SSC Stenographer Syllabus 2024, Exam Pattern, Download PDF

The SSC Stenographer Syllabus has been released along with the SSC Stenographer Notification 2024 by the Staff Selection Commission for the SSC Stenographer Grade C and Grade D Exam 2024. The SSC Stenographer Syllabus has three main subjects:

  1. General Intelligence & Reasoning (सामान्य बुद्धिमत्ता और तर्क) (Tier 1)
  2. General Awareness (सामान्य जागरूकता) (Tier 1)
  3. English (अंग्रेजी) (Tier 1)

In this blog, we have provided the SSC Stenographer Exam Syllabus for Tier 1 (Computer Based Exam) and for Tier 2 (Skill Test), the Exam Pattern, and a direct link to download the SSC Stenographer Syllabus PDF.

SSC Stenographer Syllabus

The SSC Stenographer Exam 2024 provides a great chance to work with the Government of India in Grade C and Grade D positions across different departments. The exam consists of two parts: Tier 1, which is an online Computer-Based Test (CBT), and Tier 2, which is a shorthand skill test. Candidates must pass Tier 1 to qualify for Tier 2.

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To perform well, it is essential to understand the SSC Stenographer Syllabus and Exam Pattern for both stages. Candidates who successfully clear both the SSC Stenographer CBT and the Skill Test will move on to the document verification and medical examination stages.

SSC Stenographer Syllabus 2024 – Overview

The SSC Stenographer Notification 2024 has been released on the official SSC website at The deadline to submit the SSC Stenographer Application Form 2024 is on 17th August 2024.

The Tier 1 exam is scheduled to be held from 10th to 11th December 2024. The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) is organizing this national-level recruitment for Grade C and D Stenographers, with openings in different government departments.

Particulars Details
Conducting BodyStaff Selection Commission
Exam NameSSC Stenographer 2024
Post NameGrade C and D officers
CategoryGovt Jobs
Application ModeOnline
Exam Date10th to 11th December 2024
Selection processCBT Exam, Skill Test
Exam LevelNational Level
Exam ModeOnline (Computer-Based Test) and Skill Test

SSC Stenographer Selection Process

The SSC Stenographer 2024 selection process involves three main stages designed to assess candidates’ skills and suitability for the positions of Stenographer Grade C (Group ‘B’, Non-Gazetted) and Grade D (Group C) across various government ministries, departments, and organizations in India.

Computer-Based Test (CBT)An online test that checks skills in General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, and English Language and Comprehension.
Skill TestAn online stenography test for candidates who pass the CBT, measuring their ability to transcribe dictated passages in English or Hindi.
Document VerificationThe final step is where documents are checked to ensure candidates meet all eligibility requirements.

SSC Stenographer Subject Wise Syllabus 2024

The SSC Constable syllabus consists of 3 sections which are General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning, and English Language & Comprehension. The exam is of 2 hours duration and has 200 questions. The detailed syllabus is as follows.

SSC Stenographer Syllabus For General Intelligence & Reasoning

The SSC Stenographer Reasoning Syllabus is as follows:

Syllabus (English)पाठ्यक्रम (हिंदी)
General Intelligence & Reasoning

1. Questions on analogies.
2. Questions on similarities and differences.
3. Space visualization questions.
4. Problem-solving questions.
5. Analysis questions.
6. Judgment questions.
7. Decision-making questions.
8. Visual memory questions.
9. Discriminating observation questions.
10. Relationship concepts questions.
11. Arithmetical reasoning questions.
12. Verbal and figure classification questions.
13. Arithmetical number series questions.
14. Non-verbal series questions.
15. Questions designed to test the candidate’s ability to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationships.
16. Questions on arithmetical computation.
17. Other analytical functions questions.
सामान्य बुद्धिमत्ता और तर्क

1. एनालॉजी पर प्रश्न।
2. समानताएं और भिन्नताएं पर प्रश्न।
3. अंतरिक्ष दृश्यावलोकन प्रश्न।
4. समस्या समाधान प्रश्न।
5. विश्लेषण प्रश्न।
6. निर्णय प्रश्न।
7. निर्णय लेने के प्रश्न।
8. दृश्य स्मृति प्रश्न।
9. विवेचनात्मक अवलोकन प्रश्न।
10. संबंध अवधारणाएं प्रश्न।
11. अंकगणितीय तर्क प्रश्न।
12. मौखिक और चित्र वर्गीकरण प्रश्न।
13. अंकगणितीय संख्या श्रृंखला प्रश्न।
14. गैर-मौखिक श्रृंखला प्रश्न।
15. उम्मीदवार की अमूर्त विचारों और प्रतीकों और उनके संबंधों से निपटने की क्षमता का परीक्षण करने के लिए डिज़ाइन किए गए प्रश्न।
16. अंकगणितीय गणना पर प्रश्न।
17. अन्य विश्लेषणात्मक कार्य प्रश्न।

SSC Stenographer Syllabus For General Awareness

In the SSC Stenographer Exam, the General Awareness section aims to evaluate candidates’ understanding of their environment and its relevance to society. It includes questions on current events, scientific aspects of everyday observations, and knowledge about India and its neighboring countries. This section covers topics such as

SubjectSyllabus (English)Syllabus (Hindi)
General Awareness1. Environment and its Societal Applications1. पर्यावरण और इसके सामाजिक अनुप्रयोग
2. Current Events2. वर्तमान घटनाएँ
3. Everyday Observations3. रोजमर्रा की टिप्पणियाँ
4. Scientific Aspects4. वैज्ञानिक पहलू
5. India and Neighboring Countries5. भारत और पड़ोसी देश
History1. Indus Valley and Civilization1. इंडस घाटी और सभ्यता
2. Buddhism and Jainism in India2. भारत में बौद्ध धर्म और जैन धर्म
3. The Magadha Empire3. मगध साम्राज्य
4. Gupta Dynasty4. गुप्त वंश
5. Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire5. दिल्ली सल्तनत और मुग़ल साम्राज्य
6. India and its Independence6. भारत और इसकी स्वतंत्रता
Geography1. The Universe and the Solar System1. ब्रह्मांड और सौर मंडल
2. Earth2. पृथ्वी
3. Mountains and Rivers3. पहाड़ और नदियाँ
4. Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Atmosphere4. हाइड्रोस्फीयर, लिथोस्फीयर, एटमोस्फीयर
5. Wind Cyclone5. वायु चक्रवात
6. Climate6. जलवायु
7. Geological Survey of India7. भारतीय भूगर्भीय सर्वेक्षण
8. Indian Climate, Natural Vegetation and Soil8. भारतीय जलवायु, प्राकृतिक वनस्पति और मिट्टी
Economics1. General Economics1. सामान्य अर्थशास्त्र
2. Economic Planning2. आर्थिक योजना
3. National Income of India3. भारत की राष्ट्रीय आय
4. Budget4. बजट
5. Market5. बाजार
6. Demand and Supply6. मांग और आपूर्ति
7. Economic Concept7. आर्थिक अवधारणा
8. Population of India, Mortality Rate, Unemployment8. भारत की जनसंख्या, मृत्यु दर, बेरोजगारी
Polity1. Constitutional Development of India1. भारत का संवैधानिक विकास
2. State, Union Territory2. राज्य, केंद्र शासित प्रदेश
3. Fundamental Rights3. मूलभूत अधिकार
4. Directive Principles of State Policy4. राज्य नीति के निर्देशक सिद्धांत
5. Executive, Legislation, Judiciary5. कार्यपालिका, विधान, न्यायपालिका
6. Constitution of India6. भारत का संविधान
ScienceBasic Topics of Chemistry, Physics and Biologyरसायनशास्त्र, भौतिकी और जीवविज्ञान के बुनियादी विषय

SSC Stenographer Syllabus For English Language & Comprehension

The English Language & Comprehension section of the SSC Stenographer Exam evaluates candidates on various aspects of English proficiency. This includes vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, and correct usage. Additionally, candidates’ writing ability will also be assessed.

VocabularyKnowledge and understanding of words and their meanings
GrammarRules and structure governing the use of language
Sentence StructureFormation and arrangement of sentences
SynonymsWords with similar meanings
AntonymsWords with opposite meanings
Correct UsageProper application of grammar and vocabulary in context
Writing AbilitySkill in composing coherent and grammatically correct sentences and passages

SSC Stenographer Exam Structure 2024

The SSC Stenographer Syllabus 2024 covers three main sections: General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and English Language with Comprehension. The Computer-Based Test (CBT) will have 200 multiple-choice questions, each worth 1 mark. Candidates will be evaluated through this CBT and a skill-based test. For those preparing for the SSC Stenographer 2024 Recruitment, it is important to understand the exam structure.

Exam StageDetails
Tier 1 Exam StructureDivided into three parts:
1. General Intelligence & Reasoning,
2. General Awareness, and
3. English Language & Comprehension
Tier 1 CBT Format200 questions, each worth 1 mark, totaling 200 marks. Duration: 2 hours
Language of CBTConducted in English and Hindi, except for the English Language section
Tier 2 Skill TestShorthand skill test: Listen to a dictated passage and type it on a computer
Dictation Speed for Grade C100 words per minute (w.p.m.)
Dictation Speed for Grade D80 words per minute (w.p.m.)
Time Allotment for Dictation and TranscriptionVaries depending on the language and grade

SSC Stenographer Tier 1 Exam Pattern

The SSC Stenographer Recruitment Examinations will have 2 stages – Online computer-based exams comprising of 2 hours and the SSC Stenographer skill Tests. The SSC Stenographer Computer-based Exam Pattern is as follows:

General Intelligence & Reasoning50/50
General Awareness50/50
English Language and Comprehension100/100

SSC Stenographer Marking Scheme

Understanding the exam’s structure and exam details is crucial for success. Below are the key details regarding the exam format, including its duration, sections, marking scheme, and cutoff requirements.

  • Total Duration: 2 hours (2 hours and 40 minutes for candidates using a scribe)
  • Sections: English Language and Comprehension, General Awareness, General Intelligence and Reasoning
  • Total Questions: 200
  • Total Marks: 200
  • Marking Scheme: +1 mark for each correct answer, -1/3 mark for each incorrect answer
  • Cutoff Requirement: Candidates need to achieve the cutoff marks to progress to the next stage.

SSC Stenographer Minimum Qualifying Marks 2024

In the Computer Based Examination, candidates must achieve the minimum qualifying marks to be eligible for further selection. The minimum qualifying marks for different categories are as follows:

CategoryMinimum Qualifying Marks
UR (Unreserved)30%
OBC (Other Backward Classes) / EWS (Economically Weaker Sections)25%
All Other Categories20%

SSC Stenographer Skill Test Exam Pattern

Candidates who successfully pass the Computer Based Examination will proceed to the Skill Test for Stenography, which is the next stage in the selection process.

  • SSC Stenographer Dictation Duration: Candidates will receive a dictation time of 10 minutes in either English or Hindi, based on their preference selected during the online Application Form submission.
  • Dictation Speed:
    • For Stenographer Grade ‘C’: 100 words per minute (w.p.m.)
    • For Stenographer Grade ‘D’: 80 words per minute (w.p.m.)
  • Transcription Requirement: The dictated material must be transcribed on a computer.
  • Transcription Time:
Posts/LanguagesTime Duration/ Time Duration For Scribe
Stenographer Grade D/ English
50 minutes/ 70 minutes
Stenographer Grade D/ Hindi65 minutes/ 90 minutes
Stenographer Grade C/ English40 minutes/ 55 minutes
Stenographer Grade C/ Hindi55 minutes/ 75 minutes
  • Medium of Stenography Test: Candidates opting for Hindi Stenography must also learn English Stenography post-appointment; failure may affect probation clearance. They will work as per the User Office’s needs, irrespective of the test medium.
  • Conduct of Skill Test: The Skill Test will be held at SSC Regional Offices or designated centers decided by the Commission.
  • Instructions for Skill Test: Detailed instructions, if any, will be provided by Regional Offices to selected candidates.

SSC Stenographer Syllabus PDF Download Link

Candidates can download the SSC Stenographer Syllabus 2024 Free PDF via the direct link provided below.

Download the SSC Steno Syllabus 2024 PDF

SSC Stenographer Syllabus 2024 – Conclusion

Candidates should make sure to plan out their preparation according to the syllabus and exam pattern. This will make the preparation a lot more efficient. Check the SSC website regularly for any updates regarding SSC Stenographer.

SSC Stenographer Syllabus 2024 – FAQs

Q1. What are the subjects in SSC Stenographer?

A1. General Intelligence and reasoning, English Language and comprehension, and General Knowledge.

Q2. How many papers are there in SSC Stenographer?

A2. There is only one paper in SSC Stenographer having 100 questions in total.

Q3. Is the typing test compulsory for SSC Stenographer?

A3. Yes, the typing test is compulsory for SSC Stenographers.

Q4. What is the duration of the SSC Stenographer exam?

A4. The duration of the SSC Stenographer exam is 2 hours.

Q5. What is the marking scheme for the SSC Stenographer exam?

A5. For every correct answer, one mark will be awarded. For every incorrect answer: 1/3 marks will be deducted. No marks will be awarded for unattempted questions


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