List Of Top 10 Bank Jobs After Graduation, Apply Now!

Bank Jobs After Graduation

Among recent graduates, banking jobs are highly preferred because of the lucrative benefits and job security. Most graduates want to get into the banking industry. Those interested in pursuing their career in the banking sector and who are about to graduate or have already graduated need to begin looking for jobs in the banking sector. Bank exams are becoming increasingly popular every year.

Depending on the availability of bank vacancies, lakhs of candidates take part in different bank exams every year. Due to the small number of bank vacancies, the competition among bank aspirants is fierce to make it to the final list of shortlisted candidates.

There is also a correlation between the difficulty level of different bank exams and the number of candidates who appear for each examination. Following is the list of banking exams that an aspirant can apply for after graduation.

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Graduates or those about to graduate can apply for almost all the banking exams since graduation is a prerequisite for most of them. The banking recruitment process involves the selection of candidates for various posts in different branches of banks. Due to the growing competition, making it through any banking examination requires consistent hard work and proper preparation.

Top Bank Jobs to Apply After Graduation in India

In India, the State Bank of India (SBI) and Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS), Reserve Bank of India(RBI) are the bank exam recruitment bodies, which conduct various bank exams as listed below:

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  1. SBI PO
  2. SBI SO
  3. SBI Clerk
  4. IBPS PO
  5. IBPS SO
  6. IBPS RRB Clerk
  8. RBI Officer Grade B
  9. RBI Office Assistant
  10. NABARD Grade A

Top 10 Bank Jobs After Graduation

You can apply for most Government Jobs in your last semester or after being a graduate. The list of Bank Job that a graduate can apply for are as follows:

State Bank of India (SBI) Exam

State Bank of India jobs is most sought after in the banking industry due to the pay and perks. The State Bank of India conducts various examinations to recruit Probationary Officers (PO), Junior associates (Clerk), Specialist officers (SO), etc in various branches of SBI all over the country. There is a separate examination for all the recruitment i.e. Clerk, SBI PO, and SBI SO. Here are the details about the exam that are being conducted by SBI:

Exam NameAge LimitSelection Process
SBI PO21-30 YearsPrelims, Mains, and Interview.
SBI Clerk21-30 YearsPrelims, Mains followed by Language Proficiency Test (LPT)
SBI SOAs per the postPrelims, Mains (Professional Test ), and Interview

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) Exam

IBPS is one of the largest recruiting bodies that conducts various examinations to recruit eligible candidates for the various Public Sector Banks and Regional Banks. Clerk, Probationary Officer, Assistant, etc are the post for which IBPS conducts examinations. Public Sector Banks take part in the recruitment process for IBPS PO and IBPS Clerk. These are held once every year around September/October and notification of the same is released around August every year.

Exam NameAge LimitSelection Process
IBPS PO20-30 yearsPrelims, Mains, and Interview.
IBPS Clerk20-28 YearsPrelims, Main, and LPT (Language Proficiency Test)
IBPS RRB PO18 – 30 YearsPrelims, Main Examination and Interview
IBPS RRB Clerk18 to 28 YearsPrelims and Main Examination
IBPS SO20- 30 YearsPrelims, Main, and Interview

NABARD(National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development)

The NABARD Grade A & B officer recruitment is conducted by NABARD to hire young individuals at the manager level to perform the various functions of NABARD. It is one of the most sought-after banking jobs in India.

NABARD Grade-A Exam ParticularsDetails
Exam NameNABARD Grade A 
Conducting AuthorityNational Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
Full Form of NABARD National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
Posts OfferedAssistant Manager in R&SS, RDBS, Rajbhasha Adhikari, Legal
SalaryRs. 62,600 per month
Job LocationPan India
Application ModeOnline
Application FeeSC/ST – Rs. 150For others – Rs. 800
Selection process stagesPhase 1 (Prelims)Phase 2 (Mains)Interview

RBI Assistant

 The RBI Assistant exam is a national-level exam that is conducted annually to recruit candidates for the post of Assistant in various offices of the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). RBI (Reserve Bank of India) offers a yearly opportunity to a number of candidates to join their prestigious organization as RBI Assistants. Thousands of prospective youngsters from all over India try out their luck to secure a seat, however, only a handful manage to clear them. Apart from the overall reputation and respect that such a job brings with it, the pay, benefits, and perks are also quite substantial. 

Conducting BodyReserve Bank of India
PostRBI Assistant 
Job TypeGovernment Job
Stages of ExamPrelims and Mains, LPT

RBI Grade B

One of the most lucrative jobs in the banking sector is RBI Grade B which demands a full-length strategy. Each year, RBI holds an exam to recruit officers into its Manager cadre, also referred to as RBI Grade B officers. This is three-stage recruitment and is one of the toughest exams in the banking sector. 

Name of the ExamRBI Grade B 
Exam Conducting BodyReserve Bank of India 
Exam CategoryRegulatory Body Exam
Exam LevelNational
Exam ModeOnline
Language of ExamEnglish and Hindi
PeriodicityOnce a Year
Selection ProcessPhase 1 (Prelims), Phase 2 (Mains), Interview
Official Website
Maximum Number of Attempts6 for a General Category Candidate (If you have attempted the Phase 1 exam 6 times, then you are not eligible.)
Eligibility – Age Limit 21 to 30 Years
Eligibility – EducationGraduation in any discipline with a minimum of 60% marks for General candidates or  Post Graduation in any discipline with a minimum of 55% marks.
Application Fee Rs 850 for General Category Candidate

Importance of Free Mock Test for Bank Exam

Attempting a Free mock test series is a very important part of exam preparation. Here are some ways in which the Online Mock Test Series will help you.

Free Mock Tests give you an idea about the exam

Online sites provide plenty of information about the structure and pattern of an exam. But simply knowing the pattern will not suffice. After you take a mock test, you will understand how each section of the paper is structured.

Free Mock tests lead you to understand your weaknesses

We all have our weak points. Using mock tests, you can figure out where your weaknesses lie and work on them. They will show you which section you are struggling with or which part of the syllabus is taking up time.

Free Mock tests help you understand the syllabus

For each bank exam, there is a broad generic syllabus, and you prepare yourself according to that. You will gain a better understanding of how questions are framed, their sequence, and the weighting of the marks if you sit for bank exams.

Strategize with Free Mock Tests

When you understand your weaknesses and the syllabus better, you can craft a strategy. You can analyze your mistakes and understand how they could have been avoided. Using mock tests, you can perfect your strategy by trial and error.

You can come up with new tricks and tips

Free Mock tests also allow you to develop your own techniques or tricks to solve problems faster. It is possible that you have already learned tips and tricks, and mock tests will help you apply them.

Free Mock tests help improve your speed

The real challenge of bank exams is the time constraint. Answers to many questions must be written down in a short period of time. This is where mock tests can help. Since you have worked on the mathematics or reasoning problems on many occasions or you are intimately familiar with the English grammar questions because you opted for many mock tests, you will be able to find the answers speedily. Practicing will hone your time and accuracy.

Helps you learn the study material

There is a lot to learn to qualify for a bank, SSC, Railway & different government exam entrance tests. And Free mock tests make you do the math/reasoning problems and the grammar questions multiple times. That reinforces the information and strategies so that your brain can retrieve them efficiently. And this trait will help you in the actual exam. The importance of mock tests in exams does not need any introduction.

Keep track of your progress with Free mock tests

Attempting mock tests is the best way to test whether your strategies are actually working. A mock test shows you where you were falling behind and you recalibrated your game plan accordingly. Now, a few months later sit for another mock test to see whether you have made any progress.

Free Mock tests create the ambiance of the real exam

Solving a practice paper at home is very different from taking a test. Free Mock tests recreate the feeling of an actual examination. Bank exams today are conducted online and each section has a timer that ticks down. It is therefore necessary to take a mock test to get an idea of the pressure and anxiety you will be under and to learn how to beat the timer.


This is all from our side in this blog “Top 10 Bank Jobs After Graduation”. Keep checking this space for more relevant information about the Bank Jobs you can apply for after graduation.


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