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SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test 2025, Attempt Now

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Why Attempt SBI Clerk Prelims Live Tests?

Latest Pattern based SBI Clerk Live Test

All Questions in the SBI Clerk Live Tests are based on latest exam pattern

Detailed Solutions for Each Question

Get Detailed solutions for all the SBI Clerk questions

AI-Based Performance Analysis Engine

Detailed analysis of your mock test attempt. Know which sections to focus more on.

SBI Clerk Prelims Test Series

SBI Clerk Prelims - 1

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 2

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 3

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 4

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 5

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 6

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 7

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 8

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 9

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 10

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 11

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 12

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 13

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 14

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 15

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 16

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 17

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 18

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 19

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 20

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 21

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 22

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 23

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims - 24

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Mains Test Series

SBI Clerk Mains - 1

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 2

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 3

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 4

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 5

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 6

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 7

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 8

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk Mains - 9

200 190 2 Hrs 40 Min

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims Test Series

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 1

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 2

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 3

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 4

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 5

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 6

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 7

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 8

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 9

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 10

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 11

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 12

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 13

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 14

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 15

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 16

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 17

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 18

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 19

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 20

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 21

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 22

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 23

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 24

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk 2023 Prelims - 25

100 100 1 Hour

SBI Clerk Prelims Sectional Test Series

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 01

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 01

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 01

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 02

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 02

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 02

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 03

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 03

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 03

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 04

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 04

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 04

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 05

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 05

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 05

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 06

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 06

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 06

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 07

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 07

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 07

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 08

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 08

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 08

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 09

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 09

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 09

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 10

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 10

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 10

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 11

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 11

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 11

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 12

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 12

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 12

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 13

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 13

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 13

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 14

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 14

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 14

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 15

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 15

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 15

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 16

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 16

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 16

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 17

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 17

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 17

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 18

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 18

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 18

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 19

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 19

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims English 19

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Quant 20

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Prelims Reasoning 20

25 25 40 Mins

SBI Clerk - Mains Sectional Test Series

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 1

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 1

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 1

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 2

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 2

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 2

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 3

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 3

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 3

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 4

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 4

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 4

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 5

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 5

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 5

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 6

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 6

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 6

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 7

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 7

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 7

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 8

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 8

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 8

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 9

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 9

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - English 9

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Quant 10

100 100 2 Hrs

SBI Clerk Mains - Reasoning 10

100 100 2 Hrs

Speed Improvement Tests Test Series

Quant - Simplification

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Number Series

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Quadratic Equations

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Data Sufficiency

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Data Interpretation 1

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Data Interpretation 2

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Ratio and Proportion

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Percentages

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Profit and Loss

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Partnership

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - SI/CI

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Permutations and Combinations

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Probability

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Speed, time and Distance

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Time and Work

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Alligation

20 20 Time Per Q

Quant - Mensuration and Geometry

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Inequalities

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Syllogism

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Coding Decoding

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Input Output

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Blood Relations

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Direction Sense

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Critical Reasoning

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Character Strings 1

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Character Strings 2

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Data Sufficiency

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Puzzles 1

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Puzzles 2

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Candidate Selection

20 20 Time Per Q

Reasoning - Words and numbers miscellaneous

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Parajumbles

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Correct usage/spotting errors 1

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Correct usage/spotting errors 2

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Fill in the blanks

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Correct usage of word

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Sentence joining and match the following

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Cloze test

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Reading Comprehension 1

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Reading Comprehension 2

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Synonyms and antonyms

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Spelling and inappropriate usage

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Similar meaning sentences

20 20 Time Per Q

English - Central Idea and Odd one out

20 20 Time Per Q

SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test

100 Marks 100 Questions 60 Min

7,25,641 Live Tests Submitted

Attempt Here

SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test 2025

Boost your preparation for the SBI Clerk Prelims 2025 with our Live Test Series. With the clock ticking down to 20 minutes, now is the ideal time to test your skills in a realistic exam setting. Our SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test series features a user-friendly question palette, allowing you to navigate questions, mark them for review, and manage your time effectively. You can view the entire exam using the Question Paper button and stay updated with the Profile and Instructions sections. Each feature is designed to help you prepare thoroughly and perform your best.

Importance of attempting the SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test

Taking the SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test 2025 is essential for several reasons:

1. Real Exam Experience: It mirrors the actual exam, helping you get used to the format, timing, and pressure.

2. Time Management: It helps you practice managing your time effectively, which is crucial for completing the exam within the allotted period.

3. Identify Strengths and Weaknesses: You can see where you excel and where you need to improve, allowing you to focus your study efforts better.

4. Practice Under Real Conditions: By simulating exam conditions, the test helps reduce anxiety and builds confidence.

5. Familiarity with Test Features: You'll become comfortable with the test's navigation tools and features, making you more efficient during the actual exam.

6. Review and Learn: After the test, you can review your answers, understand your mistakes, and learn from them to improve your performance.

7. Boost Confidence: Regular practice with the live test enhances your confidence and readiness for the SBI Clerk.

SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test in English

Oliveboard offers its mock tests exclusively in English, including the SBI Clerk Live Test. Candidates who are proficient in English can confidently take these mock tests.

SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test in Hindi

Oliveboard provides candidates with the flexibility to take the mock tests in either English or Hindi. All mock tests, including the SBI Clerk Live Test, are available in both languages. Additionally, candidates will have the opportunity to select their preferred language for the actual exam.

Why choose Oliveboard for SBI Clerk Live Tests?

Choosing Oliveboard for your SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test 2025 offers several key benefits:

1. Thorough Coverage: Oliveboard's live tests cover all important topics and question types, ensuring you are well-prepared for the SBI Clerk Prelims.

2. Realistic Practice: Their tests closely match the actual exam format and timing, helping you get used to the real exam conditions.

3. Detailed Performance Analysis: You receive in-depth feedback on your performance, showing your strengths and areas that need improvement.

4. Easy-to-Use Platform: Oliveboard's user-friendly interface makes it simple to take and review your tests.

5. Expert Guidance: Benefit from solutions and insights provided by experts, which help you understand exam patterns and question types better.

6. Up-to-Date Content: The test series is regularly updated to reflect the latest exam trends and patterns.

7.  Access: You can access Oliveboard's live tests from anywhere, allowing you to practice at your own pace and convenience.

SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test Pattern

The SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test 2025 follows a specific pattern designed to simulate the actual exam environment:

1. Duration: The test lasts for 1 Hour.

2. Total Questions: There are 100 Questions in the test.

3. Maximum Score: You can score a maximum of 100 Marks.

4. Sections:

  • English Language: Includes questions on comprehension, grammar, vocabulary, and sentence completion.
  • Numerical Ability: Features questions on arithmetic, data interpretation, and problem-solving.
  • Reasoning Ability: Tests logical reasoning, analytical skills, and pattern recognition.

5. Question Types:

  • Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs): Choose the correct answer from the options provided.

6. Marking Scheme:

  • Correct Answer: Typically awarded 1 mark.
  • Incorrect Answer: Generally incurs a penalty of 0.25 marks per wrong answer (negative marking).

7. Navigation:

  • Question Palette: Helps you view and select questions.
  • Save & Next: Saves your answer and moves you to the next question.
  • Mark for Review & Next: Saves your answer, marks the question for review, and continues to the next question.
  • Clear Response: Allows you to deselect an answer if needed.

Check: SBI Clerk Syllabus and Exam Pattern

SectionNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksDuration
English Language303020 Minutes
Reasoning Ability353520 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude353520 Minutes
Total10010060 Minutes

SBI Clerk Live Tests FAQs

How can I attempt the SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test?

To attempt SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test, just follow these steps:
1. Register/Log-in by entering your valid email address or through your Google ID in the field given above.
2. Go to Mock Tests section
3. Click on "Start Test" Button on right side of the screen

Oliveboard provides SBI Clerk Prelims Live Tests in how many languages? +

Oliveboard provides SBI Clerk Prelims Live Tests in 2 Languages - English & Hindi. The solutions for all questions are also available in both languages.

Can Oliveboard SBI Clerk Prelims Live Tests be attempted through Mobile? +

Yes, all the Oliveboard SBI Clerk Prelims Live Tests are available on our mobile app (android) as well, where you can attempt them. You can also access these mock tests through our mobile website.

Can Oliveboard's SBI Clerk Live Tests help me clear the exam? +

Yes. Oliveboard's SBI Clerk Live Tests are prepared by experts & Toppers. They are based on the latest exam pattern. Practicing these mock tests gives you a definite edge over your competitors. Also, the Advanced Analytics provided by Oliveboard after each mock test helps you understand your performance in the most comprehensive manner. This helps you improve your performance after each mock test.

Can I reattempt the SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test? +

No, There is no option of reattempting the SBI Clerk Prelims Live Test.

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