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ESIC Stenographer Answer Key - Complete Details

ESIC, on 27th December 2021, issued a recruitment notice for the post of Stenographer. The online applications will start from 15th January 2022, and the last for registration is 15th February 2022. There are 165 vacancies available for the post. The selection process has a computer-based examination and stenography test, and the candidates must clear the written examination to qualify for the stenography test. Candidates should be well versed in shorthand typing in English/ Hindi.

The article will provide details about the ESIC Stenographer Answer Key and other important information.

ESIC Stenographer Answer Key

ESIC releases the Answer key after the examination. This is for the candidates who wish to check/ verify the answers. Candidates should visit the ESIC website to avail of the Answer Key. The official website is- www.esic.nic.in

ESIC Stenographer Selection Process

The selection process for the ESIC Stenographer Recruitment is done in two phases: 

Phase I: Main Exam

The first phase of the ESIC Stenographer selection process is the main examination, and it is an objective type test. They will prepare the final merit list based on the marks obtained by candidates in the Phase-I examination.

Phase II: Stenography Test

Phase II is a Computer Skill Test which is qualifying in nature. The Stenography Test will be conducted to test the shorthand typing skills of candidates in either English or Hindi.

The ESIC Stenographer Answer Key 2022 will be released in two phases. First, an initial answer key will be released, which candidates can challenge. After considering all the objections, they will release a revised/ final answer key.

The Process to Download ESIC Stenographer Answer Key 

The candidates should follow the below procedure to access the ESIC Stenographer Answer Key.

Step 1: Open the official website- www.esic.nic.in 

Step 2: On the Home page, click on Notice Board under the Recruitment Cell.

Step 3: Log in with your credentials.

Step 4: Select the exam name: ESIC Stenographer

Step 5: The answer key will be displayed.

Step 6: Download the ESIC Stenographer Answer Key and save it to your computer.

Step 7: Take a printout for future reference.

ESIC Stenographer Examination Marking scheme

For Phase I Main Examination

  • The examination is an objective type Multiple Choice Questions Test.
  • The total number of questions is 200
  • Each question carries 1 mark.
  • Negative Marking is done for every incorrect answer or multiple answers to one question. 0.25 marks will be deducted.
  • No negative marking is done for unanswered questions.

Calculate Estimated Marks from ESIC Stenographer Answer Key

Once the Board releases the answer key, the candidates can use the same to calculate the marks and know their score. The candidates can follow the below steps to calculate their expected marks.

Step 1: Download the ESIC Stenographer Answer Key from the official website.

Step 2: Verify the answers with the help of the official answer key provided by the Board.

Step 3: Add the correct answers and multiply by 1

Step 4: Add the incorrect answers and multiply by 0.25

Step 5: Deduct the sum of step- 4 from step- 3. The remaining are the estimated marks.

Important Note: If a candidate has any objection/ doubt regarding any answer in the answer key provided by the Board, they can raise the issue. They can upload the question and the evidence in the online link available on the official website. Objections raised through any other means will not be entertained. After going through all the objections, the Board will issue a revised Answer key.

The Process to Raise an Objection for ESIC Stenographer Answer Key

If the candidates have any issue, they can raise an objection using the steps given below:

  • Step 1: Visit the official website.
  • Step 2: On the home page, click on the Notifications. You will find the direct link to raise an objection under this.
  • Step 3: Fill in the required details and log in.
  • Step 4: Open the link to Raise an Objection.
  • Step 5: The fee (if any) required to Raise an objection will be mentioned. Fill in your issue. And click on submit.

After going through all the issues raised by the candidates, the Institute will release a revised Answer Key. Candidates can avail of this Final Answer Key through the official website. 

The Process to Download the Revised Answer Key

Step 1: Go to the official website

Step 2: Click on the Revised Answer Key option.

Step 3: Login using the credentials.

Step 4: Select the exam name

Step 5: The revised answer key will be displayed.

Step 6: Download and save the Revised Answer key.

Step 7: Take a printout.

Step 8: Cross-check your answers with the help of the revised Answer key.


We hope that this article has been of help in providing information about the ESIC Stenographer Answer Key. If you have any doubt or problem with the process to check the answer key, raise an objection or downloading the revised answer key, please go through this article carefully, and it will solve your problem.


Question: When will the Answer Key for the ESIC Stenographer examination be released?

Answer: ESIC will issue the Stenographer Answer key after the exam is concluded. The Board upload the answer key on the official website for the candidates to check and evaluate their answers/ scores.

Question: What is the process to download the answer key for the ESIC Stenographer recruitment exam?

Answer: The candidates should follow the below procedure to access the ESIC Stenographer Answer Key.

Step 1: Open the official website- www.esic.nic.in 

Step 2: On the Home page, click on Notice Board under the Recruitment Cell.

Step 3: Login using your credentials.

Step 4: Select the exam name: ESIC Stenographer

Step 5: The answer key will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6: Download the ESIC Stenographer Answer Key and save it to your computer.

Step 7: Take a printout for future reference.

Question: What is the last date to apply for the ESIC Stenographer recruitment?

Answer: The last for registration is 15th February 2022.


Is ESIC Stenographer a central govt job?

ESIC Stenographer is a central government job and comparatively better than a PSU job like the SBI Clerk. It will have a better salary, more allowances, steady growth, complete job security, lesser workload as compared to a bank clerk/PO.

What is the salary of Stenographer in ESIC? +

The ESIC UDC salary for Upper Division Clerk/Upper Division Clerk Cashier Level-4 is (Rs. 25,500-81,100) and for Stenographer Level-4 is (Rs. 25,500-81,100).

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