SSC JE Civil Engineering Syllabus For Paper 1 And Paper 2

The Staff Selection Commission conducts the Junior Engineer examination every year to select candidates for various engineering positions in the government. Among the most popular engineering streams is Civil Engineering, which covers a broad range of subjects that are vital for infrastructure development. Candidates preparing for the SSC JE Civil Engineering exam must have a thorough understanding of the syllabus to perform well and secure a position.

This article outlines the detailed SSC Civil Engineering Syllabus, providing various topics that candidates should focus on to enhance their chances of success in the exam.

SSC JE Civil Engineering Syllabus

The SSC Civil Engineering syllabus for the JE exam covers a wide range of topics, but with a focused and organized approach, candidates can tackle it effectively. A deep understanding of the syllabus helps identify key areas that require more attention.

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By developing a structured study plan, allocating time for each topic, and consistently practicing through mock tests and previous years’ papers, candidates can improve their speed, accuracy, and conceptual clarity.

Also Check: SSC JE Syllabus 2025

SSC Civil Engineering Exam Structure

The SSC JE exam is divided into two papers:

  • Paper 1: An objective-type exam that assesses candidates’ general awareness, reasoning ability, and civil engineering knowledge.
  • Paper 2: Candidates who clear Paper 1 will further appear for an objective-type exam focused on technical civil engineering subjects, where candidates will only have to attempt questions from their specified stream.

SSC Civil Engineering Syllabus For Paper 1

1. General Awareness: The General Awareness section assesses candidates’ knowledge of current events and general knowledge across various areas. Topics include:

  • Static General Knowledge (History, Geography, Polity, Economics)
  • Current Affairs (National and International news)
  • Sports
  • Science and Technology
  • Books and Authors
  • Important Government Schemes

2. General Intelligence and Reasoning: This section tests candidates’ logical thinking and problem-solving abilities. Key topics include:

  • Analogies
  • Classification
  • Coding-Decoding
  • Blood Relations
  • Direction and Distance
  • Number and Alphabetical Series
  • Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning

3. General Engineering (Civil Engineering): This is the core section for candidates opting for the Civil Engineering stream in Paper 1. It covers the following topics:

  • Building Materials: Properties, classification, and standard tests of building materials like stones, cement, asbestos, and timber.
  • Estimating, Costing, and Valuation: Preparation of estimates, cost estimation methods, valuation principles, and measurement units used in construction.
  • Surveying: Principles of surveying, distance measurement, chain surveying, compass traversing, and theodolite.
  • Soil Mechanics: Classification of soil, permeability, shear strength, compaction, consolidation, and bearing capacity of soil.
  • Hydraulics: Properties of fluids, Bernoulli’s theorem, flow through pipes, weirs, spillways, and pumps.
  • Irrigation Engineering: Types of irrigation, water needs, canal lining, and flood control.
  • Transportation Engineering: Highway engineering, geometric design, railway tracks, and traffic surveys.
  • Environmental Engineering: Water supply, sanitation, sewage treatment, and waste management.

SSC JE Paper I Exam Pattern

Candidates will have 2 hours for the SSC JE examination 2025, while those eligible for a scribe will be allotted a total of 2 hours and 40 minutes.

General Awareness50/50
General Intelligence and Reasoning50/ 50
Part A: General Engineering (Civil) OR
Part B: General Engineering (Mechanical)
Part C: General Engineering (Electrical)
100/ 100
Total200/ 200

Important Points:

  1. Online Application: Candidates must select the correct section (Part-A, Part-B, or Part-C) based on their educational qualifications during the online application process.
  2. Paper Sections: Each position requires candidates to attempt a specific section in both Paper-I and Paper-II.
  3. Non-Compliance: If candidates fail to attempt the correct section based on their qualifications, their application will be rejected.
  4. Question Format: Both Paper-I and Paper-II will have Objective Type, Multiple-choice questions, with negative marking for wrong answers.
  5. Allowed Aids: Candidates can bring Slide-Rule, Calculator, etc., for Paper-II only. These aids are not allowed in Paper-I.

SSC Civil Engineering Syllabus for Paper 2

Paper 2 is the descriptive exam, focusing more on technical civil engineering subjects. The syllabus for Paper 2 includes the following core topics:

1. Theory of Structures and Structural Engineering:

  • Elasticity and basic principles of structures
  • Bending moments, shear force diagrams, and stress-strain relationships
  • RCC (Reinforced Cement Concrete) and steel construction

2. Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering:

  • Types of foundations
  • Stability analysis of soil
  • Earth pressure theory
  • Types of retaining walls and their design

3. Surveying and Geotechnical Engineering:

  • Advanced methods of surveying, including remote sensing
  • Soil investigation techniques
  • Foundations and retaining structures

4. Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics:

  • Properties of fluids and their behavior
  • Fluid flow calculations and their applications in civil engineering
  • Pumping and hydraulic machinery

5. Construction and Building Materials:

  • Properties of building materials
  • Construction techniques and technologies
  • Quality control and construction standards

6. Environmental Engineering:

  • Water treatment processes (filtration, chlorination, etc.)
  • Wastewater treatment systems
  • Solid waste management
  • Air and noise pollution control

7. Transportation Engineering:

  • Design of pavements, highways, and railway tracks
  • Traffic management
  • Public transportation systems and their planning

SSC JE Paper 2 Exam Pattern

Candidates who have cleared the SSC JE Paper 1 will appear for the SSC JE Paper 2 Exam, which will only test their knowledge in their respective Engineering Stream. The detailed exam pattern and key details regarding Paper II that candidates should keep in mind while preparing for the exam are as follows:

  1. Question Format: Paper II will have objective-type, multiple-choice questions in both Hindi and English.
  2. Negative Marking: 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer in Paper II.
  3. Allowed Aids: Candidates can bring their own Slide Rule, Logarithm Table, and Steam Table for Paper II.
  4. Scientific Calculator: A Scientific Calculator will be provided in the online exam software for Paper II.
Subjects For Paper-IIQuestion/ Marks
Part-A: General Engineering (Civil & Structural)300/300
OR Part-B: General Engineering (Electrical)300/300
OR Part-C General Engineering (Mechanical)300/300
Duration2   Hours
(2 hours and 40 minutes for the candidates who are eligible for a scribe)

SSC JE Civil Topic Wise Weightage – Expert Analysis

Understanding the previous year’s question papers is crucial for preparing effectively for the SSC JE Civil Engineering exam. Here’s a brief analysis of the subjects covered in Paper I

SubjectNo. of QuestionsSubject Analysis
Building Materials12-14Mostly theoretical and fact-based, referencing IS codes. Easy questions require basic understanding, while tougher ones need deeper knowledge.
Estimating, Costing, and Valuation11-12Moderately difficult, focusing on definitions and formulas. Conceptual clarity is crucial for better performance.
Surveying8-10Theoretical questions requiring basic understanding or memorization of standard values.
Soil Mechanics7-9Moderate to tough, focusing on formulas and definitions of key terminologies.
Hydraulics9-11Mostly numerical, testing knowledge of formulas, standard values, and definitions.
Irrigation Engineering11-13Challenging, with analytical questions requiring deep understanding of sub-topics.
Transportation Engineering8-11Easy questions focus on memorizing basic formulas and definitions. Numerical questions are formula-based.
Environmental Engineering6-8Requires memorization of formulas, facts, terms, and standard values for accurate answers.
Theory of Structures6-8Difficult and time-consuming, requiring memorization of formulas, standard values, and assumptions from sub-topics.
Concrete Technology4-6Demands in-depth conceptual understanding of concrete technology topics.
RCC Design9-11Easy questions based on IS 456:2000 code, focusing on factual details. Tough questions require in-depth knowledge of design concepts and specifications.
Steel Design4-6Based on IS 800:2007 code, focusing on definitions, basic terminologies, and direct design specifications from the code.

Preparation Tips for the SSC Civil Engineering Exam

To excel in the SSC JE Civil Engineering exam, a structured approach to preparation is crucial. Following the right strategies can help candidates improve their knowledge, speed, and accuracy. Here are some key tips for effective preparation:

  • Understand the Syllabus: Review the syllabus and focus on key areas.
  • Make a Study Plan: Create a study schedule and stick to it.
  • Practice with Mock Tests: Solve previous papers and take regular mock tests.
  • Use Standard Books: Refer to trusted textbooks and materials.
  • Stay Updated on Current Affairs: Keep up with news and government schemes.
  • Revise Regularly: Allocate time for consistent revision.

SSC JE Civil Engineering Syllabus – FAQs

Q1. What topics are covered in the SSC JE Paper 1 Exam?

Paper 1 includes General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning, and General Engineering (Civil) subjects such as Building Materials, Surveying, Soil Mechanics, Fluid Mechanics, etc.

Q2. Is there any negative marking in the exam?

Yes, both Paper 1 and Paper 2 have negative markings, with one mark deducted for each wrong answer.

Q3. What is the minimum qualification to appear for the exam?

Candidates should have a Diploma in Civil Engineering or an equivalent qualification from a recognized institution.


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