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JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Test 2024

Take a Free Mock Test now to ace JKSSB Junior Assistant exam

  • 10 JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests
  • 40 Sectional Mock Tests
  • Free Notes
  • Concept Videos

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Why Attempt JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Test Series?

Latest Pattern based JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests

All Questions in the JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock tests are based on latest exam pattern

Detailed Solutions for Each Question

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AI-Based Performance Analysis Engine

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JKSSB Junior Assistant Test Series

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 1

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 2

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 3

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 4

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 5

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 6

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 7

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 8

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant - 9

80 80 80 Mins

JKSSB Junior Asst. Sectional Test Series

English - 1

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 1

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 1

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 1

20 20 15 Mins

English - 2

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 2

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 2

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 2

20 20 15 Mins

English - 3

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 3

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 3

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 3

20 20 15 Mins

English - 4

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 4

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 4

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 4

20 20 15 Mins

English - 5

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 5

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 5

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 5

20 20 15 Mins

English - 6

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 6

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 6

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 6

20 20 15 Mins

English - 7

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 7

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 7

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 7

20 20 15 Mins

English - 8

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 8

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 8

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 8

20 20 15 Mins

English - 9

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 9

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 9

20 20 15 Mins

Computer Concepts - 9

20 20 15 Mins

English - 10

20 20 15 Mins

JK GK - 10

20 20 15 Mins

Numerical and Reasoning Ability - 10

20 20 15 Mins

JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Test 2024

Prepare for the JKSSB Junior Assistant exam in 2024 with our Free Mock Test. Boost your chances of success with 10 easy to use JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests and 40 Sectional Mock Tests. Access free notes to reinforce key concepts and watch concept videos for a deeper understanding. Don't miss this opportunity to excel in the JKSSB Junior Assistant exam. Take the free mock test now to assess your readiness and refine your preparation. Approach the exam with confidence, utilizing our mock tests and comprehensive resources to achieve your best performance.

Importance of JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests 

1. Gauge your subject knowledge

Mock Tests are online tests that closely simulate the actual exams. They are often based on the previous year's question papers, giving you an idea of what to and what not to prepare for. Mock tests are a great way to gauge your subject knowledge as well as practice for the actual test. It helps you to not only prepare for the test but also get familiar with how the test is conducted and how the questions are framed. A mock test can be made in two ways. You can either attempt a sample paper from the previous year's question papers, or you can attend Oliveboard's JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests curated by our top faculties. 

2. It simulates the experience of attending Real Exams

Mock tests are simulated tests of real exams. The idea is to provide students with an opportunity to practice the exam under exam conditions so that they can learn to tackle it confidently when the time comes. Mock tests can be designed in different ways and focus on different areas, such as the questions the student might face, the strategy of answering questions, remembering formulas and facts, etc.

3. Strategy Building and Time Management

The primary benefit of a mock test is that it helps students to prepare well for the exam in terms of time management and strategy. If students practice enough with mock tests, they would be able to solve most questions in the actual test without much difficulty. Ideally, students should start practicing with mock tests at least two months before the exam date.

JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Test in English

Oliveboard offers its mock tests exclusively in English, including the JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Test. Candidates who are proficient in English can confidently take these mock tests.

JKSSB Junior Assistant Exam - Overview

Name of the Conducting AuthorityJammu & Kashmir Services Selection Board
PositionJunior Assistant
CategorySelection exam
Application FeesRs. 500/- (for General Category)
Rs. 400/- (for SC, ST, PWD & EWS Categories) 
Mode of ExamOnline/offline
Selection processWritten Exam
Skill Test
EligibilityBachelor's degree from a recognized university
Pay ScaleLevel- 4 (Rs.25,500- Rs.81,100)

JKSSB Junior Assistant Exam Pattern

The JKSSB Junior Assistant Exam consists of two parts: a written exam and a skill test. The candidates must be well informed of the JKSSB Junior Assistant Test selection procedure and the JKSSB exam pattern for the year 2021.

  • Only objective questions are asked in the written examination, which is worth 80 marks.
  • Candidates receive a 0.25 penalty for each incorrect answer.
  • Candidates who achieve a score equal to or greater than the cut-off will be invited to the skill test, which is the next phase of the recruitment process.
  • Shortlisted candidates will next be called for the document verification round. They will be required to submit papers to validate all of the information provided throughout the application process.
  • The candidates' final selection will be determined by their overall performance at all phases of the selection process.
Section Number of QuestionsTime
General English2080 minutes
Numerical and Reasoning Ability20
General Awareness with the special reference to JK UT20
Fundamentals of Computer20

Stage 2 Skill test:

Once the candidate clears round 1, the board will call them for round 2. The second phase of the JKSSB Junior Assistant Recruitment Process is the Skill Test. This stage carries a total of 20 marks. The marks earned in this step are weighted in proportion to the 20 points granted for the Typing Test.

JKSSB Junior Assistant Exam 2024 Mock Test Series FAQs

How many JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests are provided by Oliveboard?

Oliveboard provides 10 JKSSB Junior Assistant Full Mock Tests. Solving these mock tests and analyzing your performance after each mock test is the best way to clear the JKSSB Junior Assistant exam.

Can Oliveboard's JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests help me clear the exam? +

Yes. Oliveboard's JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests are prepared by experts & Toppers. They are based on the latest exam pattern. Practicing these mock tests gives you a definite edge over your competitors. Also, the Advanced Analytics provided by Oliveboard after each mock test helps you understand your performance in the most comprehensive manner. This helps you improve your performance after each mock test.

How can I attempt the JKSSB Junior Assistant Free Mock Test? +

To attempt JKSSB Junior Assistant Free Mock Test, just follow the following steps:
1. Register/Log-in by entering your valid email address or through your Google ID in the field given above.
2. Go to the Mock Tests section
3. Click on the "Start Test" button on the right side of the screen

Oliveboard provides JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock Tests in how many languages? +

Oliveboard provides JKSSB Junior Assistant Mock tests in English.

Can Oliveboard Mock tests for JKSSB Junior Assistant be attempted through Mobile? +

Yes, all the Oliveboard mock tests for JKSSB Junior Assistant are available on our mobile app (android) as well, where you can attempt them. You can also access these mock tests through our mobile website.

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