MP Police SI Cut-off: Overview, Selection Process, Procedure

MP Police SI Cutoff – The MP Police SI Exam is a government recruitment exam for the recruitment of Sub Inspectors in the state of Madhya Pradesh. The body concerned with the conduct of such examinations is the Madhya Pradesh Professional Education Board (MPPEB). The exam is conducted in order to appoint the most deserving and competent candidates for such a prestigious post of Sub Inspectors in the various departments. Being a government job recruitment exam, this exam is quite popular in the state, and in order to ace the examination, candidates need to have a look over the previous attempt question papers in order to crack the examination with ease. 

Before applying for the exam, candidates should take notice of factors such as the vacancy, eligibility requirements, selection procedure, and so on. The exam is held in a year in two slots, Also the MP Police SI Recruitment selection procedure consists of three steps. The first step is a written exam, followed by a physical measuring test/Physical Proficiency Test and an interview. The MP Police SI Cutoff determines whether the candidates can proceed to the next stage.  

MP Police SI Cutoff

Following the completion of the MP Police SI recruitment examination, the MPPEB will soon issue the MP Police SI Cutoff2021. Candidates may readily get the MP Police SI Cutoff from the Madhya Pradesh Police Board’s official website. To acquire a better grasp of the level of the test, it is necessary to comprehend the importance of cut-off marks and to verify MP SI’s previous year cut-off.

The MP Police SI Cut Off Marks is the lowest possible score necessary for a candidate to pass the MP Police SI Exam. For final selection, all candidates must meet the cut-off marks for all MP Police SI Recruitment stages. Knowing everything there is to know about the cut-off marks allows you to create an effective study strategy and establish a target score as a goal. The MP Police SI Cutoff 2021 will be made available individually for each category and stage of selection. They will only be available on the internet.

Some important points, which candidates must keep in mind about the cut off are as follows

  • Candidates must keep themselves updated about the MP Police SI Cutoff marks while preparing for the exams
  • Every year, the MP Police SI Cutoff marks alter dependent on a variety of criteria such as the number of openings, the total number of candidates that applied, and the difficulty level of the paper.
  • The board will establish distinct cut-off points for the various groups of applicants based on their unique factors.
  • The MP Police SI Cutoff is published as part of a score list for each category of candidates.
  • Candidates should review the previous year’s MP Police SI Cutoff to have a better knowledge of the cut-off patterns and how to prepare for the tests.
CategoryTechnical Posts (Out of 300)Non-Technical Posts (Out of 200)
General205 – 220120 – 125
OBC195 – 210110 – 125
SC185 – 190100 – 115
ST175 – 18095 – 100

Factors Affecting The MP Police SI Cutoff

Annually, a variety of criteria are used to track the volatility of MP Police SI Cutoff marks. Some of them are listed below.

  • The volume of openings: A larger number of vacancies may enhance the likelihood of selection.
  • The number of applications: As a result of the unemployment crisis, the overall number of applicants taking the tests has grown dramatically. As a result, the cut-off will be raised.
  • The highest possible score obtained: The greatest score achieved by a candidate will raise the overall MP Police SI Cutoff.
  • The paper’s difficulty: If the paper is comparatively difficult, the cut-off will be reduced, and vice versa.
  • Previous Year Cut off trends
  • Changes to the exam pattern
  • Count of exam shifts
  • Reservation policies and procedures

How To Check MP Police SI Cutoff?

Candidates may be unsure how to verify the MP SI cut-off points. Once announced, candidates can use the methods below to appropriately check the MP Police SI Cutoff.

  • Navigate to the MP Police official website.
  • Select the option “MP Police SI Cutoff 2021″ when on the webpage.
  • When you click this link, you will be sent to a log-in page. Log in with your registered information.
  • The cut-off markings will be displayed on your screen after you check in.
  • Examine the cut-off points.

MP Police SI Selection Process

The selection procedure for the position of Sub Inspector consists of three steps. To be considered for the position, candidates must qualify for all of them. 

Written Examination

The written test consists of objective-based questions covering both technical and non-technical disciplines. The written test will consist of two papers. Paper 1 will include disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and math for individuals looking for technical positions. Paper 2 will include subjects such as English, Hindi, and General Knowledge, which will be tried by applicants for both Technical and Non-Technical positions.

Physical Measurement Examination

Candidates who pass the first stage of the MP Police SI selection procedure will be called for the physical measurement exam. They will be checked for their health and to see whether they meet the physical standards for the position of Sub Inspector, which are listed below.

Physical Fitness Test

Candidates will then be called in for a physical proficiency exam. They will be given specific duties to do. Those who complete all of the challenges will be invited to an interview round.


Candidates who pass all three rounds will be invited to the interview phase. The interview will be conducted by a selection committee selected by the State Government. 


What is the distinction between the actual and expected MP Police SI Cutoff?

The projected cut-off is determined using the prior-year cut-off patterns; however, the actual cut-off scores are announced by the test organizing authorities.

In the MP Police SI test, I received the minimum qualifying marks. Is it possible for me to get chosen?

No, achieving the minimum qualifying marks does not guarantee qualification. To get picked for the next round, you must score higher than the cut-off marks.

When will the MP Police SI exam merit list be made public?

The MP Police SI Recruitment test merit list will be published on the official website shortly after the exam.


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