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ICAR IARI Technician Exam Pattern

Check out this blog for ICAR IARI Technician Exam Pattern and the topics to be covered to prepare for the examination.

The ICAR IARI has announced recruitments for the post of Technician (T-1) on 18th December 2021 (Advertisement number 101/2021Rectt Cell/Technician). In all, there are 641 vacancies offered. The process of application started on 18th December 2021. The last date of application is 10th January 2021. The tentative date of the examination will be sometime between 28th February to 5th March 2022. Examination. Candidates who clear the written examination are called for document verification. This article will provide you with the ICAR IARI Technician Exam Pattern, syllabus, the minimum passing marks, and other details. 

ICAR IARI Technician Exam Pattern

The table given below shows the exam pattern for the ICAR IARI Technician recruitment examination:

SectionsSubjectNumber of QuestionsMaximum Marks
IGeneral Knowledge25 questions25 marks
IIMathematics25 questions25 marks
IIIScience25 questions25 marks
IVSocial science25 questions25 marks
Total  100 questions100 marks

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  • The ICAR IARI Technician (T-1) examination is an online computer-based test.
  • It will be an objective type multiple choice question examination.
  • The examination will be in both English and Hindi (for all the sections)
  • The total number of questions is 100.
  • The examination is divided into four sections.
  • Each section will have 25 questions.
  • Each question carries 1 mark.
  • Negative marking is applicable. For every wrong answer or multiple answers to one question, 0.25 marks will be deducted.
  • The time duration of the examination is 1.5 hours (90 minutes).
  • No marks will be deducted for an unanswered question.

ICAR IARI Technician Examination: Minimum Passing Marks

The candidates must secure the minimum qualifying marks to clear the paper. The minimum passing marks and the cut-off marks are not the same. Minimum marks are to clear the paper, whereas the cut off is the qualifying marks a candidate has to attain to get shortlisted for the next stage of the selection process. The category-wise minimum qualifying marks for the ICAR IARI Technician Examination are as under:

  1. UR (Unreserved)- 40 per cent
  2. SC (Scheduled Castes)- 30 percent
  3. OBC- NCL (Other Backward Classes- Non-Creamy Layer)- 30 percent
  4. EWS (Economically Weaker Sections)- 30 percent
  5. ST (Scheduled Tribes)- 25 percent

ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus 2021

The ICAR IARI Technician syllabus is for four subjects. They are:

  1. General Knowledge
  2. Mathematics
  3. Science
  4. Social Science

The questions will be of matriculation level. Total marks of the examination are 100, of which 25 marks each will be for each of the four sections. The subject-wise syllabus is given below:

ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus – General Knowledge

In this section, 25 multiple choice questions will be asked to test the candidate's knowledge in topics such as current affairs, history, news, and others. Candidates must prepare thoroughly for this section. This section of the examination carries 25 marks. The topics to be studied for the General Knowledge section are mentioned below:

  1. Current Affairs
  2. India and its neighbouring countries
  3. History
  4. Culture
  5. Geography
  6. Economic Science
  7. General Policy
  8. Scientific Research

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ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus – Mathematics

The second section in this examination is in Mathematics. It has a weightage of 25 marks. You have to practice various topics from this subject as it will have 25 Multiple choice questions having 25 marks in total. Following are the topics for the mathematics paper:

  1. Number system
  2. Fundamental arithmetical operations
  3. Algebra
  4. Geometry
  5. Mensuration
  6. Trigonometry
  7. Statistical Charts

ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus - Science

The topics for the Science section are:

  • Physical and Chemical substances – Nature and behaviors
  • World of Living
  • Natural Phenomenon
  • Effects of Current and natural resources

ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus - Social Science

The topics for the Social Science section are:

  • India and the contemporary world
  • Democratic politics
  • Understanding Economic Development
  • Disaster Management

Preparation Tips:

The best source of preparation are:

  • Examination preparation books
  • Previous years question papers
  • Sample papers
  • Mock tests

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Preparing from exam books is a good idea, but you must also follow the previous years' question papers as they are a good source of what to expect in the exam. In case the previous year question papers are not available opt for the mock test series and sample papers available online. 

  • This will acquaint you with the pattern of the question paper, and the marking scheme.
  • While solving the sample papers, previous year's question paper, and taking mock tests you will answer different types of questions and will be better prepared for the test.
  • Due to solving question papers and sample papers, you will be in a position to answer questions in the examination more proficiently, quickly, and correctly.


Now that you know about the ICAR IARI Technician Exam Pattern and the topics to be covered, you can start your preparation systematically. Get hold of the relevant books and prepare a schedule. Study the topics thoroughly as you must be knowing that to answer multiple-choice questions, you need to have a thorough knowledge of the subject. Study in a planned way and retain whatever you learn. Remember that hard work always pays. So, forge ahead with determination. You will certainly succeed. 

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Is negative marking applicable in the ICAR IARI Technician recruitment examination?

Answer: Yes, negative marking is applicable. For every wrong answer or multiple answers to one question, a 0.25 mark will be deducted.

Question: What are the total marks of the ICAR IARI Technician 2021 examination?

Answer: The written examination has 100 questions, each carrying 1 mark. So, the written examination will be of 100 marks.


When can I apply online for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021?

The online application for the ICAR IARI technicain exam has been started from 18 December 2021.

What is the last date to apply for the ICAR IARI Technician Exam? +

The last date to apply online for ICAR IARI recruitment 2021 is 10th January 2022.

How many vacancies have been released under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021? +

A total of 641 vacancies have been released under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021.

What is the minimum eligibility to apply for technician posts under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021? +

The candidates willing to apply for ICAR technician Recruitment 2021 must be 10th pass.

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