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ICAR IARI Technician Result 2022

ICAR IARI released a notification on 18th December 2021 to recruit Technician (T-1) posts. According to the notification, there are 641 vacancies. The application process started on 18th December 2021 and will end on 10th January 2022. The selection process involves a computer-based examination and Document Verification. The candidates must clear the written examination to qualify for the next stage. The final merit list will be released after the selection process is over. The Institute will put up the results and the merit list on its official website. This article will provide you with the process to check the ICAR IARI Technician Result and the merit list.

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ICAR IARI Technician Result

ICAR IARI will release the answer key, cut-off, and result of the Computer-Based Test together on its official website. The final Merit List is released after the Document Verification is over. The Institute will publish the final list of candidates who have qualified for the post on its official website. The qualified candidates will then receive their appointment letters. 

The Process to download/check ICAR IARI Technician Result 

IARI will declare the ICAR IARI Technician Result after the examination process is concluded. The result will be available on its official website. The candidates can follow the below procedure to check their results:

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Institute.

Step 2: On the homepage, click on Notification/ Announcements

Step 3: click on the ICAR IARI Technician Result 2021 result link. 

Step 4: The Technician (T-1) Result pdf will be displayed on your screen.

Step 5: Use Ctrl plus F to search for your roll number

Step 6: If your roll number is displayed, you have qualified. 

Step 7: Download and save the ICAR IARI Technician Result file to your system.

Step 8: Take a printout for future use.

Details Mentioned in the  ICAR IARI Technician Result:

  • Name of the candidate
  • Roll Number
  • Registration Number
  • Gender
  • Category
  • Name of the Exam

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Process To Check the ICAR IARI Technician Cutoff

The candidate can follow the below steps to check the ICAR IARI Technician Cutoff.

Step 1: Visit the official website of the Examination Board.

Step 2: Click on the Announcement/ Notification link on the home page.

Step 3: Click on the " ICAR IARI Technician Cutoff" link to find the pdf. The cut off will be displayed on your screen. 

Step 4: Download the Cut off pdf and save it to your system.

Step 5: Take a printout for future reference.

ICAR IARI Technician (T- 1) Merit List 

The candidates who have scored merit marks in the ICAR IARI Technician Examination are placed in the Final Merit List of the examination. After the process of document verification, these candidates will be given postings. The candidates can check the Merit List on the official website of the Institute. The steps to follow are given below:

Step 1: Visit the official website of IARI. 

Step 2: Click on the Notifications link on the webpage.

Step 3: Click on the ICAR IARI Technician Merit List link to find the pdf open in a new tab. 

Step 4: Download the Merit List pdf and save it to your system

Step 5: Take a printout for future reference.


  • The Institute will release the cut off marks and the merit list with the ICAR IARI Technician Result.
  • The ICAR IARI Technician Result will be released on the official website.
  • To check the result, the candidates require the Registration number/ roll number and the date of birth.
  • If the candidate has an objection or doubt about the result/ cut off/ merit list, they should contact the authorities immediately.
  • Candidates should keep checking the website for further updates.


The ICAR IARI Technician recruitment examination will be conducted sometime between 25th January 2022 to 5th February 2022. The written examination is an MCQ test. Download and go through the syllabus. Buy the relevant books and start preparing. Retain the information and revise regularly. Remember that hard work always pays. Prepare well and maintain a positive attitude. You will certainly succeed.


When can I apply online for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021?

The online application for the ICAR IARI technicain exam has been started from 18 December 2021.

What is the last date to apply for the ICAR IARI Technician Exam? +

The last date to apply online for ICAR IARI recruitment 2021 is 10th January 2022.

How many vacancies have been released under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021? +

A total of 641 vacancies have been released under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021.

What is the minimum eligibility to apply for technician posts under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021? +

The candidates willing to apply for ICAR technician Recruitment 2021 must be 10th pass.

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