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NABARD Grade A 2024 IT Officer Exam - All Details

Last updated on 29-Jul-2024


The NABARD Grade A IT Notification 2024 has been released on 27th July 2024 for 16 vacancies. NABARD has released vacancies for the post of Grade A Assistant Managers (RDBS) in various disciplines in the detailed notification. Out of these 102 total vacancies released, 16 vacancies are specifically out for the NABARD IT Officer. In this blog post, we intend to provide all the necessary information on NABARD Grade A IT Notification 2024.

NABARD Grade A IT Notification PDF

The detailed notification is released on the official website for NABARD IT Officer on 27th July 2024. The candidates can apply within the application window that is open from 27th July 2024 to 15th August 2024. As the NABARD Grade A IT 2024 detailed notification has been released, the candidates must download it from the link given below:

Download NABARD Grade A IT Notification PDF

NABARD Grade A IT Officer 2024 - Important Dates

The schedule for the NABARD Grade A IT officer exam 2024 is provided below. The exact dates has been notified in the detailed NABARD Grade A Notification 2024.

EventsNABARD IT Officer Important Dates 
NABARD IT Officer Short Notification Release Date25th July 2024
NABARD Grade A IT Officer Notification Release Date27th July 2024
NABARD Grade IT Officer Application Start Date27th July 2024
NABARD Grade A IT Officer Application Last Date15th August 2024
NABARD Grade A IT Officer (RDBS) – Phase 1 Prelims Exam Date1st September 2024 
NABARD Grade A Officer – Phase 2 (Mains) Exam Date19th October 2024 (Tentative)

NABARD Grade A IT Vacancies 2024

The vacancies for NABARD Grade 'A' AM (RDBS) - IT has been provided below for the current year. We have shared the vacancy of the previous years as well so that the aspirants come to know about the vacancy trend being followed.

Category2024 Vacancies2023 Vacancies2022 Vacancies2021 Vacancies
Total 16402515

NABARD Grade A IT Apply Online 2024

The application window is open from 27th July 2024 so, the below given link is active. Use the direct link given below to apply for NABARD Grade A IT Officer.

Direct NABARD Grade A IT Officer Apply Online Link

NABARD IT Officer Eligibility

While applying for NABARD Grade A, be aware that you can apply only for one discipline/ post of your choice. If you apply for Assistant Manager in IT discipline, you cannot opt for any other discipline like General, Fisheries, Agriculture, Finance, etc.

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NABARD IT Officer Eligibility - Age Limit

The candidate must be between 21 and 30 years of age which means that the candidate must have been born not earlier than 02-07-1994 and not later than 01-07-2003 as of 1st July 2024. Also note that the reference date and the other dates are as expected.

NABARD Grade A IT Officer Age Limit - Relaxation

Check out the relaxation in the table given below:

Category Age Relaxation
OBC 3 years
1. SC/ST 
2. Ex-servicemen
3. Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned
4. Children/family members of victims died in the 1984 riots
5 years
1. General
2. OBC
3. SC/ST
10 years
13 years
15 years

NABARD IT Officer Eligibility - Educational Qualification

Check out the NABARD Grade A IT Educational Qualification required below:

  • Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science/ Computer Technology/ Computer
    Applications/Information Technology with 60% marks (SC/PWBD applicants 55%) in
    aggregate OR
  • A post-graduate degree in Computer Science/ Computer Technology/
    Computer Applications/Information Technology with 55% marks (SC/PWBD applicants
    50%) in aggregate from a recognized university.

NABARD Grade A IT Notification - Selection Process

The selection will be in three Phases as furnished below:

  • Phase 1 (Preliminary Examination) - 200 Marks
  • Phase 2 (Mains Examination) - 200 Marks
  • Phase 3 (Interview) - 50 marks

NABARD Grade A IT Exam Pattern 2024

The NABARD Grade A IT Exam Pattern for both prelims and mains has been discussed below. The candidates must check out the detailed pattern to have a better understanding of subjects and their weightage.

NABARD Grade A IT Exam Pattern 2024 for Prelims

The Prelims Exam Pattern of NABARD Grade 'A' Assistant Manager - IT is given below :

Name of the TestNo. of
Test of Reasoning2020
English Language3030
Computer Knowledge2020
Quantitative Aptitude2020
Decision Making1010
General Awareness2020
Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India)4040
Agriculture & Rural Development with an Emphasis on Rural India4040

Important Notes

  • Qualifying Section - Test of Reasoning, English Language, Computer Knowledge, Quantitative Aptitude, Decision Making.
  • Merit Section - General Awareness, Eco & Soc. Issues (with focus on Rural India), Agriculture & Rural Development with Emphasis on Rural India.
  • Shortlisting of the candidates for the Main exam will be based on marks scored in the Merit section only.

NABARD Grade A IT Exam Pattern 2024 for Mains

The Mains exam pattern of NABARD Grade A IT Officer (Assistant Manager Exam) is given below :

PaperSubjectType of
Number of QsMarksDurationRemarks
Paper- IGeneral
3100 90 minutesDescriptive
Answers to
be typed
Paper-IIITObjective305030 minutes-

You will be
required to
attempt 4
[2 of 15 marks
5090 MinutesDescriptive
Answers to
be typed
either in
English or
and Inscript

The calling ratio to qualify for the main examination and interview would be a maximum of
1:25 and 1:3, respectively.

NABARD Grade A IT Negative Marking

  • There will be a penalty for wrong answers marked by the candidate.
  • For every wrong answer marked, 1/4th of the marks assigned to that question will be deducted as a penalty in Phase-I and Phase-II.
  • Cut-offs in Phase-I and Phase-II may be applied in two stages that are On scores in individual tests & On Total Score.

NABARD Grade A IT Syllabus 2024

NABARD Grade A Phase 1 (prelims) examination and Phase 2 (mains) examination syllabus are given below:

NABARD Grade A IT Prelims Syllabus 2024

Check out the detailed NABARD Grade A IT Prelims Syllabus below:

Name of SectionTopics asked
Reasoning Ability1. Puzzles & Seating arrangement
2. Syllogism
3. Data sufficiency
4. Statement-based questions (Verbal reasoning)
5. Inequality
6. Coding-Decoding
7. Input-Output
8. Blood relations
9. Miscellaneous Questions
Quantitative Aptitude1. Data Interpretation
2. Quadratic Equations
3. Number Series
4. Simplification/ Approximation
5. Data Sufficiency
6. Arithmetic Questions
7. Quantity Comparisons
8. Mathematical Inequalities
English Language1. Reading Comprehension
2. Sentence improvement
3. Cloze test
4. Spotting the errors
5. Fill in the blanks
6. Sentence rearrangement
7. Para Jumbles
8. New pattern questions
General AwarenessMajorly includes questions from current affairs - Banking, Finance, Insurance, Appointments, Awards and Honours, Sports, Schemes, and National and International Events.
Computer KnowledgeIt various topics like Networking, Input-output devices, DBMS, MS Office, Internet, History of computers & generations, and Shortcuts.

NABARD Grade A IT ESI Syllabus 2024

The ESI is one of the most important subjects to excel if you want to clear the NABARD Grade A Exam.

Name of SectionTopics asked
Nature of Indian Economy1. Structural and Institutional features
2. Economic Underdevelopment
3. Opening up the Indian Economy
4. Globalization
5. Economic Reforms in India
6. Privatization
InflationTrends in Inflation & their Impact on National Economy and Individual Income.
Poverty Alleviation and Employment Generation in IndiaRural and Urban Measurement of Poverty
Poverty Alleviation Programmes of the Government
Population TrendsPopulation Growth and Economic Development
Population Policy in India
Agriculture1. Characteristics / Status
2. Technical and Institutional changes in Indian 
3. Agriculture
4. Agricultural performance
5. Issues in Food Security in India
6. Non-Institutional and Institutional Agencies in rural 
Industry1. Industrial and Labour Policy
2. Industrial performance
3. Regional Imbalance in India's Industrial 
4. Public Sector Enterprises
Rural banking and financial institutions in IndiaReforms in the Banking/ Financial sector.
Globalization of Economy1. Role of International Funding Institutions
2. IMF & World Bank
3. WTO
4. Regional Economic Cooperation
Social Structure in India1. Multiculturalism
2. Demographic trends
3. Urbanization and Migration
4. Gender Issues- Joint family system
5. Social Infrastructure
6. Education
7. Health and Environment
Education1. Status & System of Education
2. Socio-Economic Problems associated with Illiteracy
3. Educational relevance and educational wastage
4. Educational Policy for India
Social JusticeProblems with scheduled castes and scheduled tribes
Socio-economic programmes for scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and other backward classes.
Positive Discrimination in favour of the underprivileged1. Social Movements
2. Indian Political Systems
3. Human Development

NABARD Grade A IT ARD Syllabus 2024

This is the section of which the students are scared. But we have created several ebooks for free to help you out with this section.

Name of SectionTopics asked
Agriculture1. Definition, meaning, and its branches
2. Agronomy: Definition, meaning, and scope of 
3. Classification of field crops
4. Factors affecting crop production
5. Agro Climatic Zones
6. Cropping Systems: Definition and types of cropping
7. Problems of dry land - Seed production, seed 
processing, seed village
8. Meteorology: weather parameters, crop-weather 
9. Precision Farming
10. System of Crop Intensification
11. Organic farming
Soil and Water Conservation1. Major soil types
2. Soil fertility
3. Fertilizers
4. Soil erosion
5. Soil conservation
6. Watershed management
Water Resource1. Irrigation Management
2. Types of irrigation
3. Sources of irrigation
4. Crop-water requirement
5. Command area development
6. Water conservation techniques
7. Micro-irrigation
8. Irrigation pumps
9. Major, medium, and minor irrigation.
Farm and Agri-Engineering1. Farm Machinery and Power
2. Sources of power on the farm- human, animal,
mechanical, electrical, wind, solar, and biomass, 
3. Water harvesting structures
4. Farm Ponds
5. Agro-Processing
6. Controlled and modified storage, of perishable food 
storage, godowns, bins, and grain silos
Plantation & Horticulture1. Definition, meaning, and its branches
2. Agronomic practices and production technology of 
various plantation and horticulture crops
3. Post-harvest management, value, and supply chain
management of Plantation and Horticulture crops.
Animal Husbandry1. Farm animals and their role in the Indian economy
2. Animal husbandry methods in India
3. Common terms pertaining to different species of
4. Utility classification of breeds of cattle
Introduction to common feeds and fodders, their
classification, and utility
5. Introduction to the poultry industry in India (past,
present, and future status)
6. Common terms pertaining to poultry production and 
7. The concept of mixed farming and its relevance to
the socio-economic conditions of farmers in India
8. Complimentary and obligatory nature of livestock 
and poultry production with that of agricultural 
Fisheries1. Fisheries resources Management and exploitation - 
freshwater, brackish water, and marine
2. Aquaculture- Inland and marine
3. Biotechnology Post-harvest technology
4. Importance of fisheries in India
5. Common terms pertaining to fish production.
Forestry1. Basic concepts of Forest and Forestry
2. Principles of silviculture, forest mensuration, forest 
management, and forest economics
3. Concepts of social forestry, agroforestry, joint forest 
4. Forest policy and legislation in India, India State of 
Forest Report 2015
5. Recent developments under the Ministry of 
Environment, Forest, and Climate Change
Agriculture Extensions1. Its importance and role, methods of evaluation of 
extension programs
2. Role of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVK) in the 
dissemination of Agricultural technologies
Ecology and Climate Change1. Ecology and its relevance to man, natural resources,
sustainable management, and conservation
2. Causes of climate change, GreenHouse Gases (GHG), 
major GHG emitting countries, climate analysis
3. Distinguish between adaptation and mitigation
4. Climate change impact on agriculture and rural 
5. Carbon credit, IPCC, UNFCCC, CoP meetings
6. Funding mechanisms for climate change projects
7. Initiatives by Govt of India, NAPCC, SAPCC, and INDC.
Present Scenario of Indian Agriculture and Allied activities1. Recent trends
2. Major challenges in agriculture measures to enhance
3. Viability of agriculture 
4. Factors of Production in agriculture
5. Agricultural Finance and Marketing
6. Impact of Globalization on Indian Agriculture and
issues of Food Security
7. Concept and Types of Farm Management.
Rural Development1. Concept of Rural Area
2. Structure of the Indian Rural Economy
3. Importance and role of the rural sector in India
4. Economic, Social, and Demographic Characteristics of 
the Indian rural economy
5. Causes of Rural Backwardness
6. Rural population in India
7. Occupational structure
8. Farmers, Agricultural Laborers, Artisans, Handicrafts,
Traders, Forest dwellers/tribes, and others in rural 
9. Trends of change in rural population and rural 
10. Problems and conditions of rural labour
11. Issues and challenges in Hand-looms
12. Panchayati Raj Institutions – Functions and 
MGNREGA, NRLM – Aajeevika, Rural Drinking
13. Working Programmes, Swachh Bharat, 
Rural Housing, PURA, and other rural 
development programs 

NABARD Grade A IT Mains Syllabus 2024

The NABARD Grade A IT Mains Syllabus is divided into two papers. Check out the detailed syllabus of both the papers below:

Paper-I - English Topics
Essay, Précis writing, Comprehension, and Business/Office Correspondence
Paper-II - Syllabus
01. Introduction to Software - Download the Free eBook Here 
02. Computer Fundamentals - Download the Free eBook Here
03. Data Structure, File structure and programming through ‘C', ‘C++', ‘Java' and ‘Python' - Download the Free eBook Here
04. Elements of Systems Analysis and Design
05. Numerical and Statistical Computing
06. Data Communication and Networks
07. Computer Architecture and Network Architecture - Download the Free eBook Here
08. Object-Oriented Systems
09. Database Management Systems including RDBMS
10. Software Engineering
11. Operating Systems - Download the Free eBook Here
12. Management Information Systems
13. Internet of Things (IoT), Mobile Computing
14. Design and analysis of Algorithms
15. Basic of AI, ML and natural language processing
16. Cyber Security
17. Big data Analytics
18. Data Modelling and Analytics
19. Concept of data visualization using reporting tools
20. Data warehousing with Analytical capabilities and virtual data management
21. API usage for cross-user interaction and data exchange

Exam Date

Phase 1: 1st September 2024

Total Vacancies


Download Notification


Q. How many vacancies are released for the NABARD Grade A IT officer's post in the year 2024?

A. Total of 16 vacancies are released for NABARD Grade A IT Officer 2024.

Q. When is the NABARD Grade A 2024 IT officer’s exam notification to be released? +

A. The NABARD Grade A 2024 IT Notification is out on 27th July 2024.

Q. Will NABARD recruit in 2024? +

A. Yes, NABARD will recruit Grade A officers in 2024.

Q. What is the selection procedure for NABARD Grade A 2024 officers' exam? +

A. The scheme of examination for the NABARD Grade A officers comprises three Phases:
1. Phase 1 (Prelims)
2. Phase 2 (Mains)
3. Interview

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