Descriptive English Practice 04 – Letter-Writing Samples by Oliveboard Users

SBI PO Mains is just around the corner. This is the time to focus on Descriptive English section. Hence we have started the Descriptive English Practice series. The Descriptive English Practice 04 is fourth part of the series. In this part we have given 2 letter-writing samples for our readers. These practice samples would also be helpful for other banking exams like  IBPS RRB POIBPS PO,

This Letter Writing practice samples have been selected by our in-house experts after careful evaluation of the posts submitted by aspirants and users on Oliveboard’s Discuss Forum.

Descriptive English Practice 04 – Sample Letter 1 (12th July 2019)

Username -: miglani.payal0

Topic -: You have incurred penalties due to the maintenance of low balance in your bank account and you feel it is unfair. Write a letter to the local branch manager of your bank telling him about the same.

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XYZ Nagar,
XYZ City,
7th July,2019

The Manager,
XYZ bank,
XYZ City

Subject: Unfair deductions from bank account.

Sir/ Madam,

This is to bring to your notice that I, ABC, have a savings account with account number 145600xxxxxx in your bank for last 8 years. Yesterday, when I was checking my bank statement online, I found that 700 rupees have been deducted from my account due to low balance. It has been the first time in 8 years that my account had a low balance.

I had never made any defaults, this is the first time that due to some issue I could not keep the required balance for a week. I find that the deduction of such a large amount is unfair as it is without prior notice. Being a loyal customer, I request you to refund the amount.

Looking forward to enjoy your bank services without interruption.

Thanking You

Yours sincerely,

Descriptive English Practice 04 – Expert’s Evaluation Comments

“Decent content with appropriate structure and format. Kudos, keep practising!”

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Descriptive English Practice 04 – Sample Letter 2 (12th July 2019)

Username -: meghana.rathore97

Topic -: Write a letter to your parents cautioning them about the prevalence of online fraud and the steps they should take to stay protected.

73/3 ABC nagar,
New Delhi,

Dear Mom,

I hope you are doing well. I am good too, though missing you! While scrolling through my facebook home page yesterday, I came across a post, where dad was interested in an event called “You might be the lucky one!”, an online lottery competition.

I could remember one of the your sayings, “there are no free lunches in this world!”. And that’s what I wanted to suggest. These days, due to growing internet era, the number of fraudulent activities online have reached new heights. But there are certain precautions that we can take while making choices online. The authenticity of the information must be duly verified.

Though you and dad, have enough expertise to sense what is right and wrong, it still is my responsibility to make sure that my parents are safe and secure. Give regards to dad!

Yours lovingly


Descriptive English Practice 04 – Expert’s Evaluation Comments

“Date missing from the letter Few punctuation mistakes, which need to be taken care of. Decent content with appropriate structure. The length is appropriate too. Kudos. Keep practising!”

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Also read -:

Descriptive english practice – Essay samples (9th July)

Descriptive English Practice 02 – Letter Writing Samples (10th July)

Descriptive english practice – Essay samples (11th July)

That is all from us in this blog – Descriptive English Practice 04. We hope you liked the Letter Writing samples.. Keep checking this space for more Bank Exam updates, Study Materials and Mock Tests.

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