LIC AAO Important Topics Subject-Wise – 2023

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LIC AAO Important Topics Subject-wise – On January 15, 2023, the LIC AAO Official Notification 2023 was out. To pass the LIC AAO test, candidates must receive qualifying marks in both the Preliminary and Main sections. It will be beneficial if you use a balanced approach to study, review, and take many Mock Tests . In this article we have shared LIC AAO Important Topics Subject-Wise.

LIC AAO Important Topics Subject-Wise Based on Exam Analysis:

English Language:

Important topics to cover for the English:

  • Reading Comprehension
  • Word Usage
  • Cloze Test
  • Error Spotting
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Sentence Arrangement
  • Single Fillers
  • Miscellaneous

The paper for English is only qualifying in the preliminary stage of the examination. Candidates should regularly engage in reading and writing exercises to improve their language proficiency. Reading could also be beneficial for the preliminary exam’s comprehension section. Descriptive questions, such as letter writing and essays, make up the English section of the mains exam.

LIC AAO English Exam Analysis 2019 – All Shifts

Topics No. of Qs- Shift 1No. of Qs – Shift 2No. of Qs – Shift 3No. of Qs- Shift 4 
Reading Comprehension 78810
Sentence Correction5
Sentence Rearrangement 5555
Word Usage34
Cloze Test55
Error Detection 5365
Single Word Fillers 555

Candidates must be up-to-date on all current events as the essay subjects are based on events that have recently occurred around the world. You can also use questions from previous years to write essays and letters.

Quantitative Aptitude:

Important topics in quantitative aptitude:

  • Number Series
  • Approximation and Simplification
  • Data Interpretation (Radar/Web, Pie Chart, Bar Graph, Line Chart, Tabular, Caselet)
  • Arithmetic Word Problems (Profit and Loss, Problems on Age, Probability, SI and CI, etc.)
  • Inequalities
  • Quadratic Equation

LIC AAO Quantitative Aptitude Exam Analysis 2019 – All Shifts

TopicsNo. of Qs- Shift 1No. of Qs – Shift 2No. of Qs – Shift 3No. of Qs- Shift 4 
Data Interpretation 11151515
Inequalities 5
Quadratic Equation5
Quantity 1: Quantity 23
Arithmetic Word Problems (sums on age, Profit and Loss, CI & SI, Probability, HCF/LCM etc.)1371010

Also Read:

In the preliminary test, this section is required of all candidates; however, in the main exam, this section is only included in the Generalist cadre. Candidates should practice extensively to develop strong mathematics abilities necessary for this portion, which will help them answer questions more quickly.

The questions in this section are based on fundamental mathematical ideas, thus applicants should review these ideas. Before moving on to the longer problems, candidates should tackle the topics that can be answered quickly, such as inequalities, number series, approximation, etc.

Reasoning Ability:

Important Topics in Reasoning Ability:

  • Puzzles and Seating Arrangements
  • Comparison Based Puzzle
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Syllogism
  • Inequality
  • Linear Seating Arrangement
  • Circular Based Seating Arrangement
  • Month Based Puzzle
  • Miscellaneous
  • Direction Sense
  • Blood relation

LIC AAO Reasoning Ability Exam Analysis 2019 – All Shifts

Topics No. of Qs- Shift 1No. of Qs – Shift 2No. of Qs – Shift 3No. of Qs- Shift 4 
Puzzles and Seating Arrangements 20221920
Syllogism 5553
Inequality 5455
Blood Relation33
Number Series1
Numeric Based 1
Alphabet Based 11
Direction Sense 343

This section is mandatory to attend by all candidates applying for both prelims and mains exam. Syllogism, coding-decoding, direction test, and inequalities should be attempted first as this would take lesser time to attempt.

Also Read:

General Awareness and Current Affairs:

Important Topics in General Awareness and Current Affairs

  • Exercises and Developments related to Indian Navy
  • India and World Politics
  • Famous places in India
  • Politicians around world
  • Important days
  • Art and Culture
  • World Events
  • Natural Calamities
  • Current affairs
  • National Parks

This is the easiest part to score a mark. So the candidate needs to attempt a maximum number of questions in this section. Candidates must be updated with latest news by reading newspapers and magazines etc.

Practice Knowledge:

This area is only for applicants of the IT, CA, actuarial, and Rajbhasha sections of the AAO post. This section comprises inquiries about the particular specialisation the applicant has applied for.

Candidates should be well-prepared for the chosen specialism before trying questions in this segment, which accounts for the majority of the marks in the mains exam.
Candidates must read through the previous year’s question papers to understand the format of the test and prepare in accordance with the questions’ tendencies.

Also Read:

Insurance and Financial Market Awareness:

Candidates for this part must be up to date on all relevant news, regulations, developments, and events in the insurance and financial markets. To qualify for this part, you must regularly read the business, financial, and economic pages of the newspaper.

Candidates must be knowledgeable about the country’s financial institutions, its laws and policies, and the history of banking and insurance.

The subjects of insurance and financial market awareness do not require in-depth study. Only the essentials must be discussed while keeping an eye on the significant current occurrences. This section is straightforward even though it is a little lengthy.

However, much research must be done on insurance, particularly with regard to the basic terms and definitions used, as well as the regulatory components and grievance redressal procedures. Another crucial subject is insurance-related programmes, particularly those launched in the prior four years.

The LIC’s insurance programs must be described in detail. The various types of insurance policies and how they differ from one another must be carefully memorized.

Additional pertinent factors to take into account include insurance committees, insurance providers, key government initiatives like FDI in insurance, other information from the budget or economic survey, etc.

Candidates should make sure they equally prepare for each section. This is due to the fact that LIC specifies the qualifying marks for each section. A candidate cannot qualify for the main exam if they do not meet the sectional cut off for one section.

Best Book for LIC AAO Preparation:

Exams for the Life Insurance Corporation must be prepared with enough self-study. Online resources for studying for the LIC AAO exam are available for candidates.

There are numerous books available for candidates to use in their exam preparation. Candidates should always select books for the relevant exam from the most recent editions that are available.

Below is a list of books to take into consideration while you study for the LIC AAO exam.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning by R.S. AggarwalQuantitative Aptitude by Arun Sharma
Quantitative Aptitude by RS AgarwalWren & Martin’s English Grammar
Objective General English by SP BakshiA New Approach to Reasoning: Verbal and Non-Verbal by B.S. Sijwali & Indu Sijwali
Analytical Reasoning by M.K. PandeyStatic General Knowledge by Arihant Publications
Kiran’s LIC AAO Prelim Online Exam Practice Workbook by Kiran PrakashanCAT Quantitative Ability by Arun Sharma
Objective Computer Science & Information Technology by Jushta JaiswalLucent’s General Knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is LIC AAO exam difficult?

LIC AAO exam is moderately difficult. But prelims is slightly easier than Mains.

What are the questions asked in Descriptive English?

Essay and Letter writing are asked in descriptive English.

What are the important books for insurance and finance market awareness section?

1. Indian Financial System
2. Financial Awareness for Competitive Exams

What is the exam patter for LIC AAO Prelims?

The LIC AAO Preliminary Examination has three sections – English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability.


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