RRB ALP Vs SSC CGL, Which is the Better Job?


Railway Recruitment Board Assistant Loco Pilot and Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level are the two most prominent government examinations. Both are graduate-level examinations but RRB ALP recruits candidates from engineering backgrounds and while in SSC CGL any discipline graduate can appear for the examination. Through RRB ALP, candidates are posted in the Indian Railways while through SSC CGL candidates are posted in government departments/ministries on various posts. This blog will provide you with a detailed analysis of the RRB ALP Vs SSC CGL.


The Railway Recruitment Board annually conducts the recruitment for the post of Assistant Loco Pilots in the Indian Railways. Aspiring candidates must be keen to know the job description, requirements, and salary of the ALPs. So, we have mentioned below the important details regarding the recruitment like eligibility criteria, exam pattern, job profile, and salary which will provide them with a broader aspect.

Eligibility Criteria

The eligibility criteria for RRB ALP is based on three factors

  • Age
  • Educational Qualification
  • Nationality

The three points are discussed in detail below

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Age Limit

  • Minimum: 18 years
  • Maximum: 33 years

The age limit criteria will be considered as of 01/07/2024.

We have mentioned below the category-wise upper limit of date of birth for the candidates.

CategoriesUpper Limit of Date of Birth
UR & EWS02.07.1991
OBC (NCL)02.07.1988
SC & ST02.07.1986

Educational Qualification

PostEducational Qualification
RRB Assistant Loco PilotMatriculation / SSLC Plus ITI/ Course Completed Act Apprentices or Diploma/ Degree in Engineering.

Exam Pattern

The RRB ALP exam pattern consists of the following phases

  • CBT Stage- 1
  • CBT Stage- 2 ( Part A and Part B)
  • CBAT (Computer Based Aptitude Test)
  • Document Verification

CBT Stage -1 

SubjectsNo. of Qs
General Intelligence & Reasoning25
General Science20
General Awareness on Current Affairs10

The candidates will have a duration of 60 minutes to complete the test.

CBT Stage -2

Parts SubjectsNo. of QuestionsDuration
Part AMaths
General Intelligence & Reasoning
Basic Science & Engineering
General Awareness of Current Affairs
10090 Mins
Part BRelevant Trade7560 Mins
Total1752 Hours 30 Mins

Job Description

Candidates who have applied for the RRB ALP must know about the job profile. Following are the duties of the RRB ALP

  • Help the Loco Driver in tuning the Locomotive.
  • Maintaining the productivity of the Locomotive by increasing sectional average speed, punctuality, safety & security.
  • Keep an eye on the signal & indicate it further.
  • Repairing the Locomotive (if required).
  • Noticing track defect through jerk or lurch.
  • Checking the efficiency of the locomotive


The Railway Recruitment Board provides a good amount of salary along with various allowances and benefits to their employees. Assistant Loco Pilots also enjoy various perks along with their salary. We have mentioned below the salary structure for the RRB ALP.

Grade Pay1900/-
Pay Scale19,900/-
Assistant Loco Pilot SalaryGross 35,000/-


The Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level (SSC CGL) examination is a highly competitive test in India, attracting graduates for various government positions. With a four-tier structure, including Tier I and Tier II exams, followed by a descriptive paper and a computer proficiency test, SSC CGL aims to select competent individuals for Group B and C posts in government departments and ministries. Candidates must have a proper understanding of recruitment to choose a better job in RRB ALP Vs SSC CGL.

Eligibility Criteria

Though there are different criteria for each of the posts filled by the SSC CGL exam, the essential eligibility criteria for this exam are as follows.


The candidate must be an Indian citizen or of Indian origin or a subject of Nepal/Bhutan, or a Tibetan refugee.

Age limit

Minimum Age Limit:18  and Maximum Age Limit: 32 years.

PostDepartmentAge Limit
Assistant Audit OfficerUnder C&AGNot exceeding 30 years.
Assistant Accounts OfficerUnder C&AGNot exceeding 30 years.
Assistant Section OfficerCentral Secretariat Service20-30 years
Assistant Section OfficerIntelligence BureauNot exceeding 30 years.
Assistant Section OfficerMinistry of Railway20-30 years
Assistant Section OfficerMinistry of External Affairs20-30 years
Assistant Section OfficerAFHQ20-30 years
Assistant Section OfficerMinistry of Electronics and Information TechnologyNot exceeding 30 years.
Assistant / Assistant Section OfficerOther Ministries/ Departments/ OrganizationsNot exceeding 30 years.
Inspector of Income TaxCBDTNot exceeding 30 years
Inspector, (Central Excise)CBICNot exceeding 30 years
Inspector (Preventive Officer)CBICNot exceeding 30 years
Inspector (Examiner)CBICNot exceeding 30 years
Assistant  Enforcement OfficerDirectorate of Enforcement, Department of RevenueUp to 30 years
Sub InspectorCentral Bureau of Investigation20-30 years
Inspector PostsDepartment of Post, Ministry of CommunicationNot exceeding 30 years
InspectorCentral Bureau of Narcotics, Ministry of FinanceNot exceeding 30 years
AssistantOther Ministries/ Departments/ OrganizationsNot exceeding 30 years
Divisional AccountantOffices under C&AGNot exceeding 30 years
Sub InspectorNIA)Up to 30 years
Sub-Inspector/ Junior Intelligence Officer(MHA)Not exceeding 30 years
Junior Statistical OfficerMinistry of Statistics&Programme Implementation.Up to 32 years
AuditorOffices under C&AG18-27 years
AuditorOffices under CGDA18-27 years
AuditorOther Ministry/Departments18-27 years
AccountantOffices under C&AG18-27 years
AccountantController General of Accounts18-27 years
Accountant/ Junior AccountantOther Ministry/ Departments18-27 years
Postal   Assistant/   Sorting AssistantDepartment of Post, Ministry of Communication18-27 years
Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper  Division ClerksCentral Govt. Offices/ Ministries are other than CSCS cadres.18-27 years
Senior Administrative AssistantMilitary Engineering Services, Ministry of Defence18-27 years
Tax AssistantCBDT18-27 years
Tax AssistantCBIC18-27 years
Sub-InspectorCentral Bureau of Narcotics, Ministry of Finance18-27 years
Upper Division ClerksDte.Gen Border Road Organisation (MoD) (Only for male Candidates)18-27 years

Educational Qualification

Essential Educational Qualifications for various posts include :

All other Posts except Assistant Audit Officer/Assistant Accounts Officer and JSO

Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized University or equivalent.

The candidates who have appeared in the final year of their graduation can also apply, however, they must possess Essential qualifications on or before the cut-off date.

SSC CGL Exam Pattern

SSC CGL has 2 phases: Tier- 1, and Tier- 2 according to the new exam pattern.

SSC CGL Tier 1 Exam Pattern

SubjectQuestionsMaximum Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
General English2550
General Awareness2550

Note: Total Duration of Tier 1 Exam is 60 minutes

SSC CGL Tier 2 Exam Pattern

In this phase, two exams are conducted on the same day, the details of the Tier-II exams are listed below. The merit list will be prepared based on the overall performance of candidates in the Tier-II Examination only. Total time duration is 2 hours 15 minutes for Paper – 1 and 2 hours for Paper – 2 and 3 each.

Paper SessionSectionSubjectQuestionsMarks
II (2 hours and 15 minutes)I (1 hour )Module I – Mathematical abilities Module II – Reasoning and General Intelligence3030Total – 6060 x 3= 180
  II (1 hour )Module I – English Language ComprehensionModule II – General Awareness4525
Total = 70
70 x 3 =210
  III (15 minutes)Module – I – Computer Knowledge module2020 x 3 = 60
 II (15 minutes)IIIModule – II : Data Entry Speed TestOne data entry task 
II2 hours Statistics (Paper I & II as above)100 100 x 2= 200
III2 hours General Studies (Paper I & II as above) (Finance & Economics)100 100 x 2= 200


The salary structure of SSC CGL varies from 25,500 to 1,51,000. In addition to the basic pay, the SSC CGL post also offers allowances in the form of a dearness allowance, HRA, travel allowance, etc.

Pay Levels of SSC CGL

Pay LevelsPay Scale

What is the SSC CGL Increment Per Year?

The following is the increment in the SSC CGL posts every year

  • Twice DA hikes at the rate of 1% or 2% at the end of every 6 months. 1% means 500 and 2% means 1000.

SSC CGL Perks and Allowances

Apart from the basic salary, the candidates also receive certain benefits and allowances. The list of such allowances is as follows:

  • Dearness Allowance ( 31% as per the latest update)
  • HRA ( 8-24% depends on the location of posting)
  • Transport Allowance
  • LTC


Comparing RRB ALP and SSC CGL jobs is challenging as they serve different purposes and have distinct responsibilities.

  • RRB ALP: Primarily involves assisting in the operation and maintenance of trains, ensuring their safety and efficiency. It’s more operation-oriented and hands-on.
  • SSC CGL: Offers a wide range of administrative and managerial roles in various government departments. It includes jobs like income tax inspector, auditor, and assistant in ministries, providing diverse career paths.

The “better” job depends on your interests, career goals, and the type of work you find fulfilling. Consider the nature of the work, your skills, and the long-term career prospects in making your decision. Both roles have their unique advantages and may appeal to different preferences.

We hope this blog gave you a better understanding of the RRB ALP Vs SSC CGL. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

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RRB ALP Vs SSC CGL, which is the better?

Comparing RRB ALP and SSC CGL jobs is tough because they have different roles. RRB ALP involves hands-on work with trains for safety, while SSC CGL offers administrative and managerial roles in government departments, providing diverse career paths.

What is the educational qualification required for the SSC CGL?

Candidates must have a graduation degree in any discipline from a government-recognized university.

What is the full form of SSC CGL?

The full form of SSC CGL is Staff Selection Commission Combined Graduate Level.

What is the salary of the SSC CGL?

The salary of SSC CGL varies depending on the post and city of posting, but it typically ranges from approximately Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 1,00,000 monthly.

Which exam offers better job security and perks?

Both exams offer government jobs with good job security and benefits. However, the specific perks and allowances may differ based on the post and department.

Which exam is more suitable for candidates from rural backgrounds?

Both exams are open to candidates from all backgrounds. However, RRB ALP might be more appealing to those interested in railway-related jobs.

Can I appear for both RRB ALP and SSC CGL exams?

Yes, you can appear for both exams if you meet the eligibility criteria for each. However, ensure that your preparation strategy covers the specific requirements of both exams.

Which exam is more time-consuming to prepare for?

The preparation time for both exams depends on your individual aptitude and the time you can dedicate to studying.


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