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FCI Manager Eligibility 2022 - Age, Education

FCI Manager Eligibility Criteria 2022: Candidates are required to fulfill the eligibility criteria specified by FCI in the official notification for FCI Manager 2022 to appear for the exam. This article will detail the age, nationality and educational qualifications aspiring candidates should meet. Also detailed are the age relaxations and eligibility for specific candidates. The FCI Manager 2022 notification was released on the 24th of August, 2022 on the official website of the FCI. The Online Registration process has also begun as of 27th of August, 2022. A total of 113 vacancies have been released for the post of Manager in their various offices and depots across the country. Read on to find out the eligibility criteria for FCI Manager Exam 2022.

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FCI Manager 2022 Eligibility

Food Cooperation of India (FCI) conducts the FCI Manager exam to select eligible and desirable candidates for the post of Manager in various offices and depots across the country. Aspiring candidates should study the FCI Manager eligibility criteria carefully before applying each year. To make it easier for candidates, this blog will provide a detailed description of the eligibility criteria in a succinct manner. 

Educational Qualification:

The FCI has released post-wise eligibility criteria for FCI Manager 2022 Exam. Candidates can check the eligibility criteria for different posts and apply for the one they qualify.

Manager (General)Graduate degree or equivalent from a recognized University with   minimum
60% marks; OR CA/ICWA/CS
Note:  In the case of  SC/ST/  PwBD candidates,  the minimum percentage of marks shall be 55% instead of 60%.
Manager (Depot)Graduate degree or equivalent from a recognized University with minimum 60% marks;
OR CA/ICWA/CS Note:  In the case of  SC/ST/PwBD candidates,   the minimum percentage of marks shall be 55% instead of 60%.
Manager (Movement)Graduate degree or equivalent from a recognized University with minimum 60% marks;
Note:  In the case   of  SC/ST/  PwBD   candidates,  the  minimum   percentage  of 
Manager (Accounts)i. Associate Membership of
a) The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India; or
b) The Institute of Cost Accountants of India; or
c)The Institute of Company Secretaries of India
ii. B.Com from a recognized University AND
(a)   Post  Graduate  Full-time   MBA  (Fin)  Degree   /  Diploma  of minimum 2 years recognized by UGC/AICTE;
or(b)   Post Graduate Part-time MBA (Fin) Degree / Diploma (not in   the  nature  of   distance  education)  of   minimum  3  years duration recognized by UGC/AICTE;
(c)   Post   Graduate    MBA   (Fin)   Degree/Diploma by distance education mode recognized by UGC-AICTE-DEC Joint Committee.
Manager (Technical)B.Sc. in Agriculture from a recognized University.
B.Tech  degree  or   B.E  degree  in   Food  Science  from   a    recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE;
B.Tech  degree or B.E degree in Food Science & Technology or Food Technology or Food Processing Technology or Food Process Engineering or Food Processing or Food Preservation Technology from a recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE.
B.Tech. degree or BE degree in Agricultural Engineering from a recognized University/any institution approved by the AICTE.
B.Tech degree or B.E degree in Bio-Technology or Industrial Bio-Technology or Bio-Chemical  Engineering or Agricultural Bio-Technology from a  recognized University/ an institution approved by the AICTE;
Manager (Civil Engineering)Degree in Civil Engineering from a recognized University or equivalent.
Manager (Electrical Mechanical
Degree in Electrical Engineering or Mechanical Engineering from a Recognized University or equivalent.
Manager (Hindi)Essential:-
(i) Master's Degree from a recognized University or equivalent in Hindi with English as a subject at the Degree level.
Master's Degree from a recognized  University or equivalent in  English with Hindi as a subject at the degree level.
Master's degree from a recognized University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi and English as a subject at the degree level.
Master's degree from a recognized  University or equivalent in any subject with English medium and Hindi as a subject at the degree level.
Master's degree from a recognized  University or equivalent in any subject with Hindi medium and English as a subject at the degree level.
(ii) 5 years experience of terminological work in Hindi and/or translation work from English to Hindi or vice-versa preferably of technical or scientific literature.
Five years experience of teaching/research writing or journalism in Hindi Desirable:-
Knowledge of Sanskrit or a modern India Language.
Administrative experience.
Experience in organizing Hindi Classes or workshops for noting and

Post-wise Salary and Age Limit

FCI has also provided the post-wise salary and age limit criteria. 

Manager (General)A40000-
28 Years
Manager (Depot)B40000-
28 Years
28 Years
Manager (Accounts)D40000-
28 Years
28 Years
Manager (Civil
28 Years
Manager (Electrical Mechanical
28 Years
Manager (Hindi)H40000-
35 Years


A candidate must be either –

 (a) a citizen of India or;

 (b) a subject of Nepal or Bhutan or;

(c) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India with the intention of permanently settling in India provided that he came to India before 1st January 1962 or;

(d) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Srilanka, Burma, Pakistan, East African countries of Uganda, Kenya, the United Republic of Tanzania, Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Vietnam, and Ethiopia with the intention of permanently settling in India.                                     

It is also important to note that candidates belonging to countries other than India are required to produce a valid eligibility certificate duly issued by the prescribed authority of the Government of India.

Age Relaxation

FCI grants age relaxation to candidates belonging to specific categories as below.

CategoryAge Relaxation
SC/ST5 years
OBC3 years
Departmental (FCI) Candidates5 years
PwD10 years
PwD belonging to SC/ST15 years
PwD belonging to OBC13 years
Physical disability attributable to military service5 years

For Persons with Disabilities

The persons with the Degree of Disability of 40% and above as prescribed in "The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016 (RPwD Act, 2016)" are eligible to apply to the posts earmarked for persons with benchmark disabilities as detailed in the table below:  

S. NoCategory of disabilityDescription%age of reservation
1.Blindness and low vision1%
2.BDeaf and hard of hearing1%
3.CLocomotor disability including cerebral palsy, leprosy cured, dwarfism, acid attack victims and muscular dystrophy1%
4.DAutism, intellectual disability, specific learning disability and mental illness1%
5.EMultiple disabilities from amongst persons under clauses (a) to (d) including deaf-blindness in the posts identified for each disabilities 1%

Further details for the posts earmarked for candidates with disability are described on page 4 and 5 of the official notification here.

FCI Manager is a highly prestigious position for which candidates apply in great numbers every year. It will require thorough preparation and a great improvement in accuracy and time management skill while attempting the exam. Candidates can achieve this by practicing daily with mock tests that will help improve accuracy and time management and help analyse strengths and weaknesses. However, candidates must read through the FCI Manager Eligibility Critieria very carefully to avoid any errors while applying and to make the registration process smoother. Candidates should also keep an eye out for regular updates about eligibility criteria on the official website of the FCI to make sure they are up-to-date with the criteria.


When is FCI Recruitment Exam 2022?

The exam dates for FCI Manager recruitment has not been announced yet.

How many vacancies are there for FCI Manager 2022? +

There are total of 113 vacancies for FCI Assistant Manager 2022.

What is the maximum age limit for AGM (Technical) in FCI Manager Exam? +

28 years maximum.

What is the age limit for medical officer in FCI manager exam? +

35 years maximum.

What is the application fee for FCI Manager Exam? +

For male candidates belonging to Gen or OBC category Rs.800 and SC/ST/PwBD and Women candidates are exempted from payment of Application Fee.

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