SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus 2025 PDF, Exam Pattern

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus

The Staff Selection Commission has released the exam date through the SSC Calendar 2025 for the post of the SSC Selection Post Phase 13, which is scheduled to be held between June to July 2025. Candidates interested in applying for the examination must start their preparation for the SSC Phase 13 exam 2025.

The SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus and exam pattern are among the most crucial parts of exam preparation. Aspirants must have a thorough understanding of the syllabus and exam pattern for an effective strategy. Therefore, this blog will provide you with the SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus and Exam Pattern for the 2025 Exam.

SSC Selection Post Phase XIII Syllabus – Overview

The SSC Phase 13 selects candidates based on a single Tier of Examination which is held in CBT mode and varies according to the post applied. The details of the SSC Selection Post Phase 13 exam are as follows:

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Exam ParticularsDetails
Recruitment OrganizationStaff Selection Commission (SSC)
Post NameVarious Posts (Level 1 to Level 8)
Advt No.Phase-XIII/ 2025/ Selection Posts
Job LocationAll India
CategorySSC Selection Post 2025 Phase 13 Notification
Notification Release Date16th April 2025 (Wednesday)
Selection Process1. Computer Based Test
2. Medical Examination And
3. Document Verification
Official in

SSC Selection Post Phase XIII Selection Process

The SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Selection Process is conducted on a basis of three stages to ensure the recruitment of qualified candidates for different posts. It includes a Tier 1 examination, followed by Document Verification and a Medical Examination.

  • Tier 1 Exam: Computer-Based Test (CBT), 200 marks, includes General Intelligence (Reasoning), General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic), English Language (Basic Knowledge), and post-specific subjects.
  • Document Verification (DV): Conducted for candidates qualifying Tier 1, verifies educational qualifications, certificates, and required documents.
  • Medical Examination: Conducted after Document Verification, assesses physical fitness and health as per SSC medical standards.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Exam Pattern

Three separate Computer Based Examinations will consist of Objective Type Multiple Choice questions.

SubjectNo. of QuestionsMax. Marks
General Intelligence2550
General Awareness2550
Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)2550
English Knowledge (Basic Knowledge)2550
  • The test Duration will be 60 minutes
  • There will be a negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.
  • Skill Tests like Typing/ Data Entry/ Computer Proficiency Tests, etc., where prescribed in the Essential Qualification will be conducted, which will be qualifying.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus 2025

The SSC Selection Post Phase 13 syllabus varies for the different posts the post wise Syllabus for SSC Phase 13 is as follows:

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – Matriculation level

The syllabus for candidates of matriculation level is as follows.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – General Intelligence

The test will also include questions designed to test the candidate’s abilities to deal with abstract ideas and symbols and their relationship, arithmetical computation, and other analytical functions.

Similarities & DifferencesIdentify similarities & differences between objects, concepts, or situations.
Space VisualizationManipulate & visualize objects in space mentally.
Problem-SolvingAnalyze complex problems & develop effective solutions.
AnalysisBreak down information or situations into component parts for understanding & evaluation.
JudgmentMake sound decisions or reach sensible conclusions based on given information or criteria.
Decision MakingMake effective decisions, often in complex or ambiguous situations.
Visual MemoryRemember & recall visual information accurately.
Discriminating ObservationObserve & identify subtle differences or patterns within visual stimuli.
Relationship ConceptsUnderstand various relationships between different elements, often represented abstractly.
Figure ClassificationClassify or categorize visual stimuli based on shared characteristics or properties.
Arithmetical Number SeriesIdentify patterns & relationships in numerical sequences or series.
Non-verbal SeriesRecognize patterns or relationships in non-verbal sequences or series.
Abstract Ideas & SymbolsComprehend & manipulate abstract concepts or symbols.
Arithmetical ComputationPerform arithmetic operations accurately & efficiently.
Analytical FunctionsApply logical reasoning & analytical skills to solve problems or tasks effectively.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – General Awareness

This section test candidates’ overall awareness and knowledge of current events, societal issues, and the cultural, historical, and geographical aspects of India and its neighboring countries.

Environmental AwarenessAssess general awareness of environmental issues and their implications for society.
Current EventsTest knowledge of recent happenings and developments at local, national, and international levels.
Scientific PrinciplesAssess understanding of scientific concepts and their applications in everyday life.
India and Neighboring CountriesEvaluate knowledge of sports, history, culture, geography, economics, and general polity of India and its neighboring countries.
SportsTest knowledge of various sports, athletes, tournaments, and significant sporting events.
HistoryAssess understanding of historical events, personalities, and their significance.
CultureEvaluate knowledge of cultural aspects including traditions, festivals, arts, and literature.
GeographyTest understanding of geographical features, locations, and their significance in the context of India and neighboring countries.
Economic SceneAssess awareness of economic developments, policies, and trends affecting India and neighboring countries.
General PolityEvaluate knowledge of the political system, governance, and constitutional framework of India, including the Indian Constitution.
Scientific ResearchTest understanding of scientific advancements, discoveries, and research initiatives in various fields.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – Quantitative Aptitude

This section of the paper focuses on assessing candidates’ proficiency in various mathematical concepts and their application.

Number SystemsEvaluate understanding of different number systems and their properties.
Computation of Whole Numbers, Decimals, and FractionsTest ability to perform arithmetic operations on whole numbers, decimals, and fractions.
Relationship between NumbersAssess comprehension of relationships between different types of numbers.
Fundamental Arithmetical OperationsEvaluate proficiency in basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
PercentagesTest understanding and application of percentage concepts in various contexts.
Ratio and ProportionAssess ability to work with ratios and proportions to solve problems.
AveragesEvaluate understanding of average values and their calculation.
InterestTest knowledge and application of simple and compound interest formulas.
Profit and LossAssess the ability to calculate profit or loss in business transactions.
DiscountEvaluate understanding and application of discount calculations.
Use of Tables and GraphsTest ability to interpret data presented in tables and graphs.
MensurationAssess understanding and application of geometrical measurements and calculations.
Time and DistanceEvaluate ability to solve problems related to time, speed, and distance.
Ratio and TimeTest comprehension of relationships between ratios and time.
Time and WorkAssess ability to calculate work done overtime periods.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – English Language

Candidates’ understanding of the Basics of the English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, correct usage, etc. his/her writing ability would be tested.

VocabularyEvaluate candidates’ knowledge of English vocabulary, including the meaning, usage, and context of words.
GrammarAssess understanding of English grammar rules, including tenses, parts of speech, subject-verb agreement, and sentence structure.
Sentence StructureTest comprehension of sentence construction, including the ability to form grammatically correct and coherent sentences.
SynonymsEvaluate knowledge of words that have similar meanings and the ability to identify and use synonyms effectively in context.
AntonymsAssess understanding of words that have opposite meanings (antonyms) and the ability to recognize and use them appropriately.
Correct UsageTest knowledge of the correct usage of words, phrases, and idiomatic expressions in different contexts.
Writing AbilityEvaluate candidates’ writing skills, including clarity, coherence, organization, and effectiveness in conveying ideas or information.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – 10+2 (Higher Secondary) level

The syllabus for the Higher secondary level is as follows:

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – General Intelligence

This section is to evaluate various aspects of intelligence, including reasoning, problem-solving, emotional awareness, and social understanding, through a diverse range of question types.

Semantic AnalogyUnderstanding relationships based on meaning.
Symbolic OperationsManipulating symbols based on given rules.
Symbolic/Number AnalogyRecognizing patterns or relationships between symbols or numbers.
TrendsIdentifying and interpreting patterns or trends.
Figural AnalogyUnderstanding relationships between visual figures.
Space OrientationNavigating in space mentally.
Semantic ClassificationCategorizing words based on shared characteristics.
Venn DiagramsAnalyzing relationships between groups using diagrams.
Symbolic/Number ClassificationClassifying symbols or numbers based on attributes.
Drawing InferencesMaking logical deductions from given information.
Figural ClassificationCategorizing visual figures based on similarities.
Punched Hole/Pattern-Folding & UnfoldingVisualizing and manipulating patterns or shapes.
Semantic SeriesUnderstanding patterns or sequences in words or concepts.
Figural Pattern – Folding and CompletionRecognizing and completing visual patterns or shapes.
Number SeriesIdentifying patterns or relationships in numerical sequences.
Embedded FiguresIdentifying hidden shapes within larger images.
Figural SeriesUnderstanding patterns or sequences in visual figures.
Critical ThinkingAnalyzing and evaluating information objectively.
Problem-SolvingIdentifying and resolving problems using logic.
Emotional IntelligenceAwareness and management of emotions.
Word BuildingForming new words through combination or modification.
Social IntelligenceUnderstanding social dynamics and relationships.
Coding and DecodingEncrypting and decrypting messages using codes.
Numerical OperationsPerforming arithmetic operations and manipulations.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – General Awareness

This section is to assess candidates’ overall awareness of societal, scientific, and geopolitical aspects, as well as their understanding of historical and cultural contexts related to India and its neighboring countries.

Environment and SocietyUnderstanding of environmental issues and their societal impacts.
Current EventsKnowledge of recent happenings and developments.
Scientific AspectsUnderstanding of scientific principles in daily life.
India and Neighboring CountriesKnowledge of history, culture, geography, economy, and politics.
HistoryUnderstanding of significant historical events and periods.
CultureAwareness of cultural traditions, festivals, and arts.
GeographyKnowledge of geographical features and locations.
Economic SceneUnderstanding of economic developments and trends.
General PolityFamiliarity with political system and governance structures.
Scientific ResearchAwareness of scientific advancements and research.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – Quantitative Aptitude

This section of the test covers various mathematical topics including arithmetic, algebra, geometry, mensuration, trigonometry, and statistical charts.

ArithmeticWhole Numbers, Decimals, Fractions, Fundamental Operations, Percentages, Ratio & Proportion, Square Roots, Averages, Interest, Profit & Loss, Discount, Partnership Business, Mixture & Allegation, Time & Distance, Time & Work
AlgebraBasic Identities, Surds, Linear Equations, Graphs
GeometryGeometric Figures, Triangle, Congruence, Similarity, Circle, Chords, Tangents, Circle Centers
MensurationAreas & Volumes, Prisms, Cones, Cylinders, Spheres, Hemispheres, Rectangular Parallelepipeds, Pyramids
TrigonometryTrigonometric Ratios, Complementary Angles, Heights & Distances, Standard Identities
Statistical ChartsTables, Histograms, Frequency Polygons, Bar Diagrams, Pie Charts

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – English Language

Candidates’ understanding of the Basics of the English Language, its vocabulary, grammar, sentence structure, synonyms, antonyms, correct usage, etc. his/her writing ability would be tested.

Spot the ErrorIdentify grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors in sentences or passages.
Fill in the BlanksComplete sentences or passages by filling in missing words or phrases.
Synonyms/ HomonymsIdentify words with similar or identical meanings (synonyms) or words that sound alike but have different meanings (homonyms).
AntonymsIdentify words with opposite meanings.
Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt wordsRecognize and correct misspelled words in sentences or passages.
Idioms & PhrasesInterpret the meaning of idiomatic expressions or phrases.
One word substitutionReplace a phrase or group of words with a single word that conveys the same meaning.
Improvement of SentencesRewrite sentences to improve clarity, coherence, or grammatical correctness.
Active/ Passive Voice of VerbsConvert sentences from active voice to passive voice or vice versa.
Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narrationRewrite sentences from direct speech to indirect speech or vice versa.
Shuffling of Sentence partsRearrange the parts of sentences to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences.
Shuffling of Sentences in a passageRearrange the order of sentences within a paragraph or passage to enhance coherence or logical flow.
Cloze PassageComplete a passage by filling in the missing words or phrases, based on context and understanding of the passage.
Comprehension PassageRead and understand a passage, and answer questions based on the information provided in the passage.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – Graduation Level Posts and Above

The syllabus mentioned below is for the graduation and above-level posts.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – General Intelligence

The detailed Syllabus for Reasoning is as follows:

AnalogiesAssessing the ability to recognize relationships between concepts or ideas and apply them to new situations.
Similarities and DifferencesIdentifying similarities and differences between objects, concepts, or situations.
Space VisualizationAbility to mentally manipulate and visualize objects in space.
Spatial OrientationUnderstanding one’s position in relation to the surrounding environment.
Problem SolvingCapacity to analyze complex problems and develop effective solutions.
AnalysisBreaking down information or situations into component parts for better understanding and evaluation.
JudgmentMaking sound decisions or reaching sensible conclusions based on given information or criteria.
Decision MakingAbility to make effective decisions, often in complex or ambiguous situations.
Visual MemoryRemembering and recalling visual information accurately.
DiscriminationObserving and identifying subtle differences or patterns within visual stimuli.
ObservationAbility to observe and comprehend details or events accurately.
Relationship ConceptsUnderstanding various relationships between different elements, often represented abstractly.
Arithmetical ReasoningApplying logical reasoning to solve arithmetic problems.
Figural ClassificationCategorizing visual figures or shapes based on shared characteristics.
Arithmetic Number SeriesIdentifying patterns or relationships in numerical sequences.
Non-verbal SeriesRecognizing patterns or relationships in non-verbal sequences.
Coding and DecodingEncrypting and decrypting messages using specified coding systems.
Statement ConclusionDrawing conclusions based on given statements or premises.
Syllogistic ReasoningAssessing logical reasoning based on two or more propositions.
Semantic AnalogyIdentifying relationships between words or concepts based on meaning.
Symbolic/Number AnalogyRecognizing patterns or relationships between symbols or numbers.
Figural AnalogyUnderstanding relationships between visual figures or shapes.
Semantic ClassificationCategorizing words or concepts based on shared characteristics or meanings.
Symbolic/Number ClassificationClassifying symbols or numbers into groups based on common attributes.
Semantic SeriesRecognizing patterns or sequences in words or concepts.
Number SeriesIdentifying patterns or relationships in numerical sequences.
Figural SeriesUnderstanding patterns or sequences in visual figures or shapes.
Word BuildingForming new words through combination or modification of existing ones.
Numerical OperationsPerforming arithmetic operations and manipulating numerical data.
TrendsIdentifying and interpreting patterns or trends in data or information.
Space OrientationUnderstanding spatial relationships and directions.
Space VisualizationMentally manipulating and visualizing objects in space.
Venn DiagramsAnalyzing relationships between groups using Venn diagrams.
Drawing InferencesMaking logical deductions from given information.
Punched Hole/Pattern Folding & UnfoldingVisualizing and manipulating patterns or shapes.
Figural Pattern Folding and CompletionRecognizing and completing visual patterns or shapes.
IndexingOrganizing and categorizing information systematically.
Address MatchingMatching addresses or locations with corresponding information.
Date & City MatchingMatching dates or cities with corresponding information.
Classification of Center Codes/Roll NumbersCategorizing center codes or roll numbers based on given criteria.
Small & Capital Letters/Numbers Coding, Decoding and ClassificationCoding, decoding, and classifying letters or numbers based on specific rules or patterns.
Embedded FiguresIdentifying hidden shapes within larger images.
Critical ThinkingAnalyzing and evaluating information objectively.
Emotional IntelligenceAwareness and management of one’s own emotions and empathy with others.
Social IntelligenceUnderstanding social dynamics, interactions, and interpersonal relationships.
Other subtopics, if anyAdditional topics or subcategories not covered in the above list.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – General Awareness

Environment and SocietyQuestions designed to evaluate candidates’ understanding of environmental issues and their societal impacts.
Current EventsAssessing knowledge of recent happenings and developments both nationally and internationally.
Scientific AspectsTesting comprehension of scientific principles in everyday life and their application to various situations.
Every Day ObservationsQuestions aimed at assessing familiarity with common observations and experiences and their scientific aspects.
India and Neighboring CountriesQuestions pertaining to the history, culture, geography, economic scene, general polity, and scientific research of India and its neighboring countries.
HistoryEvaluating knowledge of significant historical events, periods, and developments.
CultureAssessing familiarity with cultural traditions, festivals, art forms, and practices.
GeographyTesting understanding of geographical features, landmarks, and spatial relationships.
Economic SceneEvaluating awareness of economic developments, trends, and issues affecting the region.
General PolityAssessing understanding of the political system, governance structures, and administrative processes.
Scientific ResearchTesting knowledge of advancements, breakthroughs, and ongoing research in various scientific fields.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – Quantitative Aptitude

Number Sense and ComputationAssessing the candidate’s ability to use numbers appropriately and demonstrate number sense. Scope includes computation of whole numbers, decimals, fractions, and understanding relationships between numbers.
PercentageUnderstanding and applying concepts related to percentages.
Ratio & ProportionUnderstanding and applying concepts related to ratios and proportions.
Square RootsCalculating square roots of numbers.
AveragesCalculating and interpreting averages of data sets.
InterestUnderstanding and applying concepts related to simple and compound interest.
Profit and LossCalculating and interpreting profit and loss in business transactions.
DiscountCalculating and interpreting discounts on products or services.
Partnership BusinessUnderstanding and applying concepts related to partnership business agreements.
Mixture and AllegationUnderstanding and applying concepts related to mixtures and allegations in solving problems.
Time and DistanceSolving problems related to time, speed, and distance.
Time & WorkSolving problems related to time and work efficiency.
Basic Algebraic IdentitiesUnderstanding and applying basic algebraic identities.
Elementary SurdsUnderstanding and applying concepts related to elementary surds.
Graphs of Linear EquationsPlotting and interpreting graphs of linear equations.
GeometryUnderstanding and applying concepts related to geometry, including triangles, quadrilaterals, regular polygons, circles, prisms, cones, cylinders, spheres, hemispheres, and rectangular parallelepipeds.
Trigonometric RatioUnderstanding and applying trigonometric ratios in solving problems related to triangles.
Degree and Radian MeasuresUnderstanding and converting between degree and radian measures.
Standard IdentitiesApplying standard trigonometric identities in problem-solving.
Complementary AnglesUnderstanding and applying concepts related to complementary angles.
Heights and DistancesSolving problems related to heights and distances using trigonometry.
Statistical ChartsUnderstanding and interpreting statistical charts, including histograms, frequency polygons, bar diagrams, and pie charts.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus – English Language

Spot the ErrorIdentify grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors in sentences or passages.
Fill in the BlanksComplete sentences or passages by filling in missing words or phrases.
Synonyms/ HomonymsIdentify words with similar or identical meanings (synonyms) or words that sound alike but have different meanings (homonyms).
AntonymsIdentify words with opposite meanings.
Spellings/ Detecting Mis-spelt wordsRecognize and correct misspelled words in sentences or passages.
Idioms & PhrasesInterpret the meaning of idiomatic expressions or phrases.
One word substitutionReplace a phrase or group of words with a single word that conveys the same meaning.
Improvement of SentencesRewrite sentences to improve clarity, coherence, or grammatical correctness.
Active/ Passive Voice of VerbsConvert sentences from active voice to passive voice or vice versa.
Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narrationRewrite sentences from direct speech to indirect speech or vice versa.
Shuffling of Sentence partsRearrange the parts of sentences to form coherent and grammatically correct sentences.
Shuffling of Sentences in a passageRearrange the order of sentences within a paragraph or passage to enhance coherence or logical flow.
Cloze PassageComplete a passage by filling in the missing words or phrases, based on context and understanding of the passage.
Comprehension PassageRead and understand a passage, and answer questions based on the information provided in the passage.

SSC Selection Post Syllabus 2025 PDF

The SSC Selection Post Syllabus is a crucial document that outlines the topics and subjects that candidates need to study for the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Selection Post examination. It is typically provided in a PDF format, making it easily accessible to aspirants.

It serves as a roadmap for candidates, helping them prepare effectively and focus on the most important areas for the exam, ultimately increasing their chances of success.

SSC Selection Post Phase 13 Syllabus 2025 – FAQs

Q1. What is the marking scheme for the SSC Selection Post 2025 exam? 

A1. Each correct answer will be awarded 2 marks, while each incorrect answer will result in a deduction of 0.5 marks. There will be no negative marking for unanswered questions.

Q2. What is the selection process for the SSC Selection Post 2025 exam? 

A2. The selection process will consist of a written exam, a physical test and a medical examination.


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