Railway RRB NTPC Vacancy Update – DLW vacancies cancelled for Allahabad

There is a new update regarding Railway RRB NTPC vacancy for Allahabad region. The update is sent as message and email to all the candidates who have applied from Allahabad region. In this, blog, we will look at the details of this new Railway RRB NTPC vacancy update about DLW vacancies from Allahabad region. We are providing you with the screenshots of message and email sent by Railway Recruitment board.

Railway RRB NTPC Vacancy Update – Total Vacancy decreased to 35,208

As per this new update, The DLW Vacancies for Allahabad region have been cancelled. Hence the Total RRB NTPC Allahabad vacancies have been reduced from 4099 to 4030. As a result, the over Railway RRB NTPC vacancy number has also reduced from 35,277 to 35,208.

RRB has sent the following Email and Message to all the candidates who have filled their RRB NTPC 2019 application from Allahabad region.

RRB Allahabad vacancy email

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Message -:


As mentioned in the email, The link to change the post preference will be active from 15th April (4:00 PM – Evening) to 30th April (4:00 PM – Evening) 2019.

Also Check -:

RRB NTPC Medical Test details

Railway RRB NTPC Vacancy – Current Vacancies for Allahabad

The RRB NTPC Vacancies for Allahabad after the latest updated will be as per the below table -:

Cat. No. Name of the Post Level Rly./ PU No. of Vacancies
1 Commercial Apprentice 6 NCR 1 1 0 1 1 4
NR 24 9 5 18 6 62
2 Station Master 6 NCR 102 39 22 76 33 272
NR 71 27 13 49 18 178
3 Goods Guard 5 NCR 417 142 71 280 104 1014
NR 165 59 28 99 41 392
4 Junior Accounts Assistant Cum Typist 5 DLW 0 0 0 0 0 0
NCR 73 20 20 40 17 170
5 Senior Clerk Cum Typist 5 DLW 0 0 0 0 0 0
NCR 86 30 16 50 19 201
NR 32 13 8 3 9 65
6 Senior Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk 5 NCR 178 77 52 127 49 483
NR 106 39 20 71 26 262
7 Senior Time Keeper 5 DLW 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 Commercial Cum Ticket Clerk 3 NCR 98 31 14 60 23 226
NR 17 7 3 11 5 43
10 Accounts Clerk Cum Typist 2 NCR 13 4 3 5 3 28
11 Junior Clerk Cum Typist 2 DLW 0 0 0 0 0 0
NCR 125 38 21 70 25 279
NR 101 40 26 74 27 268
12 Junior Time Keeper 2 DLW 0 0 0 0 0 0
13 Trains Clerk 2 NCR 21 8 5 14 5 53
NR 12 4 2 9 3 30
RRB Total 1642 588 329 1057 414 4030


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RRB NTPC Vacancy – Mock Test Series

As a part of RRB NTPC Mock Test Series, 200+ Video Tutorials & Study Materials are provided to help you master the basic concepts. RRB NTPC Mock Tests will help you prepare for the actual exam because they will give you an idea of how the pressure and situation will be and this will help you feel more confident and more prepared. These Mock tests will also help you in judging and understanding your strengths and weaknesses so that you can work on them better. Check what’s in store for you:



That is all from us in this blog about Railway RRB NTPC Vacancy update. You will get all exam updates for RRB NTPC 2019 hereGet free study notes. To prepare with thousands of fellow aspirants visit Oliveboard’s discuss forum. All the Best for your RRB NTPC Exam, preparation, Keep Learning with Oliveboard.

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