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SBI Clerk Mains Preparation: SBI Clerk Mains 2023 will be conducted on 15th January 2023 in two shifts. Candidates qualified in the preliminary examination will appear in the mains. SBI Clerk Mains will be conducted in two shifts and will consist of the objective type questions. Less than a week has left for the exams. So, we will provide you with some of the best preparation strategy for SBI Clerk Mains in this short period of time.

SBI Clerk Mains Preparation Strategy

By this time, there is not much time left to complete or cover any topic for the mains. But we will tell you strategies for each subject that will enhance your preparation level and you will be able to perform your best. We have provided below the subject-wise preparation strategy.

General/Finance Awareness

General Awareness is a very vast section in itself as it covers every minute detail of the biggest events. Although, the SBI Clerk examination mostly consists of finance awareness. Candidates must be aware of the types of banks, their names, moto, ownership structure, regulations, and functions as these questions are very common in the examination.

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Candidates must keep themselves updated about any changes occurring in the financial sector of India. This section can only be excelled through continuous practice as there are no shortcuts or tricks to score good marks without practice.

General English

General English can be one of the most scoring section of the SBI Clerk mains exam with the right knowledge and adequate practice. This section mostly comprises the reading comprehension or the fillers. Candidates must learn to understand the passage properly and give the answers in a proper context to the questions.

Only a few days have been left candidates should mostly focus now on taking a rest and attempting as much as mock test as possible. Solving or just going through previous year papers will also help candidates in understanding the type of questions.

Quantitative Aptitude

The quantitative aptitude section of the SBI Clerk Mains examination mostly consists of the DI questions. Although, arithmetic questions also have a good weightage in the examination. Candidates must focus mostly on these topics and try to solve as many questions as possible.

Quantitative Aptitude is one of the most tricky and lengthy sections in of the examination. Candidates often waste most of their time in solving this question which leads to time shortage for other topics. However, candidates should not spend more than 2 minutes on any particular questions irrespective of its difficulty level.

Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude

This section mostly consists of the puzzle & seating arrangement based questions. These are tricky questions but mostly have the same basics. So, it is very important for the candidates to be aware of the basic tricks or solutions for this type of question. Regular practice and attempting a lot of mock tests will help candidates with this section in the exams.

General Tips for SBI Clerk Mains

Candidates face many issues during the examination and often score less marks. We have mentioned below some of the General tips to keep in mind during the examinations.

  • Practice and make sure to analyze your performance one week before the exam to understand your preparation level.
  • Do read questions properly when you are in the exam hall.
  • Avoid guesswork as there will be negative marking for the wrong answers.
  • Don’t spend too much time on any particular question as it reduces your scoring ability in the examination.
  • Take proper sleep the night before the examination.
  • Keep your mind calm during the examination and start with the easy questions to boost your confidence.

SBI Clerk Mains Exam Pattern

It has a total of 190 questions within the time of 2 hours 40 minutes. 

Test NameNo. of QuestionsMarksDuration (in mins)
General/Financial Awareness505035
General English404035
Quantitative Aptitude505045
Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude506045
Total1902002 hours 40 minutes

We hope that you have got brief details regarding the SBI Clerk Mains Preparation Strategy 2023. To read more such blogs, visit the Oliveboard website!

Frequently Asked Questions

When will the SBI Clerk Mains exam be conducted?

The SBI Clerk Mains exam will be conducted on 15th January 2023.

Will there be negative marking in the SBI Clerk mains?

Yes, there will be a negative marking for each wrong answer in the SBI Clerk mains examinations.

In how many shifts, the SBI Clerk mains exam be conducted?

SBI Clerk mains exam will be conducted in in two shifts.

What is the total weightage of the quantitative aptitude section in the mains?

The total weightage of the quantitative aptitude section in the mains is 50 marks.


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