RRB JE Syllabus 2024, Exam Pattern For CBT 1 and CBT 2

RRB JE Syllabus 2024 is crucial for candidates who have already applied or are planning to apply for the 7951 vacancies under RRB JE 2024. It will help candidates understand each subject in detail, including mental ability, general science, general awareness, and technical topics, and prepare effectively for the exam.

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RRB JE Syllabus 2024

The RRB JE Syllabus 2024 is a crucial factor in preparing for the 7,951 vacancies released by the Railway Recruitment Board. Since the application window for these posts has closed, it is now essential for candidates to develop a strategic plan and follow the syllabus closely to achieve better results. The latest RRB JE Exam Pattern is provided in this article to help candidates understand the question format used by the exam authorities and what to expect in their question paper. We recommend checking the article below for the detailed syllabus for CBT 1, CBT 2, and Technical Abilities, and downloading the RRB JE Syllabus 2024 PDF for future reference.

RRB JE Syllabus 2024 Overview

Candidates who have filled the RRB JE Application Form 2024 must check the overview table of RRB JE Syllabus 2024 for a better idea of the marking scheme, selection process, and negative marking. Check out the below table for more detail.

BoardRailway Recruitment Board (RRBs)
Exam NameRRB JE 2024
Vacancies7951 posts
Name of the PostsJunior Engineer (JE), Junior Engineer (IT), Depot Materials Superintendent (DMS), Chemical & Metallurgical Assistant (CMA)
No. of QuestionsCBT 1: 100
CBT 2: 150
DurationCBT 1: 90 minutes
CBT 2: 120 minutes
Marking Scheme1 mark
Negative Marking⅓ mark
Selection Process– First Stage of CBT
– Second Stage of CBT
– Document Verification
– Medical Examination
Official Websitehttps://www.rrbapply.gov.in/#/auth/landing

Also Check: RRB JE Notification 2024

RRB JE Exam Pattern 2024

It is important to know about the RRB JE Exam Pattern before moving to the detailed syllabus for each phase. The details of the exam pattern for each step are provided in the points below:

RRB JE CBT 1 Exam Pattern

  • The CBT 1 Exam for RRB JE will consist of 100 multiple-choice questions, each carrying 1 mark.
  • Subjects covered in RRB JE CBT 1 include Mathematics, General Intelligence & Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Science.
  • Candidates must achieve a minimum qualifying score of 40%.
  • The exam duration is 1.5 hours (90 minutes).
  • A negative mark of 1/3rd mark will be applied for every incorrect answer.
SectionsTotal QuestionsTotal Marks
General Intelligence and Reasoning2525
General Awareness1515
General Science3030

RRB JE CBT 2 Exam Pattern

  • The RRB JE CBT 2 Exam will consist of 150 multiple-choice questions, each worth 1 mark.
  • Subjects included in RRB JE CBT 2 are General Awareness, Physics & Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control, and Technical Abilities.
  • Candidates need to secure a minimum qualifying score of 40%.
  • The duration of the exam is 2 hours (120 minutes).
  • There is a negative marking of 1/3rd mark for every wrong answer.
SectionsTotal QuestionsTotal Marks
General Awareness1515
Physics and Chemistry1515
Basics of Computer and Applications1010
Basics of Environment and Pollution Control1010
Technical Abilities100100

RRB JE Syllabus 2024 PDF Download

To prepare effectively for the RRB JE 2024 exam, it’s essential to understand the syllabus. The RRB JE Syllabus 2024 outlines the topics and subjects you need to study, including General Intelligence, Mathematics, General Awareness, and specific engineering subjects. Downloading the RRB JE Syllabus 2024 PDF will give you a clear view of what to expect on the exam and help you plan your study schedule.

Click Here To Download RRB JE Syllabus 2024 PDF

RRB JE CBT 1 Syllabus

As mentioned in the exam pattern, there are four subjects in the RRB JE CBT 1 Exam- Mathematics, General Awareness & Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Science. Candidates can check the topic-wise RRB JE Syllabus 2024 for CBT 1 in the below section:

Mathematics Syllabus

Mathematics is a challenging subject that requires focused preparation to understand. Therefore, candidates preparing for RRB JE 2024 should allocate more time to this subject and create a study plan accordingly.

Data Interpretation
Pipes and Cistern
Clock and Calendar
Permutations and Combinations
Square Root
Time and Work
Speed, Distance, and Time
Allegation and Mixture
Elementary Statistics
Ratio and Proportion
Problems on Age
Profit and Loss
Simple and Compound Interest
Number System

Candidates looking to apply for RRB JE 2024 (Non-Tech) should review the Railway JE 2024 – CBT 1 (Non-Tech) below, which will help in understanding each subject and concept thoroughly.

Click Here to Join Railway JE 2024 – CBT 1 (Non-Tech)

General Science Syllabus

Candidates preparing for the RRB JE Exam 2024 should know that the General Science subject includes topics from Physics and Chemistry. Candidates can prepare for Physics and Chemistry based on the 10th standard syllabus.

General Science Syllabus
Physics, Chemistry, and Life Sciences (up to 10th Standard CBSE syllabus)

General Intelligence and Reasoning Syllabus

Reasoning and General Intelligence can be new and sometimes overwhelming for aspirants. However, with better preparation and understanding of the RRB JE Syllabus 2024, candidates can achieve better marks in this subject.

Mathematical Operations
Alphabetical and Number Series
Statement-Assumptions and Arguments
Seating Arrangement
Ranking and Order
Input and Output
Similarities and Differences
Decision-Making and Conclusions
Direction and Distance
Blood Relations
Analytical Reasoning
Coding and Decoding

General Awareness Syllabus

The General Awareness subject assesses a candidate’s knowledge of current affairs. Staying up to date with global issues is the best way to prepare for this subject. Check the table below for a detailed overview of the RRB JE Syllabus for General Awareness.

Indian Economy
Indian History and Culture
Environmental Issues
Railway Budget
Current Affairs
Indian Constitution
General Knowledge on Railways
Indian Polity
United Nations Organization (UNO)
Committees and Heads
Awards and Honours
Static General Knowledge

RRB JE CBT 2 Syllabus

RRB JE CBT 2 Exam includes objective type questions with multiple choice and might include questions from General Awareness, Physics and Chemistry, Basics of Computers and Applications, Basics of Environment and Pollution Control, and Technical abilities. Candidates can check the topic-wise RRB JE Syllabus 2024 for CBT 2 in the below section:

General Awareness Syllabus

We have provided the detailed General Awareness Syllabus for CBT 2 in the below section. However, it is to be noted that the syllabus would be similar to the CBT-1 exam.

Knowledge of Current Affairs
Indian Geography
Culture and History of India
Indian Polity and Constitution
Indian Economy
Environmental Issues Concerning India and the World
General Scientific and Technological Developments

Physics and Chemistry Syllabus

In this section, you will encounter questions based on 12th standard Physics and Chemistry. Hence, it is advisable to revisit your 10th-standard physics and chemistry textbooks for reference, as there will be 15 questions from these subjects.

Physics and Chemistry Syllabus
Questions from 12th standard from Physics and Chemistry will come

Also Check: RRB JE Salary 2024

Basics of Environment and Pollution Control Syllabus

Here we have provided the topics which will be covered under Basics of environment and pollution control Syllabus. Candidates must go through each of the topics as all of them are equally important.

Acid Rain
Waste Management
Global Warming
Ozone Depletion
Environmental Basics
Effects of Environmental Pollution and Solutions
Water/Noise/Air Pollution and Their Effects

Basics of Computer Applications Syllabus

Here, candidates can check the syllabus for Basics of Computer Applications, which will be included in the RRB JE Exam 2024.

Web Browsers
Internet and Email
Computer Virus
MS Office
Different Data Representation
Operating System
Storage Devices
Computer Architecture
Input and Output Devices

Technical Abilities Syllabus for CBT 2

We have provided the detailed technical abilities syllabus for CBT 2 for each of the subjects in the below table:

RRB JE Civil Syllabus 2024

RRB JE Civil Syllabus 2024 is provided in detail in the below table:

SubjectTopics Covered
Engineering MechanicsForce (resolution, moment, system, composition), Equilibrium, Friction, Centroid and Center of Gravity, Simple Machines
Building ConstructionBuilding Components (substructure, superstructure), Types of Structures (load-bearing, framed, composite)
Building MaterialsMasonry Materials (stones, bricks, mortars), Timber, Miscellaneous Materials (glass, plastic, fiber, aluminum, steel, galvanized iron, bitumen, PVC, CPVC, PPF)
Construction of SubstructureJob Layout, Earthwork, Foundation (types, dewatering, coffer dams, bearing capacity)
Construction of SuperstructureStone Masonry, Brick Masonry, Hollow Concrete Block Masonry, Composite Masonry, Cavity Wall, Doors and Windows, Vertical Communication (stairs, lifts, escalators), Scaffolding, Shoring
Building FinishesFloors (finishes, process of laying), Walls (plastering, pointing, painting), Roofs (roofing materials including RCC)
Building MaintenanceCracks (causes, types, repairs), Settlement (causes, remedial measures), Re-bar Techniques
Building DrawingConventions (lines, symbols), Building Planning (residential and public buildings, rules, byelaws), Drawings (plan, elevation, section, site plan, location plan, foundation plan, working drawing), Perspective Drawing
Concrete TechnologyProperties of Cement, Aggregates, Concrete Mix Design, Testing, Quality Control, Extreme Weather Concreting, Chemical Admixtures, Special Concrete (ready mix, RCC, pre-stressed, fiber reinforced, precast, high performance)
SurveyingTypes of Survey, Chain and Cross Staff Survey, Compass Survey, Leveling (dumpy level, auto level), Contouring, Area and Volume Measurements, Plane Table Survey, Theodolite Survey, Tacheometric Survey, Curves, Advanced Survey Equipment, Aerial Survey, Remote Sensing
Computer-Aided DesignCAD Software (AutoCAD, Auto Civil, 3D Max), CAD Commands, Generation of Plans, Elevations, Sections, Site Plans, Area Statements, 3D Views
Geo Technical EngineeringDesign of Foundations, Pavement, Earth Retaining Structures, Earthen Dams, Soil Properties, Permeability, Shear Strength, Bearing Capacity, Compaction and Stabilization, Site Investigation
HydraulicsFluid Properties, Hydrostatic Pressure, Liquid Pressure Measurement, Fluid Flow Fundamentals, Flow Through Pipes and Channels, Flow Measuring Devices, Hydraulic Machines
Irrigation EngineeringHydrology, Investigation, Reservoir Planning, Percolation Tanks, Diversion Headworks
Mechanics of StructuresStress and Strain, Shear Force and Bending Moment, Moment of Inertia, Stresses in Beams, Analysis of Trusses, Strain Energy
Theory of StructuresDirect and Bending Stresses, Slope and Deflection, Fixed Beam, Continuous Beam, Moment Distribution Method, Columns
Design of Concrete StructuresWorking Stress Method, Limit State Method, Design of Singly and Doubly Reinforced Sections, Shear, Bond, Development Length, T Beam, Slab, Column, Footings
Design of Steel StructuresTypes of Sections, Grades of Steel, Strength Characteristics, IS Code, Connections, Design of Tension and Compression Members, Steel Roof Trusses, Beams, Column Bases
Transportation EngineeringRailway Engineering (alignment, gauges, track geometrics, maintenance), Bridge Engineering (site selection, parts, inspection), Tunnel Engineering (classification, methods, equipment)
Highway EngineeringRoad Engineering, Road Project Investigation, Geometric Design, Road Pavements, Traffic Engineering, Hill Roads, Road Drainage, Maintenance
Environmental EngineeringPollution Control, Public Water Supply, Domestic Sewage, Solid Waste Management, Environmental Sanitation, Plumbing
Advanced Construction Techniques and EquipmentFibers and Plastics, Artificial Timber, Advanced Concreting Methods (underwater, ready mix, trimix), Formwork, Prefabricated Construction, Soil Reinforcing Techniques, Hoisting and Conveying Equipment, Earth Moving Machinery, Concrete Mixers, Stone Crushers, Pile Driving Equipment, Hot Mix Bitumen Plant, Bitumen Paver, Floor Polishing Machines
Estimating and CostingTypes of Estimates (approximate, detailed), Mode of Measurements, Rate Analysis
Contracts and AccountsTypes of Engineering Contracts, Tender and Tender Documents, Payment, Specifications

RRB JE Electrical Syllabus 2024

RRB JE Electrical Syllabus 2024 is provided in detail in the below table:

SubjectTopics Covered
Basic ConceptsResistance, Inductance, Capacitance, Current, Voltage, Power, Energy, and their Units
Circuit LawKirchhoff’s Laws, Network Theorems for Simple Circuit Solutions
Magnetic CircuitFlux, MMF, Reluctance, Magnetic Materials, Magnetic Calculations for Different Conductors, Electromagnetic Induction, Self and Mutual Induction
AC FundamentalsAlternating Wave Values (Instantaneous, Peak, R.M.S., Average), Sinusoidal Waveform, Series and Parallel AC Circuits, Resonance, Tank Circuit, Polyphase System, Star and Delta Connection, 3-Phase Power, DC and Sinusoidal Response of R-L and R-C Circuits
Measurement and Measuring InstrumentsMeasurement of Power and Energy, Wattmeter Methods, Frequency and Phase Angle Measurement, Ammeter, Voltmeter, Multimeters, Megger, AC Bridges, CRO, Signal Generator, CT, PT, Earth Fault Detection
Electrical Machines(a) D.C. Machines – Construction, Principles, Characteristics, Speed Control, Braking, Efficiency (b) Transformers – Construction, Operation, Equivalent Circuit, Voltage Regulation, Tests, Efficiency, Parallel Operation, Autotransformers (c) 3-Phase Induction Motors – Operation, Equivalent Circuit, Torque-Speed Characteristics, Speed Control, Braking, Fractional kW Motors, Single-Phase Induction Motors
Synchronous Machines3-Phase E.M.F. Generation, Armature Reaction, Voltage Regulation, Parallel Operation of Alternators, Synchronizing, Active and Reactive Power Control, Applications of Synchronous Motors
Generation, Transmission, and DistributionPower Stations, Load Factor, Tariffs, Faults, Switchgear, Protection, Buchholz Relay, Merz-Price System, Lightning Arresters, Transmission and Distribution Systems, Cables
Estimation and CostingLighting Scheme Estimation, Electric Installation, IE Rules, Earthing Practices
Utilization of Electrical EnergyIllumination, Electric Heating, Welding, Electroplating, Electric Drives and Motors
Basic ElectronicsElectronic Devices (Diodes, Transistors, BJTs, JFETs), Simple Circuits Using These Devices

RRB JE Electronics Telecommunication Engineering Syllabus 2024

RRB JE Electronics Telecommunication Engineering Syllabus 2024 is provided in detail in the below table:

SubjectTopics Covered
Electronic Components & MaterialsConductors, Semiconductors, Insulators, Magnetic Materials, Jointing & Cleaning Materials, Cells and Batteries, Relays, Switches, MCBs, Connectors
Electronic Devices and CircuitsPN Junction Diodes, Thyristors, Diode and Triode Circuits, Junction Transistors, Amplifiers, Oscillators, Multivibrators, Counters, Rectifiers, Inverters, UPS
Digital ElectronicsNumber System & Binary Codes, Boolean Algebra & Logic Gates, Combinational & Sequential Logic Circuits, A/D & D/A Converters, Counters, Memories
Linear Integrated CircuitIntroduction to Operational Amplifiers, Linear and Nonlinear Applications, Voltage Regulators, Timers, Phase-Locked Loops
Microprocessor and MicrocontrollerIntroduction to Microprocessors, 8085 Microprocessor Working, Assembly Language Programming, Peripherals, Microcontrollers
Electronic MeasurementsMeasuring Systems, Basic Principles of Measurement, Range Extension Methods, Cathode Ray Oscilloscope, LCD, LED Panel, Transducers
Communication EngineeringIntroduction to Communication, Modulation Techniques, Multiplexing Techniques, Wave Propagation, Transmission Line Characteristics, OFC, Public Address Systems, Electronic Exchange, Radar, Cellular and Satellite Communication
Data Communication and NetworkIntroduction to Data Communication, Hardware and Interface, Introduction to Networks and Networking Devices, Local Area Network and Wide Area Network, Interworking
Computer ProgrammingProgramming Concepts, Fundamentals of ‘C’ and C++, Operators in ‘C’ and C++, Control Statements, Functions, Arrays, Strings, Pointers, File Structure, Data Structure, DBMS
Basic Electrical EngineeringDC Circuits, AC Fundamentals, Magnetic, Thermal, and Chemical Effects of Electric Current, Earthing – Installation, Maintenance, Testing

RRB JE ME Syllabus 2024

RRB JE ME Syllabus 2024 is provided in detail in the below table:

SubjectTopics Covered
Engineering MechanicsResolution of Forces, Equilibrium, Parallelogram Law, Triangle Law of Forces, Polygon Law of Forces, Lami’s Theorem, Couple and Moment, Static Friction, Dynamic Friction, Limiting Angle of Friction and Repose, Forces on Inclined Plane, Moment of Inertia and Radius of Gyration of Various Sections, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Projectile Motion, D’Alembert’s Principle, Conservation of Energy and Momentum
Material ScienceMechanical Properties of Materials (Tensile Strength, Hardness, etc.), Classification of Steels, Heat Treatment Processes (Annealing, Hardening, etc.)
Strength of MaterialsStress, Strain, Stress-Strain Diagram, Factor of Safety, Thermal Stresses, Strain Energy, Shear Force and Bending Moment Diagrams, Torsion, Thin Cylinder Shells
MachiningLathe Working Principle, Types of Lathes, Cutting Tool Nomenclature, Machining Operations, Cutting Fluids, Introduction to Shaper, Slotter, Planer, Broaching, Milling, Gear Manufacture, Heat Treatment of Gears
WeldingWelding Introduction, Classification, Principles of Arc and Gas Welding, Soldering and Brazing, Modern Welding Methods, MIG & TIG Welding
Grinding & Finishing ProcessMetal Removal Principles, Abrasives, Grinding Machines, Centreless Grinding, Finishing Processes (Honing, Lapping, etc.), Electroplating
MetrologyLinear Measurement, Angle Measurement, Bevel Protractor, Sine Bar, Angle Slip Gauges, Measurement of Surface Roughness, Methods of Measurement by Comparison, Tracer Instruments and Interferometry, Collimators, Measuring Microscope, Interferometer, Inspection of Machine Parts Using Shadow Projection and Profile Projection
Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic MachineryProperties of Fluid (Density, Specific Weight, Specific Gravity, Surface Tension, Viscosity, Compressibility), Pascal’s Law, Measurement of Pressures, Concept of Buoyancy, Reynolds Number, Pressure, Potential and Kinetic Energy, Total Energy, Laws of Conservation (Mass, Energy, Momentum), Velocity of Liquids and Discharge, Bernoulli’s Equation and Assumptions, Venturi Meters, Pitot Tube, Current Meters, Centrifugal Pumps, Efficiencies, Working Principle of Jet & Submersible Pumps with Line Diagrams

RRB JE CSE Syllabus 2024

RRB JE CSE Syllabus 2024 is provided in detail in the below table:

SubjectTopics Covered
PC SoftwareMS Windows, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint
Computer FundamentalsEvolution of Computers, Hardware & Software, Internet
C LanguageStructure, Loop, Control Statements, Arrays, Pointers, Functions, Structure and Union, Files
Computer OrganisationNumber Systems, Logic Gates, Flip-Flops, Boolean Algebra, DMA, Instruction Sets
Information SystemsInformation Concepts, Hardware & Software, Overview of Communication Systems, E-Commerce
Data Structure using C++Object-Oriented Programming, Data Structures, Stack, Queue, Pointers, Linked List, Searching & Sorting Algorithms
DBMS FundamentalsBASIC, Data Models, RDBMS, Relational Algebra, SQL, DDL, DML, and DCL Statements, Creating Tables, Equi-Joins, Self Joins, PL/SQL, Functions, Cursors, and Triggers
System ProgrammingBackground, Assemblers, Loaders and Linkers, Macro Processors, Compilers
Operating System using LINUXOperating System, Types, Features & Basic Architecture of Unix/Linux System, Unix File System & Structure, Linux Commands for Files and Directories, Filters and Pipes, Processes, Creating and Editing Files with VI Editor, System Administration, Role of System Administrator, Managing User Accounts
Web Technologies and ProgrammingInternet & Intranet, Hardware & Software like Bus, Ethernet, LAN, Routers, Gateways, Bridge, Switches, Subnet, Internet Service Providers, Backbones, NAPs, URLs, Domain Names, Email, Web Server and Proxy Server, Web Caches, Web Browser like Internet Explorer, Internet Viruses, Internet Security Issues, Firewall, Data Encryption, Digital Signatures and Certificates, Creating Website and Home Page, HTML Programming Basics, Syntax and Rules, Search and Search Engine for Internet, Outlook Express and Front Page
System Analysis and DesignSystem Components, System Planning, Fact-Finding Techniques, Tools for Documenting Procedures and Decisions, Structured Analysis, Data Flow Analysis, Flow Diagrams, Data Dictionary, Application Prototype, System Design, Software Development Specification, Design of Input, Output, Files, Control Procedures, Program Specification, etc.
Data and Network CommunicationData Communication, Distributed Processing Network Criteria, Protocols, Standards, Topologies, OSI Model Layers, TCP/IP Protocol, Digital to Digital Conversion, Digital to Analog Conversion, Digital Data Transmission, Standards, Modems, Cable Modem, Transmission Media (Guided & Unguided), Performance, Wavelength, Multiplexing, DSL, Error Detection and Correction (VRC, LRC, CRC), Ethernet, Token Bus, Token Ring
Java ProgrammingJAVA and Internet Support Systems and Environment, JVM, Data Types, Program Structure, Constants & Variables, Type Casting, Operators, Class, Creating Objects, Class Members, Constructors, Overloading, Inheritance, Arrays, Creating Threads (Thread Class, Thread Methods, Thread Priority, Synchronization), Applets (Executable Applet, Adding Applet to HTML, File, Passing Parameters to Applets)
Software EngineeringSoftware Process, Life Cycle Models, System Engineering, Software Requirements (Functional and Non-functional), Prototyping, Verification, Validation, Design Concepts and Principles (Design Heuristic, Architectural Design, User Interface Design, System Design, SCM Process), Software Testing (Types of Test, Testing Strategies, Integration and Validation Testing, System Testing, Debugging), Software Project Management (Measures and Measurements, Cost Estimation, Task Network, Error Tracking, CASE Tools)

RRB JE Printing Technology Syllabus 2024

RRB JE Printing Technology Syllabus 2024 is provided in detail in the below table:

SubjectTopics Covered
Printing SystemsDifferent printing methods, image carriers, impression and ink transfer methods, proofing methods, suitability of jobs for various printing processes
Printing MaterialsMaterials used for graphic reproduction, image carriers, printing substrates, inks and coatings, binding materials
Flexo, Gravure, and Screen PrintingFlexographic principles, plate surface preparation, flexographic press work, gravure image carrier preparation, inks for gravure, slitting and rewinding, screen printing
Printing Finishing ProcessingIntroduction to binding and finishing, materials used in binding, methods of binding, modern commercial binding, forwarding operations, automation in binding
Image ProcessingTypes of originals, process room equipment, line and halftone photography, digital image processing, computer-to-film, image editing software
Design & Advertising in Print MediaIntroduction to typographic design and advertising, the role of typography in design, designing aspects of books, magazines, newspapers, design of miscellaneous printed products, operations, and functions of an advertising agency
Sheet-fed Offset MachinesOffset lithographic presses, printing unit, inking and dampening

Also Check: RRB JE Salary 2024

RRB JE CMA Syllabus 2024

RRB JE CMA Syllabus 2024 is provided in detail in the below table:

SubjectTopics Covered
Measurements, Units, and DimensionsTypes of errors in measurements, Significance of accuracy in measurement
LightBasic principles of light (reflection, refraction, laws of reflection, total internal reflection, interference, diffraction, polarization), Magnification formulas for microscopes and telescopes, Electromagnetic spectra
HeatSources of heat, Transmission of heat, Expansion of solids, liquids, gases, Temperature scales, Calorimetry, Specific heat, Latent heat, Anomalous expansion of water, Combustion, Calorific value, Specific heat of gases
SoundSources and propagation of sound, Velocity of sound in different media, Characteristics of sound, Reflection of sound, Echo, Resonance, Sonar, Doppler effect
MechanicsScalars and Vectors, Types of motion, Friction, Newton’s laws of motion, Momentum, Equations of motion, Projectile motion, Range, Laws of Floatation, Work, Power, Energy, Conservation of energy, Center of mass, Center of gravity, Stability and Equilibrium, Universal law of Gravitation, Relation between ‘g’ and ‘G’, Circular motion, Kepler’s Laws, Elasticity, Hooke’s Law
MagnetismMagnetic field, Uniform and non-uniform magnetic fields, Magnetic induction, Magnetic lines of force, Magnetic pole strength, Magnetic moment, Inverse square law of magnetism, Magnetic properties of materials
Electricity & ElectromagnetismElectric charge, field, intensity, potential, potential difference, Simple Electric Circuits, Conductors, Insulators, Coulomb’s law, Cells, Ohm’s Law, Resistances in series and parallel, Emf, Specific resistance, Kirchhoff’s laws, Electric potential and energy, Electric power, Heating effect of electric current, Joule’s law, Ampere’s law, Solenoids, Fleming’s left-hand rule, Electric motor, Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law, Electromagnetic flux, Lenz’s law, Generators, Alternating Currents, Inductance
Modern PhysicsDischarge of electricity through gases, Cathode rays, Anode rays, X-rays, Atomic models (Thomson, Rutherford, Bohr), Atomic nucleus, Mass defect, Radioactivity, Properties and applications of alpha, beta, gamma radiations, Isotopes, Isobars, Isotones, Artificial radioactivity, Radioisotopes, Nuclear reactions (fission, fusion)
Electronics and CommunicationsSemiconductors, Diodes, p-n junction characteristics, Transistors (PNP & NPN), Zener Diodes, Simple electronic circuits, Logic gates, Modulation, Demodulation
MatterStates of matter, Elements, Compounds, Mixtures, Methods of separation, Chromatography, Behavior of gases, Gas laws, Mole concept, Dalton’s, Avogadro’s, Berzelius laws
Chemical ReactionsPhysical and chemical changes, Types of chemical reactions, Physical and chemical properties, Chemical calculations, Uses of NaOH, Bleaching powder, Baking soda, Washing soda, Plaster of Paris
Acids and Bases, SaltsStrength and uses of acids and bases, Neutralization, Nature and uses of salts, Water of crystallization, Types of salts, Oxidation and Reduction, Rancidity, Identification of acids and bases using indicators, pH scale, Classification of salts, Solutions, Stoichiometry
Atomic StructureElectromagnetic spectrum, Atomic spectrum, Rutherford’s model, Nature of electromagnetic radiation, Planck’s quantum mechanics, Photoelectric effect, Bohr’s theory, Quantum mechanical model, Quantum numbers, Atomic orbitals, Electronic configuration, Stability of orbitals
Periodic Classification of ElementsCharacteristics of elements in groups and periods, Atomic number and electronic configuration, Classification of elements (s-block, p-block, d-block, f-block), Periodic trends
Chemical BondingIonic and Covalent Bonds, Electronic Configuration of Noble Gases, Sigma and Pi bonds, Molecular shapes and bonding angles, Hybridization, Hydrogen bonding
Carbon and its CompoundsClassification of Organic compounds, Hydrocarbons (alkanes, alkenes, alkynes), Bonding in Carbon, Allotropes of Carbon, Versatility of carbon, Functional groups, Homologous series, Chemical properties, Nomenclature, Carbohydrates, Proteins, Polymers
Environmental ChemistryTypes of pollution, Acid rain, Ozone reactions and depletion, Greenhouse effect, Global warming, Green Chemistry
MetallurgyOccurrence of Metals, Minerals, Ores, Extraction of metals, Refining, Corrosion, Alloys and their uses

RRB JE Selection Process 2024

The selection process for RRB JE 2024 includes three stages, and detailed information is provided below:

  • Computer-Based Test (CBT-1 and CBT-2): The RRB JE selection starts with two computer-based tests. CBT-1 has 100 questions on general subjects like Math and Science. CBT-2 has 150 questions focused on technical and general topics. Each correct answer gives 1 mark, and each wrong answer deducts ⅓ mark.
  • Document Verification: Candidates who pass CBT-2 go to document verification. This step checks their educational certificates, ID, and other documents to confirm they meet the RRB JE Eligibility Criteria.
  • Medical Examination: The final step is the medical examination. This checks the candidates’ physical and medical fitness to ensure they can perform the job duties of a Junior Engineer.
  • Final Merit List: Candidates who are selected in CBT Stage 2 will be placed in the final merit list. This list is prepared to determine the eligible candidates for the post of Junior Engineer. Candidates who score high have a higher chance of being selected.

Strategy To Prepare For RRB JE Exam

The RRB JE Exam 2024 is expected to be highly competitive, with a large number of applicants vying for limited positions. Success in this exam requires a well-planned strategy.

To prepare effectively for the RRB JE Exam 2024, candidates should consider the following points based on the updated syllabus and exam pattern:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the latest syllabus and exam pattern to prioritize important topics.
  2. Utilize high-quality study materials that are current and relevant to enhance your preparation.
  3. Enhance your readiness by practicing with RRB JE Mock Tests and the previous year’s question papers to identify and address weaknesses.
  4. Create concise notes for regular revision, which can significantly boost your score.

This blog aims to provide comprehensive insights into the RRB JE Syllabus 2024 and Exam Pattern. For more informative articles, visit the Oliveboard website!

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RRB JE Syllabus 2024 – FAQs

What subjects does the RRB JE Syllabus for CBT 1 cover?

The RRB JE Syllabus for CBT 1 covers subjects such as Mathematics, General Intelligence and Reasoning, General Awareness, and General Science.

How can I prepare effectively for the RRB JE Exam?

To excel in the RRB JE Exam, it’s crucial for candidates to meticulously review the RPF SI syllabus, solve previous years’ question papers, and engage in mock tests. Furthermore, maintaining a consistent study routine and conducting regular revisions will enhance preparation significantly.

How many questions are there in the RRB JE exam, and what is the marking scheme?

The RRB JE exam consists of 100 questions in CBT 1 and 150 questions in CBT 2, each carrying one mark. There is a negative marking of 1/3 marks for each incorrect answer.

What are the qualifying marks for RRB JE 2024 CBT 1 & CBT 2?

The minimum qualifying marks for the RRB JE 2024 CBT 1 and CBT 2 exams are 40%.

How can I prepare for the General Awareness section of the RRB JE exam?

To prepare for the General Awareness section, follow current events, read newspapers, and use reliable sources for general knowledge. Practice with past question papers to see what kinds of questions are asked.

Is the RRB JE exam tough?

Both SSC JE and RRB JE exams are tough because many people apply and there are only a few openings. How hard each exam seems depends on how well you prepare and your personal skills.

Is the RRB JE syllabus different for each engineering discipline?

Yes, the technical section of the syllabus varies based on the candidate’s engineering discipline.

Does the RRB JE 2024 syllabus include Mathematics?

Yes, Mathematics is part of both CBT 1 and CBT 2 in the RRB JE syllabus.

Is there a negative marking in RRB JE 2024?

Yes, there is a negative marking of 1/3 marks for each incorrect answer.

What topics are covered in the technical section of RRB JE 2024?

The technical section covers topics based on the candidate’s engineering discipline like Civil, Mechanical, Electrical, or Electronics.

What is the weightage of the technical section in RRB JE 2024 CBT 2?

The technical section has the highest weightage, with 100 marks out of 150.


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