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ICAR IARI Technician Exam Date Out - Check Details Now

ICAR IARI Technician Exam Date (Postponed)

ICAR IARI Technician Exam Date: IARI stands for Indian Agricultural Research Institute, also called the Pusa Institute, started functioning in 1905 in Pusa (Bihar) with a significant contribution of 30,000 pounds by an American supporter designated Mr Henry Phipps. Five departments make up the Agricultural Research Institute, and cattle breeding, Agriculture, economic botany, chemistry, and mycology are just a few covered fields. In 1907, the Bacteriology unit was counted.

ICAR publishes IARI recruiting announcements for various vacancies every year. For the position of T-1, the Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) has published a call for Technicians. The government will utilise Direct Recruitment tactics to accomplish this. The individuals will be hired as technicians at the ICAR Research Institute, according to IARI standards. Beginning 18th December 2021, applications for the ICAR IARI Technician position will be accepted online. Interested applicants must pass the online ICAR IARI Technician Application form and pay the relevant fees by 10th January 2022. 

As part of the selection process, an exam will be performed to find the most qualified candidates for the 641 posts. Those who apply will be able to take the computer-based test, which will be held between 28th February and 05th March 2022. ICAR is now accepting online applications through its website. Check out the entire article to know more about the exam dates, exam pattern, syllabus, and more.

ICAR IARI Technician Exam Date 2021-22

The examination date for ICAR Recruitment and the official announcement has been published on the official site. As stated in the ICAR IARI Technician Employment 2021 Notification, the online test will be held. The Institute will conduct the exam between 28th February to 5th March 2022. The following are the significant dates for ICAR Recruitment 2021:

IARI Notification declaration18th December 2021
ICAR IARI Online Test28th February to 5th March 2022
Online Registration Starts18th December 2021 (10 am)
ICAR IARI Admit CardJanuary 2022
Final Date to Apply Online20th January 2022 by 11:55 pm
Final Date to Pay Application Fee20th January 2022 by 11:55 pm

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ICAR IARI Technician Examination Pattern

ICAR IARI Technician Examination Pattern: The exam that will be used to select qualified applicants will be done entirely online. The exam will be computer-based, and the questions will be written in both English and Hindi. The test will be of the objective kind and will consist of 100 questions. The problems will be multiple-choice questions or MCQs. Each question will have four possible responses from which the applicants must choose one accurate answer.

Each question will be worth one mark, for a total of 100 points on the paper. Negative marking is included in the marking scheme as a provision. Applicants will be charged a 0.25 or 1/4 mark for each incorrect answer. Only applicants who score 40% in the Unreserved category, 30% in the SC, OBC, or EWS category, and 25% in the ST category will be considered successful.

Paper/Section Subject No. of Questions Max marks 
General Knowledge 25 25 
II Mathematics 25 25 
III Science 25 25 
IV Social Science 25 25 
Total  100 100 

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ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus

ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus: ICAR will hold a written exam for Technician Posts soon. Exam Dates are now being awaited by candidates who applied for these posts to prepare for their exams adequately. Many students are looking for exam dates and seeking information from various sources. ICAR IARI Technician Exam Date will be announced soon on the IARI ICAR main site.

Let's look at the ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus, which was included with the IARI Computer Based Test Notification. Each subject will be matriculation-level in difficulty. For Sections 1, 2, 3, and 4, the Institute will create bilingual question papers in English and Hindi. The exam paper will be the same for all functional groups where recruitment is considered. There will be no interview for the Technician positions (T-1). The Board specifies the various topics in the ICAR IARI Technician Syllabus for General Knowledge, Mathematics, Science, and Social Science. The announcement included the ICAR IARI Curriculum for Technicians (T1). 

By visiting the main site, candidates can obtain the PDF of the ICAR IARI Curriculum for Technicians and organise their preparation according to the curriculum and subjects to be covered.

ICAR IARI Technician Admit Card

ICAR IARI Technician Admit Card: The ICAR IARI Technician Admit Card will be distributed over the internet. Accordingly, it will be published on the authorised site. The candidate's name, date of birth, picture, category, post name and category, and other information will be included on the admission card. Candidates must carefully review the information on the admission card. Contact the exam authorities before the exam date if there is a difference.

Candidates must have a printout of their IARI Technician Admit Card as well as a picture ID. Applicants who do not have the required documentation will be denied entry to the testing centre. Aadhar Card, Pan Card, Driving License, Voters ID Card, and other picture identity proofs are acceptable.


So, without further giving too much away, get started on your planning. If applicants work hard enough, they will be able to qualify for the exam. You may organise your preparation strategy based on the ICAR IARI Technician T1 exam pattern data. To get high scores on the test, be sure to examine all of the topics provided in the IARI Technician Syllabus. Applicants would have a thorough understanding of the ICAR IARI Technician Exam Date after reading this article. To be eligible for this exam, applicants must prepare carefully. I hope that this writing has provided you with enough knowledge of the curriculum to allow you to plan properly. More reports like these can be found on the Oliveboard website.


1. What is the ICAR IARI Technician Exam Date?

The exam will be conducted between 28th February to 5th March 2022.

2. What is the minimum ICAR IARI Recruitment eligibility requirement for technical positions?

Applicants interested in applying for ICAR Technician Recruitment must have completed their 10th grade.

3. When is the deadline for ICAR IARI Recruitment online applications?

The deadline to apply online for the ICAR IARI recruiting 2021 is 10th January 2022.

4. What Should I Do If I Can't Find the Exam Center's Exact Location?

The location of the online test is communicated to the applicants in advance. There is ample time for the applicant to locate the examination location.


When can I apply online for ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021?

The online application for the ICAR IARI technicain exam has been started from 18 December 2021.

What is the last date to apply for the ICAR IARI Technician Exam? +

The last date to apply online for ICAR IARI recruitment 2021 is 10th January 2022.

How many vacancies have been released under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021? +

A total of 641 vacancies have been released under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021.

What is the minimum eligibility to apply for technician posts under ICAR IARI Recruitment 2021? +

The candidates willing to apply for ICAR technician Recruitment 2021 must be 10th pass.

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