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OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test 2024

Take A Free Mock Test Now And Get Exam Ready

  • 10 OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims Mock Tests
  • 5 OSCB Assistant Manager Mains Mock Tests
  • 60 Sectional Tests for OSCB Assistant Manager
  • 90+ Topic Tests
  • Free E-Books

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Why Attempt OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test Series?

Latest Pattern OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims and Mains Mock Tests

All OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test Questions Are based on the latest OSCB Assistant Manager exam pattern

Detailed Solution & Analysis For Each Question

Get Detailed Solutions and Analysis for all the OSCB Assistant Manager Mock test questions

AI-Based Performance Analysis Engine

Detailed analysis of your mock test and get to know your weaker and stronger section

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims Test Series

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 1

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 2

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 3

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 4

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 5

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 6

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 7

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 8

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Prelims - 9

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Mains Test Series

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Mains - 1

160 160 140 Mins

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Mains - 2

160 160 140 Mins

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Mains - 3

160 160 140 Mins

Odisha SCB Asst. Mgr. Mains - 4

160 160 140 Mins

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II Test Series

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 1

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 2

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 3

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 4

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 5

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 6

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 7

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 8

100 100 1 Hour

Odisha SCB Asst. Grade II - 9

100 100 1 Hour

Importance of OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test Series

Attempting a mock test series is a very important part of OSCB Assistant Manager Exam preparation. It helps in the following manner:

1. Speed Improvement with OSCB Assistant Manager Mock tests

Good problem-solving speed is essential to score high in OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims & Mains Examination. Practicing with OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test Series is the best way to improve your speed. Attempting Mock Tests on a regular basis would help you track and improve your speed and better prepare you better for the exam.

2. Mock tests create the ambiance of the real exam

Solving a practice paper at home is very different from a test. Mock tests recreate the feeling of an actual examination. OSCB Assistant Manager exam is conducted online, and each section has a timer that ticks down. So to get an idea of the pressure and anxiety you will be under and to learn how to beat the timer, you have to take a mock test.

3. Helps Develop The Right Strategy

Preparing the right strategy is more significant than learning concepts and formulas. In order to crack and clear these tests, it is significant to know how to strategize. Mock tests are designed as a benchmarking tool in order to help students assess their preparedness and work on their weaknesses.

In addition to developing the right test-taking strategy, mock tests will help students analyze their performance in each mock test.

4. Helps you try and test different strategies

In each of your mock exams, you can plan and implement different strategies and then implement the most effective one in the real exam. As a result, you will be able to experiment and strategize for the exam well.

5. Keep track of your progress with mock tests

You can stay on track with your preparation by taking mock tests. It provides a clear picture of how far you have come and how much more you need to accomplish. As your mock test scores continue to rise, your preparation is on track. You may need to redesign your preparation if your mock test scores do not improve.

OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test in English

Oliveboard offers its mock tests exclusively in English, including the OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test. Candidates who are proficient in English can confidently take these mock tests.

OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test in Hindi

Oliveboard provides candidates with the flexibility to take mock tests in either English or Hindi. All mock tests, including the OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test, are available in both languages. Additionally, candidates will have the opportunity to select their preferred language for the actual exam.

OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test Special Features

  1. Mock Tests are available in HINDI and ENGLISH both.
  2. Tests can be attempted anytime, anywhere through PC/ App.
  3. Oliveboard's intelligent study planner helps you create customized study plans and focus on your weak areas. The planner will also help you cover your syllabus within the time available.
  4. Oliveboard's analytics feature will help you track your progress and improve faster.

OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test in English

Oliveboard offers its mock tests exclusively in English, including the OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test. Candidates who are proficient in English can confidently take these mock tests.

OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test in Hindi

Oliveboard provides candidates with the flexibility to take mock tests in either English or Hindi. All mock tests, including the OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test, are available in both languages. Additionally, candidates will have the opportunity to select their preferred language for the actual exam.

OSCB Assistant Manager Exam Overview

OSCB Recruitment 2024
Organization NameOdisha State Cooperative Bank Ltd. (OSCB)
Post NameAssistant Manager & Banking Assistant (Grade-B)
VacanciesTo be Announced
Application ModeOnline
CategoryBank Jobs
Job LocationOdisha
Official Sitewww.odishascb.com

OSCB Assistant Manager Selection Process

The OSCB Assistant Manager Recruitment is done in three stages. The candidates require to clear all three stages to qualify for the posts. The three stages of the recruitment process are:

  • Preliminary Examination
  • Main Examination
  • Viva-Voce (Interview/ Personality Test)

OSCB Assistant Manager Exam Pattern

Preliminary Examination 

The examination pattern for the preliminary paper is given below:

SectionsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted for each section
English30 questions30 marks20 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude35 questions35 marks20 Minutes
Reasoning Ability35 questions 35 marks 20 Minutes
Total100 Questions100 Marks60 Minutes
  • The OSCB Asst. Manager Preliminary examination is an objective type Multiple Choice Questions Test.
  • The paper is divided into 3 sections- English, Quantitative Aptitude, and Reasoning Ability.
  • The total duration of the examination is 1 hour (60 minutes).
  • Section-wise time duration: English- 20 minutes, Quantitative Aptitude- 20 minutes, and Reasoning Ability- 20 minutes.
  • The total number of questions is 100
  • Each question carries 1 mark.
  • Negative Marking is applicable. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted.
  • No negative marking is done for unanswered questions.

Main Examination

Candidates securing the qualifying marks in the Preliminary Examination qualify for the next stage of the recruitment process- the Mains Examination. Following is the Main Examination Pattern:

SectionsNo. of QuestionsMaximum MarksTime allotted for each section
General/ Financial Awareness40 questions40 marks 30 Minutes
General English40 questions40 marks 40 Minutes
Reasoning Ability40 questions40 marks35 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude40 questions40 marks35 Minutes
Total160 Questions160 Marks140 Minutes
  • The OSCB Asst. Manager Main examination is an objective type Multiple Choice Questions Test.
  • The paper is divided into 4 sections- General/ Financial Awareness, General English, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude.
  • The total duration of the examination is 140 minutes.
  • Section-wise time duration: General/ Financial Awareness- 30 minutes, General English- 40 minutes, Reasoning Ability- 35 minutes, and Quantitative Aptitude- 35 minutes.
  • The total number of questions is 160.
  • Each question carries 1 mark.
  • Negative Marking is applicable. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks are deducted.
  • No negative marking is done for unanswered questions.

OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test Series FAQs

How many OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims Mock Tests are provided by Oliveboard?

Oliveboard provides 10 OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims Mock Tests. Solving these mock tests and analyzing your performance after each mock test is the best way to clear the OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Test.

How Many OSCB Assistant Manager Mains Mock Tests are provided by Oliveboard? +

Oliveboard provides 5 OSCB Assistant Manager Mains Mock Tests.

Can Oliveboard's OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Tests help me clear the exam? +

Yes. Oliveboard's OSCB Assistant Manager Mock tests are prepared by experts & Toppers. They are based on the latest exam pattern. Practicing these mock tests gives you a definite edge over your competitors. Also, the Advanced Analytics provided by Oliveboard after each mock test helps you understand your performance in the most comprehensive manner. This helps you improve your performance after each mock test.

How can I attempt the OSCB Assistant Manager Free Mock Test? +

To attempt OSCB Assistant Manager Free Mock Test, just follow the following steps:
1. Register/Log-in by entering your valid email address or through your Facebook ID in the field given above.
2. Go to Mock Tests section
3. Click on "Start Test" Button on the right side of the screen

Oliveboard provides OSCB Assistant Manager Mock Tests in how many languages? +

Oliveboard provides OSCB Assistant Manager Mock tests in 2 Languages - English & Hindi. The solutions for all questions are also available in both languages.

Can Oliveboard Mock tests for OSCB Assistant Manager be attempted through Mobile? +

Yes, all the Oliveboard mock tests for OSCB Assistant Manager are available on our mobile app (android) as well, where you can attempt them. You can also access these mock tests through our mobile website.

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