for your KAS personality test or interview. 

Things you need to focus before you are attend the intervie

Understand who you are

 Knowing who you are and your personality will help you to ace the KPSC KAS  interview. There are certain traits a public servant must possess. If you understand yourself you will be able to know what traits you are missing to be a public servant. Like, The way you look at things and situations, the one thing you need to have is balanced judgment, you can do that if you have the right way to look at things. So, you can know your strengths and weaknesses and point of view only if you know yourself to the core.

Prepare early

You will know how you did in your KAS Karnataka mains examination. So, if you think that you did well, then start your interview preparation even if the results of the mains exam is not announced. 

Know your District and State 

If you are hoping to ace the KPSC KAS interview, know the important facts and figures of Karnataka and the district and place you belong to. The problems and developmental plans you have for certain issues in your place and state.

Go through your optional subject 

The panel may ask questions on your selected optional subject. So be well prepared in that subject and the sector in which you graduated.

Confidence and optimism

KAS interviews are the subject of many myths and rumors. Previous interview experiences may have also resulted in bad impressions. But don’t let this negatively affect your job prospects. There are aspects of the interview that are beyond your control, such as the interview board, the position, and the questions. You should do your best. People who have self-confidence are loved by everyone. Feel confident when expressing your answers, beliefs or solutions. Don’t however go overboard with your comments. A very thin line separates self-confidence from arrogance. 

Maintain Your Composure

You should maintain your composure in the KPSC KAS interview, especially if it is your first time. Many candidates lose composure when they can’t answer a few questions. In the civil services interview, the board members are not only testing your knowledge. You will be evaluated more based on your personality, your traits, and how well you can work under pressure. When you enter the civil service like KAS Karnataka, you will face a very political-administrative environment.If you don’t know an answer, then you should politely decline to answer. Make no attempt to bluff or hazard a guess at the members’ reactions. In fact, there will be a lot of appreciation for your honesty and courage when you admit that you don’t have an answer. Just keep your poise and smile intact.

Remember– It’s better to provide one good, convincing response than ten halfhearted responses

Check your documents and Biodata

Verify your documents carefully beforehand to avoid last minute panic. Be sure to have all the documents you need for the KAS interview prepared. 

Make sure you are prepared for questions regarding your hobbies, education, experience, service preferences etc. Review your bio-data often and make sure you have reviewed it more than once. 

Be Yourself and Dress Neatly 

Just be yourself, do not impersonate someone else. Dress neat and accordingly. A saree or Churidar for women and light coloured shirt and dark coloured trousers for men would give professional looks. Do not lie on your biodata and even in KAS interview.

Don’t jeopardize your moral compass and Maintain an optimistic demeanor

The KPSC KAS assesses not just one’s intellectual abilities, but also their social characteristics. Make sure your moral integrity is intact.

Use your body language to support your spoken statements. Avoid using gestures that are inappropriate for the situation.


Go ahead you all! Your hardwork and patience will definitely give results. Just do what you have to do, do not get lost because of the fear of results. 


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