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Haryana Police Constable Mock Test 2024

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Why Attempt Haryana Police Constable Mock Test?

Latest Pattern Haryana Police Constable Mock Test

All Haryana Police Constable Mock Test Questions Are based on the latest Haryana Police Constable exam pattern

Detailed Solution & Analysis For Each Question

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AI-Based Performance Analysis Engine

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Haryana Police Constable Test Series

Haryana Police Constable - 1

80 100 90 Mins

Haryana Police Constable - 2

80 100 90 Mins

Haryana Police Constable - 3

80 100 90 Mins

Haryana Police Constable - 4

80 100 90 Mins

Haryana Police Constable Mock Test 2024

Get ready for the Haryana Police Constable Exam 2024 with our free mock tests! Take advantage of 5 specialized practice tests to enhance your preparation. Access free ebooks to further boost your readiness. Benefit from AI-based performance analysis to pinpoint areas for improvement. With our comprehensive and free resources, you'll be well-prepared to ace the Haryana Police Constable Exam.

Importance of Haryana Police Constable Mock Test Series

Attempting a mock test series is a very important part of Haryana Police Constable Exam preparation. It helps in the following manner:

1. Mock Tests give you an idea about the exam

Online sites provide a lot of information about the structure and pattern of an exam. However, simply knowing the pattern is not sufficient. When you sit for a mock test, you will be able to grasp how each section of the paper is structured.

2. Mock tests lead you to understand your weaknesses

We all have our weak points. Through mock tests, you will be able to identify your weaknesses and work on them. They will show you which section you are struggling with or which part of the syllabus is taking up time.

3. Strategize with Mock Tests

You can craft a strategy once you have a better grasp of your weaknesses and knowledge of the syllabus. Analyze your mistakes to figure out how they could have been avoided. You can perfect your strategy by trial and error, and mock tests allow you to do that.

4. You can come up with new tricks and tips

Additionally, mock tests will help you create your own techniques and tricks to help you solve problems faster, or you may have already learned the tips and tricks, and mock tests will teach you how to apply them.

5. Mock tests help improve your speed

A key challenge of the Haryana Police Constable Exam is the time constraint. In a short amount of time, you have to jot down answers to many questions. This is where mock tests can help. By practicing, you can improve your speed and accuracy.

Haryana Police Constable Mock Test in English

Oliveboard offers its mock tests exclusively in English, including the Haryana Police Constable Mock Test. Candidates who are proficient in English can confidently take these mock tests.

Haryana Police Constable Mock Test in Hindi

Oliveboard allows candidates to take mock tests in either English or Hindi. All mock tests, including the Haryana Police Constable Mock Test, are available in both languages. Additionally, candidates will have the opportunity to select their preferred language for the actual exam.

Haryana Police Constable Mock Test Special Features

  1. Mock Tests are available in HINDI and ENGLISH both.
  2. Tests can be attempted anytime, anywhere through PC/ App.
  3. Oliveboard's intelligent study planner helps you create customized study plans and focus on your weak areas. The planner will also help you cover your syllabus within the time available.
  4. Oliveboard's analytics feature will help you track your progress and improve faster.

Haryana Police Constable Exam Eligibility Criteria

The selection for the post of constable in Haryana Police will be done in the following steps:

Stage 1: Written/ Online Exam (80% Weightage)
Stage 2: Physical Screening Test
Stage 3: Physical Measurement Test
Stage 4: Additional qualification (10% weightage)
Stage 5: Miscellaneous (10% weightage)

Written/ Online Exam

All candidates shall have to undergo a Knowledge Test of eighty (80) marks comprising objective type, multiple-choice questions.

Physical Screening Test (PST):-

(a) Candidates, equalling seven (07) times the number of vacancies in each category shall be declared to have qualified for the Knowledge Test (KT).

(b) The candidates who have qualified in Knowledge Test shall be put to a Physical Screening Test, which would be only qualifying in nature, to judge their physical fitness and endurance.

Physical Measurement Test (PMT):-

(a) The candidates who have qualified for the Physical Screening Test shall have to undergo the Physical Measurement Test as per standards prescribed in Appendix-B of Haryana Police (Non-Gazetted & other ranks) Service Rules, 2017, as amended from time to time.

Additional qualification: (10% weightage):-

All candidates who have qualified for the Physical Measurement Test shall be called for scrutiny of documents. All other candidates shall stand eliminated from the further process of selection.

(b) For Constable:- Education (maximum 07 marks): Candidate with higher education i.e. with Graduate degree in any stream from a recognized University shall get four (04) marks, while a candidate with Post Graduate degree in any stream from a recognized University shall get additional three (03) marks.

(c) NCC Certificate (maximum 03 marks): Candidates having NCC certificate of A, B or C level shall get 01, 02 and 03 marks respectively (for constables ).

Miscellaneous (10% weightage):-

(i) Five (05) marks shall be given if neither the applicant nor any person from among the applicant's father, mother, spouse, brother, and Son is, was or has been a regular employee in any Department/Board/Corporation/Company/Statutory Body/ Commission/Authority of Government of Haryana or any other State Government or Government of India.

(ii) Five (05) marks shall be given if the applicant is:-

  • a widow; or
  • the first or the second child and his father had died before attaining the age of 42 years: or
  • the first or the second child and his father had died before the applicant had attained the age of 15 years,".

(iii) Five (05) marks will be given, if the applicant belongs to such a denotified tribe (Vimukt Jatis and Tapriwas Jatis) or Nomadic tribe of Haryana which is neither a Scheduled Caste nor a Backward Class.

(iv) Maximum of Eight (08) marks have been kept for experience as an adhoc or contract employee. One-half (=0.5) mark for each year or part thereof exceeding six months of experience, out of a maximum of 16 years, on the same or a higher post in any Department, Board, Corporation, Company, Statutory Body, Commission, Authority of Government of Haryana.

Haryana Police Constable Exam

SubjectNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksTime Duration

General Studies

General Science

Current affairs

General Reasoning

Mental Aptitude

Numerical ability 


Animal husbandry

Other relevant fields/trades etc.

10 Questions related to basic knowledge of computer















90 minutes

Haryana Police Constable Exam 2024 Mock Test Series FAQs

How many Haryana Police Constable Mock Test Series are provided by Oliveboard?

Oliveboard provides 5 Haryana Police Constable Mock Tests. Solving these mock tests and analyzing your performance after each mock test is the best way to clear the Haryana Police Constable exam.

Can Oliveboard's Haryana Police Constable Tests help me clear the exam? +

Yes. Oliveboard's Haryana Police Constable Mock tests are prepared by experts & Toppers. They are based on the latest exam pattern. Practicing these mock tests gives you a definite edge over your competitors. Also, the Advanced Analytics provided by Oliveboard after each mock test helps you understand your performance in the most comprehensive manner. This helps you improve your performance after each mock test.

How can I attempt the Haryana Police Constable Free Mock Test? +

To attempt Haryana Police Constable Free Mock Test, just follow the following steps:
1. Register/Log-in by entering your valid email address or through your Facebook ID in the field given above.
2. Go to Mock Tests section
3. Click on "Start Test" Button on right side of the screen

Oliveboard provides Haryana Police Constable Mock Tests in how many languages? +

Oliveboard provides Haryana Police Constable Mock tests in 2 Languages - English & Hindi. The solutions for all questions are also available in both languages.

Can Oliveboard Mock tests for Haryana Police Constable be attempted through Mobile? +

Yes, all the Oliveboard mock tests for Haryana Police Constable are available on our mobile app (android) as well, where you can attempt them. You can also access these mock tests through our mobile website.

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