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Bank of Maharashtra AFO Job Profile - Joining, Probation, Training, Career Path

Bank of Maharashtra AFO Job Profile 2021 - Joining, Probation, Training, Career Path 

Let us get to learn all about the BoM Agriculture Field Officer's probation period, training period, career path and job profile here. 

Probation Period

The selected candidates will be on probation for the following period from the date of joining the Bank. There is a mandatory provision of executing a service bond by selected candidates.


ScaleProbation PeriodBond AmountMinimum Service Period
Scale I24 Months2 Lakhs3 Years

Joining, Training & Career Path

  • The selected candidates will be exposed to basic banking knowledge, after joining, through an online course and will have to complete this course before the stipulated date.
  • The selected candidates, at the time of joining, will have to execute a Bond for a value of Rs. 02.00 lakh (Rupees Two lakh only) to serve the Bank for a minimum period of two years for Scale II & three years for Scale I. The Bond will be invoked by the Bank if the candidate resigns from the service of the Bank before expiry from the date of joining.
  • On joining, the selected candidates will be designated as "Specialist Officers" and will be on probation for one year for Scale II & two years for Scale I.
  • They will be subjected to continuous assessment during the probation period.
  • Those candidates who qualify in the assessment as per standards determined by the Bank from time to time will be confirmed in the Service of the Bank.
  • If any candidate fails to achieve the minimum standards stipulated, his / her services may be terminated from the Bank in force at a significant time. Bank provides immense opportunities for growth in career, including opportunities for posting in various sections.
  • The attractive promotion policy of the Bank provides an opportunity for the meritorious and exceptionally brilliant officers to reach the Top Management Grade in a reasonably quick time.

Bank of Maharashtra AFO 2021 Job Profile

  • The work that is expected of an Agriculture Field Officer is listed below: To undertake a survey of the villages in the command area of the allotted branches and identify the potential available for lending to Agriculture and allied activity sectors. To scout Agriculture proposals from the command area villages, identify the needy farmers, explain banks' various credit products and obtain the loan application forms.
  • To arrange credit camps in the villages from the command area of the branch, explain banks' various schemes of Agricultural lending, scrutinize the required papers/documents such as 8A, 7/12 extracts, mutation certificates etc. required for financing and help the farmers in filling up our Loan application forms. Carry out pre-sanction field visits to the field & verify the details given in the application form.
  • To prepare a pre-sanction visit report, appraise the technical feasibility and economic viability of the proposal and submit the same to the Branch Manager along with specific recommendations. Assist the branch in the execution of documents and disbursement of Agriculture loans. To carry out post-sanction visit for verification of end-use of the funds disbursed.
  • To guide the farmers on improved cultivation practices, new high yielding crop varieties, plant protection measures, land development, soil conservation, watershed development, effective use of scarce water resources by adopting appropriate crops and irrigation methods, rainwater harvesting etc. Educate / guidance to farmers on adopting supplementary activities to enhance income like Dairy, Poultry, Piggery, Apiculture (Beekeeping) etc.
  • Explore feasibility for floriculture, horticulture, food processing activities and organize training to set up such activities on a viable basis through bank finance. Identify the additional credit requirements of the farmer and guide them suitably.
  • Maintain liaison with the state Government officials particularly with Agriculture / Horticulture / Animal Husbandry / Fishery and others related to Agriculture and allied activities to know the new activities coming up in the area, and propagate them in the villages. Further to maintain liaison with the Block and District authorities of various Government sponsored schemes for effective implementation.
  • To maintain liaison with Processing industries in the area and follow up for recovery from the sale proceeds such as Sugarcane, Cotton, milk and milk products etc. To collect market information of various Agriculture products and share the same with the farming community. To arrange recovery camps in the command area for recovery of dues.

To help the branch information and credit linkage of Self Help Groups and also the formation of Farmers' Clubs. Any other related work for the development of Agriculture, Agriculture lending and recovery. Preparation of agriculture credit plans for the assigned branches. Recovery in NPA accounts, arrangement of recovery camps etc. Submission of eligible crop insurance claims and Coordination with Lead District Manager in respect of the implementation of SLBC guidelines.
Bank of Maharashtra AFO 2021 Complete Course

To help you ease your preparation for the upcoming Bank of Maharashtra AFO 2021 exam, we have come up with an all-inclusive cracker course that will cater to all preparation needs of the exam. We have made sure to cover the study material for all the topics of agriculture in the form of video lessons, study notes & mock tests.

Course Highlights

Agriculture Video Lessons + Detailed NotesComplete Current Affairs Coverage including Important Reports on Agriculture 
Topic-wise tests for each chapter10 Full-Length Mock Tests


When is the Bank Of Maharashtra AFO Exam 2021?

Bank of Maharashtra AFO Exam will be on 31-10-2021 (Sunday).

Will I receive a hard copy of the Bank Of Maharashtra AFO Admit Card? +

No, admit card is supposed to be downloaded from the official website. Get the link inside the blog.

What is the exam pattern of the Bank Of Maharashtra AFO Exam? +

The exam will have 50 questions on Professional Knowledge, carrying 100 marks, to be solved in 60 minutes.

What is the probation period one you join as Bank of Maharashtra AFO? +

The probation period is o 24 months.

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