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CLAT Score - Complete Details

The CLAT exam is approaching, and we're sure that many thoughts are racing through your mind at this point, one of which is "How can I maximize my CLAT Score?" or "How can I stay one step ahead of my competitors?" We'll go over a few strategies in this article to help us improve our CLAT score. So, without further ado, let's look at how we might improve our CLAT score.

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CLAT 2023- Important Dates

Check schedule of CLAT 2023 below : 

Event Dates for CLAT 2023
Release of admission notification8th August 2023
Start of CLAT 2022 online application form8th August 2023
Last date to submit the application form13th November 2023
Release of admit cardTo be notified 
CLAT 2023 exam date18th December 2022
Release of provisional answer keyTo be notified
Release of final answer keyTo be notified
Declaration of resultsTo be notified
Commencement of counsellingTo be notified 

Expert advice on how to improve your CLAT score:

Organizing your time

It is an issue that many applicants overlook, yet it is critical. You should divide your day such that you focus more on high-scoring sections initially, and then redirect your energy toward lower-scoring sections. After each hour of study, take a 5-7 minute break. Don't skimp on sleep; get a good night's sleep of 7 hours and eat well.

Divide and Conquer

You're aware of this policy, but have you put it into practice in your studies? If you answered no, you should utilize this strategy right away. Start by dividing one topic from your syllabus, such as legal reasoning, into various subtopics, and continue in this manner. You should break down your subtopics into smaller chunks.

If you divide a topic in this way, it will be a cakewalk for you, no matter how difficult or long it is.

How to read the law?

With the help of many mentors and resources available to us, many of us are aware of how to tackle the four sections: English Language, Current Affairs including general knowledge, Logical reasoning, and Quantitative Techniques. But what about the fifth component, Legal Reasoning? How can we dismiss or undervalue the section in which we desire to pursue a career?

Understanding how to interpret the law is essential for any law student. Let's imagine we wish to learn about the Indian Constitution, the country's most important statute. Many of us will begin by reading the law, either from textbooks or from basic actions, but one must first understand the law's substance.

Everything in law is logical, but this is not the case in the other direction.

What should you read?

We are aware that this year's exam will focus on the applicants' overall and logical abilities rather than their past mastery of static information. You must not, under any circumstances, stop reading about what is going on in the globe.

For example, in the Legal Reasoning Section, you could expect a paragraph about contempt of court proceedings, the constitutional validity of laws, the Concept of Vis major, or current merger and acquisitions.

Examine prior year's papers carefully to gain a better understanding of the examiner's mindset.

Mock Tests

You must give ample mock tests in order to understand what are the areas you need to channel your energy on. Even if you skipped a topic by mistake which is an important one you may realize it while attempting your mock test.

It's better to sweat in the nets than to bleed in the field.

Attempt a Mock Test now!


Remember that revision is the key. You may have worked hard but if you don't revise it will all go in vain. Make sure to revise in a cycle of 3 days and to revise from the very beginning.

Follow these six points and rest assured that you will be able to maximize your CLAT score. For more updates on the exam stay connected with Oliveboard.


What is the application fees for CLAT Exam?

₹4000/- for General / OBC / Specially abled & other category candidates and ₹ 3500/- for SC/ST category candidates

How many institutes participate in the CLAT 2021? +

These courses are offered by the 22 NLUs & other universities and colleges throughout the country.

What is the age limit for applying to CLAT 2021? +

There is no age limit for applying for ClAT 2021.

When is the last date to apply for CLAT exam? +

The last date for the CLAT exam is now extended till May 9, 2022.

What is the exam fees for CLAT? +

General / OBC / Specially abled & other category candidates - ₹4000/- and for SC/ST category candidates - ₹ 3500/-

When is CLAT 2022 Exam? +

CLAT 2022 Exam will be held on June 19, 2022.

When is the CLAT 2023 Exam? +

CLAT 2023 Exam will be held on 18th December 2022.

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