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OSCB Banking Assistant Exam Pattern 2022

OSCB Banking Assistant Exam Pattern 2022

Odisha State Cooperative Bank (OSCB) is a Scheduled State Cooperative Government Bank in India. The Orissa Cooperative Societies Act established this bank, which plays a significant role in changing the state's agricultural society by satisfying the financial demands of farmers. To fill 470 existing job opportunities, Cooperative Bank Ltd has issued the examination pattern, syllabus, and scheme 2022 for the Banking Assistant (Grade-II) Post in the District Central Co-operative Banks (DCCBs) operating in the state of Odisha. According to the OSCB Banking Assistant Exam pattern, candidates will be chosen based on their performance in the preliminary exam and main exam. Finally, selected individuals will be assigned to one of the 15 District Central Co-operative Banks. This is an exciting opportunity for people between the ages of 21 and 32 who want to work with Odisha State Cooperative Bank. 

OSCB Banking Assistant Exam Pattern

Before commencing test preparation, students must first comprehend the OSCB exam selection procedure. If applicants have a complete grasp of the test structure and selection procedure, it will be simpler to create an acceptable goal to get the desired result. The selection procedure for OSCB Assistant Managers is three-tiered, whereas the selection process for Banking Assistants is two-tiered. To be qualified for the main online exam, students must first take the prelims exam.

The following is the OSCB selection procedure:

  • Prelims exam
  • Mains exam
  • Interview (Only for Assistant Manager post)

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OSCB Banking Assistant Examination Scheme 2022

  • In DCCBs, the Bank Assistant Grade-II examination will be administered online in two rounds of written exams.
  • At specified examination centres, questionnaires will be shown on a monitor.
  • The questionaries for the online written tests will be in English.
  • Considering the distribution of marks in all forms, the candidates' marks in any examination will be equivalent to the basic form.
  • Scores on individual tests and overall marks are provided with a decimal point up to two digits.

OSCB Banking Assistant Examination Pattern 2022

  • There will be two phases to the written test.
  • If wrong answers are marked on objective tests, penalties will be imposed.
  • As a penalty for reaching the amended mark, one-fourth of the marks given for those questions, or 0.25 marks, will be removed for each question answered wrongly by the applicant.
  • There will be no penalty for questions that are left blank when the applicant does not provide an answer.

Preliminary Examination Duration

English20 Mins
Numerical Ability20 Mins
Reasoning Ability20 Mins
Total60 Mins

Mains Examination Duration

General & Financial Awareness30 Mins
General English40 Mins 
Reasoning Ability35 Mins
Numerical Ability35 Mins
Total140 Mins

Preliminary Examination Pattern

Numerical Ability3535
Reasoning Ability3535
  • Stage 1 will consist of a preliminary examination with three papers.
  • The prelims test will have a total score of 100.
  • The total number of questions in the prelims test will be 100.
  • All applicants will be given 60 minutes to complete the preliminary examination.
  • For the prelims test, each paper will be divided into 20 minutes.

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Mains Examination Pattern

General & Financial Awareness4040
General English4040
Reasoning Ability4040
Numerical Ability4040
  • Stage 2 will be the main test, which will consist of four exams.
  • The Mains test will have a total score of 160.
  • The total number of questions in the Mains test will be 160.
  • All applicants will be allowed 140 minutes to complete the preliminary examination.

You must pass both the preliminary and the main examinations independently. Only the marks you received in the Main Examination will be added to a merit list, and they will use this rank list to make the final decision. Call letters, which you may obtain from the Website weeks before the exam, will include information on the examination centre. Keep checking the website for changes regularly.


You may systematically begin your preparation now that you know the OSCB Banking Assistant Exam pattern. Obtain the necessary books and make a schedule. Study the topics extensively since you must be aware that answering questions requires a deep understanding of the subject. Plan your studies and make sure you remember what you study. Always remember that hard effort pays off. As a result, keep moving on with zeal. You will undoubtedly succeed. The deadline for qualified applicants to apply is December 29, 2021. Aspirants should carefully read the guidelines before completing the online application. Aspirants should carefully study this page because it contains all relevant details for the Banking Assistant position. I hope that this writing has given you enough information about the curriculum to help you to plan correctly. On the Oliveboard website, you may find more articles like this. 

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1. How many marks does the OSCB Banking Assistant Exam require?

Only those candidates who pass the preliminary examination will be summoned for the main examination.

2. What is the OSCB Banking Assistant Exam pattern?

Individuals who have successfully submitted their applications with no errors will be summoned for the Odisha Bank Assistant test. This written test will be divided into two parts.

  • Preliminary exam (Phase I)
  • The main exam in Phase II

3. The OSCB Banking Assistant Prelims Exam has many sections?

There will be three components to the OSCB Banking Assistant Prelims Exam: English language, quantitative aptitude, and reasoning ability.

4. Is the OSCB Banking Associates Exam the Same as the OSCB Banking Associates Exam?

No, the exam format varies depending on the position.

5. How long does the OSCB Banking Assistant Mains Exam last?

Candidates taking the OSCB Banking Assistant Mains Exam will have 140 minutes to complete the exam.

6. Is the Syllabus for the OSCB Banking Assistant Exam changing this year?

No, the syllabus is the same as last year.

7. How much are the Odisha Cooperative Bank Application fees?

For the unreserved categories, the application cost for the Odisha Cooperative Bank Application Form 2022 is Rs. 1000.

8. When is the deadline for submitting an online application for the Odisha State Cooperative Bank Application Form 2022?

The deadline to submit an online application for the Odisha State Cooperative Bank Application Form 2022 is January 17, 2022.


When is the last date to fill the application form for OSCB Recruitment 2022?

The last date to fill out the online application form for OSCB Recruitment 2022 is 17th January 2022.

How many vacancies are released under OSCB Banking Assistant Recruitment Notification 2022? +

The OSCB Banking Assistant Recruitment Notification mentions 423 vacancies for general recruitment and 47 vacancies for backlog recruitment.

What is the selection process for the OSCB Banking Assistant Recruitment? +

The Selection process for the OSCB Banking Assistant Recruitment involves two online computer-based tests.
Online Prelims Exam
Online Mains Exam

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