NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF & Exam Pattern 2025 for Phase 1 and 2

NABARD Grade A syllabus: The NABARD Grade A syllabus PDF consists of two main phases: Prelims and Mains. Prelims are 200 objective-type questions in which the last three sections, ARD, GA, and ESI are merit sections. The Mains paper is both objective and descriptive in which your knowledge of English, ESI, and ARD is tested. It is worth 100 marks and 120 minutes long. Find detailed NABARD syllabus PDF and exam pattern in this post.

NABARD Grade A Syllabus & Exam Pattern

NABARD Grade A Syllabus & NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern remain the same almost every year. This year the vacancies are expected to be released for 17 disciplines. The selection process involves prelims, mains, psychometric test and finally interview. Knowing the NABARD Grade A Syllabus 2025 is extremely important to bifurcate which topics can be kept at least priority.

ParticularsImportant Information
OrganisationNational Bank of Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
Posts NameGrade A / Assistant Manager
Selection ProcessPrelims, Mains, Interview
Types of QuestionsPrelims- Objective
Mains- Objective & Descriptive
DurationPrelims- 120 minutes
Mains- 90 minutes each paper
Negative MarkingPrelims & Mains- 0.25 Marks
Official websiteNABARD

NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF

For detailed preparation, candidates are advised to download the NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF, which includes a comprehensive list of topics, subtopics, and exam patterns. Below are the NABARD Grade A Phase 2 Syllabus PDFs:

SubjectsDownload PDFs
NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF for ESIDownload Here
NABARD Agriculture Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Chartered Accountant Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF for FinanceDownload Here
NABARD Grade A IT Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Animal Husbandry Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF for FisheriesDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Food Processing Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Forestry Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Plantation & Horticulture Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF for Geo InformaticsDownload Here
NABARD Development Management Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Statistics Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF for Civil EngineeringDownload Here
NABARD Environmental Engineering Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD HR Management Syllabus PDFDownload Here
NABARD Grade A Syllabus PDF for RajbhasaDownload Here

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern 2025

All the details regarding the exam pattern and syllabus will be released in NABARD Grade A Notification. We have tried to cover the NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern for both phases in the below subsections in a crisp and short form.

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern – Prelims

Reasoning, English, Computer, Quantitative Aptitude, and Decision Making sections are qualifying in nature and the other 3 sections i.e. GA, ESI & ARD sections are merit sections. Check out some more important information on NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern below for Prelims:

  • Duration: Composite Time of 120 Minutes
  • Nature of Exam: Bilingual (Except English Language)
  • Marking Scheme: 1/4th mark of that question will be deducted for every wrong answer.
Name of the TestNo. of QuestionsMaximum Marks
Test of Reasoning2020 
English Language3030
Computer Knowledge2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Decision Making1010
General Awareness2020

NABARD Phase 2 Exam Pattern 2025

The candidates who will clear the NABARD Grade A Prelims Exam will be able to sit for the Mains Exam. Phase 2 is considered tough and the subjects are common so it is advisable that candidates must start covering the NABARD Grade A Syllabus for Phase 2 along with Phase 1. Also check out some of the common points in NABARD Phase 2 Pattern for both the posts:

  • Descriptive Answers are to be typed using a keyboard either in English or Hindi (Remington and Inscript keyboards).
  • In Paper 2 Descriptive portion, the candidates have to attempt 4 questions out of 6 questions. In these 4 questions, 2 questions attempted must be of 15 marks and 2 questions of 10 marks.
  • On the completion of the mains exam, a psychometric test will be conducted. This test is mandatory.

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern (Generalist Officers)

This is the post for which maximum applications are sent to NABARD which is why the competition level becomes fierce. For the post of Generalist Officer, check out the NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern 2025 below:

  • The maximum marks for paper 1 (English) are 100 marks. Marks for paper 2 (ESI &ARD Objective & Descriptive) are 50 marks each.
  • In paper 1, only 3 questions are asked.
  • In paper 2, 30 questions are asked for objective part and 6 questions are asked for descriptive part.
Paper IGeneral English
90 Min
30 Min
Paper IIESI & ARD (Descriptive)90 Min

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern (Specialist Officers & Rajbhasha)

In Paper 2 Objective paper, some questions may carry 2 marks each and some questions may carry 1 mark each. Also, the number of questions for General English are 3, and for stream specific, it is 30 for objective part and 6 for descriptive part.

Paper IGeneral English
10090 Min
Paper IIStream Specific
5030 Min
Paper IIStream Specific (Descriptive)5090 Min

NOTE: After the conduction of the mains exam, a psychometric test will be conducted. The psychometric test will be MCQ based for 90 minutes duration.

NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern 2025 – Interview

Candidates who get the minimum qualifying sectional cut offs, and the overall cut offs can progress to NABARD Grade A and NABARD Grade B Interview. The interview will be conducted for 50 marks. Candidate may opt for an interview either in Hindi or English. The calling ratio to qualify for the interview would be a maximum of 1:3.

NABARD Grade B interviews is worth 75 marks. You can give it in your chosen language, English or Hindi. You will be asked questions related to your background, conceptual understanding, logical problem-solving ability, and leadership skills.  

Negative Marking in NABARD Grade A

Some aspirants remain confused about the NABARD Grade A Negative Marking. The aspirants must note that there is 1/4th negative marking in NABARD Grade A. This means that in both Phase 1 & Phase 2, for every wrong answer, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be the negative marking.

Download NABARD Phase 2 Trend Analysis & Preparation Roadmap

NABARD Grade A Syllabus 2025

The NABARD Grade A Syllabus 2025 is extensive and includes detailed subject matter across various disciplines like agriculture, economics, and social issues, especially focusing on the development of rural areas. Although we have already provided the NABARD Grade A syllabus PDF above in this post, here is a detailed overview for the same.

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NABARD Grade A Prelims Syllabus 2025

Check out the NABARD Grade A Syllabus for the qualifying sections of Prelims.

NABARD Grade A Phase 1 Syllabus
Reasoning Ability

Puzzles & Seating Arrangement, Syllogism, Data Sufficiency, Statement Based Questions (Verbal Reasoning), Inequality, Miscellaneous Questions, Input – Output, Blood Relations, Coding – Decoding
Quantitative Aptitude

Data Interpretations, Quadratic Equations, Number Series, Simplification/Approximation, Data Sufficiency, Arithmetic Questions, Quantity Comparisons, Mathematical Inequalities
English Language

Reading Comprehension, Cloze Test, Sentence Improvement, Spotting the Errors, Fill in the Blanks, Sentence Rearrangement, Para Jumbles, New Pattern Questions
General Awareness

Questions based on Current Affairs, Banking, Economy, and Insurance, Current Affairs based on recent appointments, sports, awards, and honors, new schemes, international and national news, the latest science and technological developments
Decision Making

Interpreting Information, Recognizing Assumptions, Situation-based question,Case Studies
Computer Knowledge

Input – Output devices, Networking, DBMS, MS Office, Internet, History of Computers & Generations, Shortcuts

NABARD Grade A Syllabus 2025 Phase 1 & 2 – ARD

The candidates must prepare for both Phase 1 & 2 simultaneously for NABARD Grade A ARD as the topics are the same but the difficulty level changes.

NABARD Grade A ARD Syllabus

Definition, Meaning, and Its Branches, Agronomy: Definition, Meaning, and Scope of Agronomy, Classification of Field Crops, Factors Affecting Crop Production, Argo Climatic Zones, Types of Cropping Systems and Their Definitions, Problems faced if the land is dry – Seed Production & Processing, and Seed Village, Meteorology: Weather Parameters, Crop-Weather Advisory, Precision Farming, System of Crop Intensification, Organic Farming
Soil and Water Conservation

Major Soil Types, Soil Fertility, Fertilizers, Soil Erosion, Soil Conservation, Watershed Management
Water Resource

Irrigation Management, Types of Irrigation, Sources of Irrigation, Crop-Water Requirement, Command Area Development, Water Conservation Techniques, Micro Irrigation, Irrigation Pumps, Major, Medium and Minor Irrigation
Agri & Farm Engineering

Power and Machinery Related to Farms, Power Sources on the farm – animal, human, electrical, mechanical, wind, biomass and solar, biofuels, Water Harvesting Structures, Farm Ponds Agro Processing, Modified & controlled storage, storage of perishable foods, bins, godowns, and grain silos
Horticulture & Plantation

Meaning, Definition, and Its Branches, Production Technology and Agronomic practices with respect to various horticulture and plantation crops, Value and supply chain management of Horticulture & Plantation crops, Post-harvest management of the same
Animal Husbandry

Farm animals and their role in the Indian economy, Animal husbandry methods in India, Commonly used terminologies pertaining to the different species of livestock, Utility classification of breeds of cattle, Introduction to common fodders and feeds, their utility, and classification, Introduction to the industry of poultry in India, Common terms pertaining to poultry production and management, Socio-Economic implications of mixed farming on the farmer in India and the concept of mixed farming, Livestock and Poultry production and their obligatory and complementary relationship with that of agricultural farming

Fisheries Resources, Exploitation and management – marine water, freshwater, and brackish water, Aquaculture- Inland and Marine, Biotechnology, Post-Harvest Technology, Importance of fisheries in India, Common terms pertaining to fish production

Basic Concepts of Forest and Forestry, Management, mensuration, and Economics regarding Forests, and the Principles of silviculture, Concepts of agroforestry, social forestry, and joint forest management, Legislation and Policies regarding forests in India, 2015 Report on the State of forests in India, Ministry of Forest, Environment, and Climate Change, Ministry of Forest, Environment, and Climate Change and Recent developments under them
Agriculture Extensions

Its role and importance, evaluations methods of extension programmes, KVK’s (Krishi Vigyan Kendra) role in the dissemination of technologies based on Agriculture
Ecology & Climate Change

Ecology and how it is relevant to man, sustainable management, and conservation of natural resources, Climate change and its causes, GHGs (Green House Gases), countries emitting high amounts of GHGs, and climate analysis, Distinguish between adaptation and mitigation, Climate change and its impact on rural livelihoods and agriculture, Carbon credit IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings, Funding mechanisms for climate change projects, Indian government initiatives like SAPCC, NAPCC, and INDC
Present Scenario of agriculture and allied activities in India

Trends of recent times, Major challenges in agriculture measures to enhance, Viability of agriculture, Factors of Production in Agriculture, Agricultural Finance and Marketing, Globalization and its impacts on Indian Agriculture and the issue of food security, Concept and Types of Farm Management

NABARD Grade A Syllabus 2025 Phase 1 & 2 – ESI

For NABARD Grade A ESI as well, the topics are the same but the difficulty level changes. In Mains, you will find more difficult questions.

NABARD Grade A ESI Syllabus
Indian Economy and Its Nature

Institutional & Structural Features, Economic Underdevelopment, Opening Up the Indian Economy, Globalization, Economic Reforms in India, Privatization

Various trends regarding inflation and the impacts they have on Individual Income and National Economy
Employment Generation & Poverty Alleviation in India

Urban & Rural, Measurement of Poverty, Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government
Population Trends

Population Growth and Economic Development, Population Policy in India

Characteristics / Status, Technical and Institutional changes in Indian Agriculture, Agricultural performance, Issues in Food Security in India, Non-Institutional and Institutional Agencies in rural credit

Industrial and Labour Policy, Industrial Performance, Regional Imbalance in India’s Industrial Development, Public Sector Enterprises
Financial Institutions and Rural Banking in India

Reforms in the Financial Sector / Banking
Economic Globalization

International Funding Institutions and their roles, IMF & World Bank, WTO, Regional Economic Co-operation
Social Structure in India

Multiculturalism, Demographic Trends, Urbanization and Migration, Gender Issues Joint Family System, Social Infrastructure, Education, Health and Environment

Status & System of Education, Socio-Economic Problems Associated with Illiteracy, Educational Relevance and Educational Wastage, Educational Policy for India
Social Justice

Problems of scheduled tribes and scheduled castes, Socio-economic programmes directed towards Scheduled castes, Scheduled tribes, and Other Backward Classes
Positive Discrimination or steps to favor the underprivileged classes

Social Movements, Indian Political Systems, Human Development, Current Economic & Social Issues

Is NABARD Grade A Easy Or Tough?

The NABARD Grade A exam is of moderate to difficult level. It is easier than the RBI Grade B exam. In paper 1, Quantitative Aptitude section has an easy to moderate difficulty, while General Awareness is moderate to difficult. This is because the syllabus is wide and you are not 100% sure from where a question can come from. 

Agriculture & Rural Development is another section in the prelims whose difficulty level is high. You can view the complete NABARD Grade A exam analysis of the previous year here to gain a deeper understanding. Here’s a table that breaks down section-wise difficulty.

Name of TestDifficulty Level (Overall)
Test of ReasoningModerate
English LanguageEasy
Computer KnowledgeEasy to Moderate
Quantitative AptitudeModerate
Decision MakingEasy
General AwarenessModerate to Difficult
Economic & Social Issues (with a focus on Rural India)Moderate
Agriculture & Rural Development (with emphasis on Rural India)Difficult

Can You Clear NABARD Grade A in First Attempt?

Yes. If you follow an informed preparation strategy consistently for a long time ( at least six months) and take help from reliable sources, clearing NABARD Grade A in the first attempt is possible. 

  • Download NABARD Grade A syllabus PDF and review the exam pattern and frequent questions.
  • Quantitative Aptitude and English language sections are easy to score for most candidates. Study them earlier on in your preparation schedule.
  • Practice from NABARD Grade A previous year papers. This will help you find out the trends in the exam pattern. 
  • Use as many NABARD Grade A mock tests to identify your weaknesses before the exam. 
  • Knowing current affairs is important for General Awareness and ESI. Cover at least 6 months of current affairs before the scheduled date for prelims and mains. 
  • Focus on your typing speed because the descriptive ASI and ERD paper requires you to type at least 2000 words in 1.3 hours. The more you practice questions and note down key points, the better the result. 

NABARD Grade A Syllabus 2025 – FAQs

Q1. What is the NABARD Grade A Syllabus?

The NABARD Grade A Syllabus for Phase 1 includes 8 subjects and NABARD Phase 2 Pattern includes 2 papers. Paper 1 is General English & Paper 2 consists of ESI & ARD.

Q2. Is there negative marking in NABARD Grade A exam?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks. This means that for every wrong answer in NABARD Grade A Exam, 0.25 marks will be deducted.

Q3. Will the marks scored in prelims exam be counted while preparing the final merit list?

No, the Phase 1 (Prelims) exam is only qualifying in nature. Hence, the marks scored in prelims will not be counted.

Q4. What is the NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern for Phase 2 (Mains)?

The NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern for mains consists of two papers. Paper 1 of General English and it is descriptive in nature whereas Paper 2 is of ESI & ARD and it is both objective & descriptive in nature.

Q5. Is there any sectional timing in NABARD Grade A exam?

No, there is no sectional timing in NABARD Grade A Exam Pattern. The duration of Phase 1 is 120 minutes and Phase 2 is 210 minutes.

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