UP Police SI Recruitment 2020-21 | Apply Online Extended Till 15 June 2021

The UP Police has released the UP SI recruitment notification for the post of Sub Inspector, Platoon Commander, and Fire Service Second Officer (Male). A total of 9534 vacancies are announced for the mentioned posts. This is great news for all the aspirants seeking for a government job in Uttar Pradesh Police. The UPPRPB has again the extended the application process for the post of SI in UP Police and the last date to apply for the post is 15 June 2021. All the interested candidates seeking for a govt job in UP Police should go on the direct link given below and apply through it.

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In this blog, UP Police SI Recruitment we are going to share with you all the information regarding the UP Police SI recruitment like exam date, vacancies, syllabus, application fees, exam pattern, etc.


UP Police SI Recruitment 2020 | Overview

Organization Name Uttar Pradesh Recruitment and Promotion Board
Position Name Sub Inspector, Platoon Commander, Fire Services Second Officer (Male)
Total Vacancies 9534
Starting date April 1st 2021
Closing Date 15/06/2021 (Apply Online Date Extended)


Download The UP Police SI Recruitment Notice Here


UP SI Recruitment 2020-21 | Vacancy

The total no. of vacancies advertised are 9534. Here is a breakdown –

Post Name No. of Vacancy
Sub Inspector Civil Police 9027
Platoon Commander/Sub Inspector Armed Police (Male) 484
Fire Service Second Officer (Male) 23
Total SI Posts 9534 Posts


UP Police SI Online Application Fee

The Application Fee for the UP Police SI online application fee is based on the previous application fee of UP Police SI.

  • For All Candidates: Rs. 400/-

UP Police SI Recruitment 2020-21 | Apply Online

Direct Link to Apply for UP Police Sub Inspector 2020-21 Recruitment


Step 1: Click on the direct link as given above.

Step 2: A new page will appear on the candidate’s screen.

Step 3: Enter all the required details in the application form.

Step 4: Upload all the necessary documents as required.

Step 5: After filling the application form, candidates can then pay the application fee and make the final submission.

Step 6: Candidates must also take two or three printouts of the application form for future reference.

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UP Police SI Recruitment: Eligibility

UP Police has set some eligibility standards like Educational qualification, age limit, and Physical standard eligibility for the UP Police SI Recruitment for different posts.

UP Police SI Recruitment | Educational Qualifications

The minimum educational qualification required for the UP Police SI is as follows:

Post Essential Qualifications & Experience
Sub Inspector Candidate should be a Graduate from any stream from UGC recognized University/Institute in order to be eligible for this recruitment.

 UP Police SI Recruitment | Age Limit

The minimum and maximum age required for the post of UP Police SI are as follows:

  1. Minimum Age: 21 Years
  2. Maximum Age: 28 Years

UP Police SI Physical Standard Test (PST)

The Physical Standard Test for the UP Police SI Recruitment for different posts are as follows:

Category Height Chest Weight
Gen/OBC 168 cms 73 cms (Without Expansion)

84 cms (With Expansion)

52 kg
SC/ ST 160 cms 73 cms (Without Expansion)

84 cms (With Expansion)

52 kg
Gen/OBC 152 cms N/A 40 kg
SC/ ST 147 cms N/A 40 kg

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Race

The Physical Efficiency Test for the different UP SI posts are as follows:

Category Race Time duration
Female 2.4 km 14 minutes
Male 4.8 25 minutes

Medical Test

For the UP Police SI Recruitment, various tests are performed to check if the candidate has any ongoing medical treatment or disease. The body parts like knees, eyes are also checked by the official. Read below to know the test that is conducted to analyze the candidate’s health.

  • Eyes test ( sight + color blindness)
  • For Eye Sight- Minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 of both eyes without glasses. Candidate must not squint in the eyes.
  • Hearing test for ear
  • Tooth test
  • Blood test ( all variants) + Urine test
  • Hands and Legs without any major problems ( barefoot must be seen).
  • Knock knee test
  • Chest x-ray
  • Drug screening
  • Blood pressure
  • Electrocardiogram


UP Police SI Recruitment 2020 | Selection Process

Till last recruitment UP Police was following the said selection process, exam pattern, and syllabus. If there will be any changes in the process it will be updated here.

  1. Online Written Examination
  2. Documentation & Physical Standard Test (PST)
  3. Physical Efficiency Test (PET)
  4. Medical Test

UP Police SI Selection Process | Online Written Examination

UP Police SI exams are conducted online, as it is the most effective and reliable way of exam conduction. Check the exam pattern and the important points of the UP Police SI written exam.

Subject Marks Duration
General Hindi 100 2 hours (120 minutes)
Law/ Constitution and General Knowledge 100
Numerical & Mental Ability Test 100
Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Test/Test of Reasoning 100
  • The question will be objective type.
  • The exam will be of a total of 400 marks.
  • There is no negative marking for any wrong answer.
  • The test is bilingual i.e., Hindi and English language except for the General Hindi part.

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Physical Standard Test(PST) & Document Verification:

The Physical Standard Test & Document Verification for the posts of UP Police SI Recruitment 2020 are as follows:

Physical Standard Test

Various Categories Height Measurements
(in cm)
Chest Measurements (in cm)
Male Candidates
General/OBC/SC 168 cms 79-84 cms
ST(Scheduled Tribes) 160 cms 77-82 cms
Female Candidates
General/OBC/SC 152 cms N/A
ST(Scheduled Tribes) 147 cms N/A

 Document Verification

It is very important to pass the document verification for moving on to the next stage of the verification process. All the required documents needed for the verification process shall be prescribed by the Uttar Pradesh Police Board in the official notification. It will include documents like mark sheets, passport size photos, photo id proof, Aadhar, PAN, etc. We will update all the necessary documents required once the official notification is released.

Physical Efficiency Test (PET)/Race

The Physical Efficiency Test for the different UP SI posts are as follows:

Category Race Time duration
Female 2.4 km 14 minutes
Male 4.8 25 minutes

Medical Examination

This is the last stage for the selection of the post of Uttar Pradesh Police Sub-Inspector. The fulfillment of some conditions mentioned below shall make sure that the candidates are medically fit. 

  • The minimum distant vision should be 6/6 and 6/9 in case of both eyes without correction i.e. without wearing glasses. 
  • The full-field vision should be present in the case of each eye. 
  • There shall be a disqualification in case of squint, color blindness, or any morbid condition of either eye or both eyes. 



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UP SI Syllabus 2020

The UP Police SI Syllabus consists of 4 sections namely, General Hindi, Numerical & Mental Ability Test, Mental Aptitude Test/Intelligence Test/Test of Reasoning, and Law/ Constitution & General Knowledge sections. Let us go through the subject-wise important topics provided in the below post.

UP Police SI General Knowledge / Law & Constitution Syllabus:

Basic Law & Constitution

General Knowledge (about Indian Constitution) Aim of the Constitution Fundamental Rights
Directive principles Rules & Regulations (of constitutional Amendments) All India Service
Information about social law related to women, children, Reservation of SC/ ST Environment and Wild Life Conservation Human Rights
Traffic Rules National Security Issues Crime Punishment Principles
Right of Self Defence General Knowledge about Law

General Knowledge

The General Knowledge Section of UP SI Syllabus covers the following topics.

Current Affairs Science, Technology, and Inventions GK of India and world
National/International Awards Indian Languages Books and Script
Capital and Currency Sports

General Hindi

Here is the UP Police SI Syllabus for Hindi and Essay papers respectively.

Passage based answering Letter Writing Word Knowledge
Use of Words Antonyms and synonyms One Word Substitutions
Sentence Correction Idioms and Phrases

Numerical Aptitude

The most important topics covered in the Numerical Ability sections of UP Police SI syllabus include the following topics in Arithmetic, Geometry etc.

Number System Simplification Decimal & Fraction
HCF & LCM Ratio & Proportion Percentage
Profit & Loss Discount Simple Interest and Compound Interest
Partnership Time & Work Distance
Tables & Graphs Mensuration & Miscellaneous


Mental Aptitude/Intelligence Quotient /Test of Reasoning

Mental Ability

Mental Aptitude section tends to test the logical ability of the candidates. Here are the topics that form the UP SI Syllabus for Mental Aptitude Test.

Logical Diagrams Symbol-Relationship Interpretation Codification
Perception Test Word formation Test Letter and number series
Word and alphabet Analogy Common Sense Test Letter and number coding
Direction sense Test Logical interpretation of data Forcefulness of argument
Determining implied meanings

 Intelligence Quotient Test

Mental Aptitude section tends to test the logical ability of the candidates. Here are the topics that form the UP SI Syllabus for Mental Aptitude Test.

Relationship and Analogy Test Spotting out the dissimilar Completion of Series
Coding-Decoding Direction Sense Test Blood Relation
Problems based on the alphabet Time sequence test Venn diagram and chart based test
Mathematical ability Test Arranging in order

 Reasoning Test

This section tends to test the reasoning ability of the candidates. Here are the topics that form the UP SI Syllabus for Reasoning.

Analogies Similarities Differences
Space visualization Problem-solving Analysis and Judgment
Decision-making Visual memory Discrimination
Observation Relationship Concepts
Arithmetical reasoning Verbal and figure classification Arithmetical number series
Abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships Arithmetical computations and other analytical functions

This is all from us in this blog, UP Police SI Recruitment 2020. Stay tuned with Oliveboard for more exam related information.


UP Police SI Recruitment 2020 | FAQs

Q1) When will UP Police SI recruitment start?

Ans: UP Police SI Recruitment is out you can apply online till 15/06/2021.

Q2) How can one Apply for UP Police SI recruitment?

Ans: Interested candidates can apply for the UP Police SI recruitment by Online mode.

Q3) Can other state candidates apply for UP Police SI recruitment?

Ans: Yes, anyone who is a citizen of India can apply for the UP Police SI recruitment 2020.

Q4) What is the qualification for UP Police SI recruitment?

Ans: Candidate should be a Graduate from any stream from UGC recognized University/Institute in order to be eligible for this recruitment.

Q5) Is there any age relaxation for UP Police SI recruitment?

Ans: Yes, there will be age relaxation for the reserved category candidates as per the government norms.

Q6) What is the age limit for UP Police Sub Inspector?

Ans: The minimum and maximum age limit for the UP Police SI Candidates should be:

Minimum: 21 Years
Maximum: 28 Years.

Q7) Can I apply offline for UP Police SI Recruitment?

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Ans: No, applications will be accepted for those candidates who have applied online for the UP Police SI recruitment 2020.

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