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SSC JSO Exam 2022 - Complete Details

About SSC JSO Exam

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) was established in 1975. It conducts exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, SSC CPO, etc for recruitment of Officers in Group B & Group C.

The SSC JSO exam is conducted along with all other SSC CGL posts. The candidates who apply for the SSC JSO post have to apply for a Statistics paper in Tier 2 exam. So the Tier 2 paper will be of 600 marks for SSC JSO aspirants.

SSC JSO Mock Test 2022

Join Oliveboard to Access the best SSC JSO Mock Test series available online and get Free Mock Test For SSC JSO exam. The mock tests series include 10,000+ Practice questions based on the previous year's SSC JSO Question papers.

All the questions asked in SSC JSO Tier 1 & Tier 2 Mock tests are prepared & verified by experts with years of experience in SSC exam preparation.

After completion of each mock test, you will be able to analyze your performance with the help of our AI-Based Analytics platform. We also provide detailed solutions for all the questions asked in our mock tests.


The SSC JSO Exam is conducted in both offline and online modes. It comprises four stages or tiers. Tier-I and Tier-II exams are shown in the online mode and tier-III and tier-IV offline.

SSC JSO Exam Important Information

Conducted byStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Exam LevelNational
Exam ModeBoth online and offline
Exam DurationTier-I: 60 minutes, Tier-II: 120 minutes for each paper, Tier-III: 60 minutes
Purpose of Exam To select candidates for Group-B and -C posts in various departments of the Government of India
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Exam Helpdesk No.011-69999845
Official Websitehttp://ssc.nic.in/

SSC JSO Eligibility

Though there are different criteria for each of the posts filled by the SSC JSO exam, the essential eligibility criteria for this exam are as follows.


The candidate must be an Indian citizen or of Indian origin or a subject of Nepal/Bhutan, or a Tibetan refugee.

Age limit

The candidate age is needed to be in between 18 and 32 years 

Educational qualification

Bachelor's Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level; Or  Bachelor's Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.

SSC JSO Recruitment Process

The steps involved in the recruitment process for the SSC JSO exam are as follows.

Filling The SSC JSO Application Form Onlinehttps://ssc.nic.in
Downloading the SSC JSO Tier-I Admit CardRegional website of the Commission
SSC JSO Tier-I ExamComputer-based MCQ of 200 marks
SSC JSO Tier-I Resulthttps://ssc.nic.in
Downloading the SSC JSO Tier-II Admit CardRegional website of the Commission
SSC JSO Tier-II ExamComputer-based MCQ of 600 marks
SSC JSO Tier-II Resulthttps://ssc.nic.in
Downloading the SSC JSO Tier-III Admit CardRegional website of the Commission
SSC JSO Tier-III ExamDescriptive Exam of 100 marks
SSC JSO Tier-III Resulthttps://ssc.nic.in
Downloading the SSC JSO Tier-IV Admit CardRegional website of the Commission
SSC JSO Tier-IV ExamComputer Proficiency/Skill Test/Document Verification
Final SSC JSO Result(based on Tier-I, II, and III Exams)https://ssc.nic.in

SSC JSO Exam Pattern

SSC JSO has 4 phases which are: Tier- 1, Tier- 2, Tier- 3 and Tier- 4.

Exam Pattern for SSC JSO Tier 1

SubjectQuestionsMaximum Marks
General Intelligence & Reasoning2550
Quantitative Aptitude2550
General English2550
General Awareness2550

Total Duration of Tier 1 Exam is 60 minutes

Exam Pattern for SSC JSO Tier 2

Paper I is Quantitative Aptitude, whereas Paper II is English. 

Paper IQuantitative Aptitude1002002 Hours
Paper-IIGeneral English2002002 Hours
Paper IIIStatistics1002002 Hours

Exam Pattern for SSC JSO Tier 3

SSC JSO Tier III Exam SchemeMaximum MarksTime DurationExam Mode
Descriptive Paper in English or Hindi (Letter/Writing of Essay/ Application /Precis etc.)10060 Minutes For VH/ OH (having Cerebral Palsy/ deformity in writing hand) – 80 MinutesPen & Paper Mode


Candidates have to go for the Document verification round after the Tier-III exam. Candidates who failed to show documents as required by the authority will not be eligible to be appointed for the post of Junior Statistical Officer.

SSC JSO Exam Syllabus

The syllabus for the various tiers for the SSC JSO exam is as follows.

Tier – I Syllabus

Quantitative AptitudeGeneral AwarenessGeneral Intelligence & ReasoningEnglish Comprehension skills
Number System Problems,Percentage,Ratio & Proportion,Square roots,Averages,InterestHistory- Knowledge regarding Harappa Civilisation, Medieval India, Vedic culture; the importance of those, India's freedom movement and their leadersSymbolic/Number AnalogyGrammar skills, Synonyms & Antonyms, spelling error, one-word substitution, and comprehension passages
Profit and Loss, Discount, Mixture,Geography- knowledge about different counties and their features, famous locations including airports and seaportsSemantic Classification, Symbolic/Number Classification 
Time and distance, Graphs of Linear EquationsTime & Work, Algebra & Elementary surds, Basic algebraic identities of School Polity- Symbols of political parties, Election, Important constitution bodies like CAG Administrative, Legislative and judiciary of our Country, duties & responsibilities of the major persons in the ParliamentFigural Classification, Semantic Series, Number Series, Figural Series 
Triangle and its various kinds of centres, Congruence, and similarity of triangles, CirclesEconomy- Economy of the Country, Budget related information and terminologies, People engaged in and monetary institutionsProblem Solving, Word Building, Coding & decoding 
Regular Polygons, Right Prism, Right Circular Cone, Right Circular Cylinder, Sphere, Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square base, Hemispheres Physics- Laws, major Inventions, and Discoveries.Space Visualization, Venn Diagrams, Drawing inferences 
Complementary angles, Heights and Distances, Histogram, Data AnalysisChemistry- Characteristics of gases, atoms, molecules chemistry in everyday life.Indexing, Address matching, Date & city matching, Classification of center codes/roll numbers 
 Biology- Facts about human body parts, important discoveries relating to biology, diseases and their causes, and nutrition in Animals and Plants.Critical thinking, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence 
 General Knowledge, Current Affairs  

Tier-II Syllabus

English Language & ComprehensionQuantitative AptitudeStatistics
Spot the ErrorSynonyms /AntonymsNumber System ProblemsPercentageData distribution, diagrammatic representation of data calculation
Spelling, Idioms & PhrasesRatio & Proportion,Square roots,AveragesMean, Mode and Median
One Word SubstitutionProfit and Loss, DiscountDeviation, Dispersion
Improvement of sentences,Time and distance, Time & Work, Basic algebraic identities of School AlgebraMoments and relationships- skewness, kurtosis
The Active/ Passive voice of verbs,Triangles, Polygons, Cylinders, and Circles Correlation, regression
Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narrationBar graph, Histogram, Pie chartProbability- theories, distribution
Shuffling of sentence parts in passages, Sampling theory, index numbers, time series analysis
Comprehension passage. Variance

SSC JSO Exam Admit Card

Admit Cards SSC JSO for 2021-22 examination Tier-I will be sent out about one week before the examination. The Admit Card's release will be released on a region-wise basis on the Commission's Regional websites. Admit cards should be downloaded for the SSC JSO examination from their respective region's website. Their details are needed to input such as Name, Exam, Registration Number, Date of Birth, City, etc.

Details mentioned on the SSC JSO Exam Admit Card

Applicants Details:

  • Name
  • Roll No.
  • Date of Birth
  • Category
  • Gender
  • Photograph
  • Signature

Process for checking SSC JSO Exam Application Status

Follow the below steps for checking application status:

Step 1: visit SSC- www.ssc.nic.in (official website)

Step 2: Click on Admit Card

Step 3: Select and click on your Regional website link

Step 4: Click the Application status link

Step 5: Enter the Login credentials 

Step 6: Check SSC JSO Application status.

SSC JSO Application Form 2022

SSC JSO 2022 Notification is released on 23rd December 2021 and the SSC JSO 2021-22 online application process also started from 23rd December 2021. The last date for applying online is 23rd January 2022 (11:30 PM). As per the official notification, SSC JSO 2021-22 Tier 1 exam is tentatively scheduled to be conducted in April 2022.

SSC JSO 2022 Online Application Process

SSC JSO Apply Online – Prerequisites

In order to apply and register candidature for the SSC JSO Exam, the candidates should follow the given steps.

Step 1: Go to Staff Selection Commission's official website. (https://ssc.nic.in/)

Step 2: Select ‘New User? Register Now. 

Step 3: Fill the registration form.

Step 4: Log in to the registered account with the registration number generated during registration and the password set at the same time.

Step 5: Required details must be filled for the application form

Step 6: Upload the scanned documents, including the photograph and signature. 

Step 7: Carefully go through the form that you have filled before selecting the Final Submit button to submit it.

Step 8: The application fee of Rs 100 needs to be paid after this; the. The process can be either online or offline.

Guidelines for Photograph and Signature

Following things should be considered at the time of filling the application form

The format for photograph and signature should be in JPEG or JPEG format. The size required for the same is as follows:

ItemMinimum SizeMaximum SizeResolution
Photo More than 4kbLess than 12kb100 x 120 pixels
Signature More than 1 kbLess than 12kb40 x 60 pixels

Application Fee

A payment of Rs 100 has to be made as an application fee by candidates registering to take the SSC JSO exam. Online or offline methods using SBI challan or BHIM, UPI or internet banking, credit card or debit card. However, female candidates and those belonging to reserved categories such as Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST), Persons with Disability (PwD), and Ex-Servicemen (ESM) are exempt from the application fee payment.

SC/ST/Ex-Serviceman/FemalesFee exempted

Exam Date

April 2022 (Tentative)

Total Vacancies

To Be Out Soon


In what languages is the SSC JSO exam conducted?

The SSC JSO exam is conducted in both English and Hindi mediums.

How many exam tiers are there in the SSC JSO exam? +

The SSC JSO exam comprises 4 tiers, of which tiers I and II are conducted online and tiers III and IV are conducted offline.

What qualification in the education background is required to appear for the SSC JSO exam? +

Bachelor’s Degree in any subject from a recognized University or Institute with at least 60% Marks in Mathematics at 12th standard level;
Bachelor’s Degree in any subject with Statistics as one of the subjects at degree level.

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