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JAIIB RBWM Mock Test 2025

Attempt Free Mock Test to start your JAIIB RBWM Exam Preparation

  • 30 JAIIB RBWM Mock Tests
  • Complete + Topic-Wise Syllabus Covered
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Why Attempt JAIIB RBWM Mock Tests?

Latest Pattern based JAIIB RBWM Mock Tests

All Questions in the JAIIB RB and WM Mock Tests are based on latest exam pattern

Detailed Solutions for Each Question

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AI-Based Performance Analysis Engine

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JAIIB Test Series

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 1

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 1

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 1

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 1

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 2

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 2

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 2

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 2

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 3

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 3

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 3

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 3

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 4

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 4

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 4

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 4

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 5

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 5

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 5

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 5

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 6

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 6

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 6

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 6

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 7

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 7

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 7

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 7

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 8

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 8

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 8

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 8

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 9

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 9

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 9

100 100 2 Hrs

Retail Banking and Wealth Management - 9

100 100 2 Hrs

Indian Economy and Indian Financial System - 10

100 100 2 Hrs

Principles and Practices of Banking - 10

100 100 2 Hrs

Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers - 10

100 100 2 Hrs

JAIIB Sectional Tests Test Series

JAIIB Sectional Tests - 1

10 10 20 Mins

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JAIIB Case Study Tests Test Series

JAIIB Case Study Tests - 1

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JAIIB Numerical Tests Test Series

JAIIB Numerical Tests - 1

15 15 20 Mins

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JAIIB Numerical Tests - 3

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JAIIB Numerical Tests - 4

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JAIIB Numerical Tests - 5

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JAIIB Numerical Tests - 6

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JAIIB Numerical Tests - 7

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JAIIB Numerical Tests - 8

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JAIIB Numerical Tests - 9

15 15 20 Mins


JAIIB RBWM Mock Tests are indispensable resources for candidates preparing for the JAIIB Retail Banking and Wealth Management exam. By attempting these tests, aspirants can assess their strengths and weaknesses, identify areas for improvement, and enhance time management skills. 

JAIIB RBWM Mock Test 2025

The detailed performance analysis and feedback offered in these mock tests aid in fine-tuning preparation strategies, building confidence, and ensuring better performance in the actual JAIIB RBWM examination. Practicing with these mock tests significantly increases the chances of securing a high score in the JAIIB RBWM exam.

JAIIB RBWM Mock Test Online 2025

JAIIB RBWM Mock Tests 2025 online are invaluable tools for candidates preparing for the JAIIB Retail Banking and Wealth Management exam. These tests are available on various platforms, including coaching websites, government exam preparation portals, and educational platforms. They simulate the actual exam environment, providing candidates with a chance to practice and evaluate their knowledge and skills. With detailed performance analysis, candidates can identify their strengths and weaknesses, strategize their preparation effectively, and boost their confidence for the actual JAIIB RBWM examination. Regularly practicing these mock tests is crucial for achieving success in the JAIIB RBWM exam.

Free JAIIB RBWM Mock Test 

While finding free JAIIB RBWM Mock Tests online without registration might seem convenient, there are several compelling reasons to consider registering and taking the mock tests on Oliveboard. Registering for mock tests allows you to access a wider range of practice tests, providing a more comprehensive and diverse preparation experience. Additionally, registered users often receive personalized performance analysis and feedback, enabling them to identify specific areas for improvement. It also allows you to track your progress over time and set realistic goals for improvement. Furthermore, registered users may receive updates on new mock tests and exam-related content, ensuring that they stay up-to-date with the latest exam patterns and trends. Overall, registering for mock tests enhances your preparation and maximizes your chances of success in the actual JAIIB RBWM examination.

Importance of JAIIB RBWM Mock Test

Here are your reasons to attempt the JAIIB RBWM Mock Tests:

  • Familiarizes with Exam Pattern: Understands structure, types of questions, and syllabus coverage.
  • Boosts Conceptual Clarity: Enhances understanding of complex topics and their application.
  • Identifies Weaknesses: Highlights areas requiring improvement for targeted preparation.
  • Improves Speed & Accuracy: Simulates real exam conditions for better time management.
  • Enhances Retention: Reinforces knowledge through varied question practice.
  • Builds Confidence: Reduces exam anxiety and boosts self-assurance.
  • Offers Strategy Insights: Provides performance analysis to refine preparation.

JAIIB RB&WM Sectional Tests 2025

There are a total of 30 sectional tests available for JAIIB retail banking and wealth management paper. These sectional tests are based on JAIIB New exam pattern 2025.

How can I attempt the JAIIB RB&WM Free Mock Test?

 Here is the step-by-step guide to attempt a free mock test for JAIIB RB&WM.

  1. Go to the link Here
  2. Register by entering your mail ID, Mobile Number and Password (Login if already registered)
  3. Go the the "Tests" section.
  4. Click on "JAIIB"
  5. Click on "JAIIB 2025 Sectional Tests"
  6. Attempt the Free JAIIB Retail Banking and Wealth Management Mock Test.

JAIIB RBWM Exam - Overview

InstitutionIndian Institute of Banking & Finance (IIBF)
Exam NameJAIIB 2025
EligibilityMembers Only
Mode of ApplicationOnline
Exam ConductedTwice in a year
SubjectsPrinciples & Practices of Banking
Retail Banking & Wealth Management
Accounting & Financial Management for Bankers
Indian Economy & Indian Financial System
Official websitehttp://www.iibf.org.in/

JAIIB Exam Pattern

The JAIIB examination pattern has been changed. There will be four papers in the examination. The details of the JAIIB Exam Pattern are mentioned below: 

The JAIIB Examination has four papers

  1. Principles and Practices of banking.
  2. Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers
  3. Retail Banking & Wealth Management
  4. Indian Economy & Indian Financial System

JAIIB Exam Type

  1. It is an objective type examination.
  2. Each paper has 100 questions.
  3. The total marks of each paper are 100.
  4. The time limit for each paper is 120 minutes.
SubjectsNo. of QuestionsTotal MarksDuration
Indian Economy & Indian Financial System1001002 hours
Principles & Practices of Banking1001002 hours
Accounting and Financial Management for Bankers1001002 hours
Retail Banking & Wealth Management1001002 hours

Marking scheme of JAIIB Examination 

The marking scheme of the Junior Associate of Indian Institute of Bankers Examination is mentioned below:

  • There will be no negative marking.
  • The minimum mark for passing in each subject will be 50 out of 100.
  • Candidates that secure at least 45 marks in each subject with an aggregate of 50% marks in all subjects of the examination in a single attempt will also qualify.

Passing criteria of JAIIB examination 

The following are the salient points in terms of the number of attempts and time frame to clear this exam:

Maximum Number of Attempts5 attempts for each exam (JAIIB / DB&F / SOB / CAIIB)
Time Frame for CompletionMust complete within 3 years, whichever is earlier.
Start of Time FrameThe 3-year period starts from the date of registration for the first attempt.
Counting of AttemptsAttempts are counted when a candidate applies for the exam, regardless of whether they appear or not.
Consecutive AttemptsThe 5 attempts do not need to be consecutive.
Re-enrollment After Exhausting LimitsCandidates who exceed the 5 attempts or 3 years must re-enroll afresh. Previous credits for passed subjects will not be carried forward.
Eligibility to Apply for ExamsA candidate can apply for any 5 exams out of the 6 exams within the 3-year period.
Re-enrollment if Attempts Exhausted Before 3 YearsIf all 5 attempts are used before 3 years, candidates must re-enroll afresh.
Re-enrollment if 3 Years Expired Before Using All AttemptsIf 3 years expire before using all 5 attempts, candidates must re-enroll afresh.

Retail Banking and Wealth Management Mock Test FAQs

Q. How many RBWM Mock Tests for JAIIB Exam are provided by Oliveboard?

A. Oliveboard provides 10 RBWM (Retail Banking and Wealth Management) Mock Tests for JAIIB Exam. Solving these mock tests and analyzing your performance after each mock test is the best way to clear the JAIIB Exam.

Q. How can I attempt the JAIIB RBWM Free Mock Test? +

A: To attempt JAIIB RBWM Free Mock Test, just follow the following steps:
1. Register/Log-in by entering your valid email address or through your Facebook ID in the field given above.
2. Go to Mock Tests section
3. Click on "Start Test" Button on right side of the screen

Q. Can Oliveboard Mock tests for JAIIB RBWM Exam be attempted through Mobile? +

A. Yes, all the Oliveboard mock tests for JAIIB are available on our mobile app (android) as well where you can attempt them. You can also access these mock tests through our mobile website.

Q. What is the number of questions for JAIIB RBWM? +

JAIIB RBWM will have 100 questions.

Q. How many attempts are allowed for JAIIB RBWM? +

Candidates are allowed 5 consecutive attempts within 3 years.

Q. What is the duration of the JAIIB RBWM exam? +

JAIIB RBWM paper will be for 2 hours.

Q. Is there a negative marking in JAIIB 2025? +

No, JAIIB does not have any negative marking.

Q. Who is eligible for JAIIB? +

Candidates are eligible for JAIIB if they're banking professionals currently working in the banking and financial sector.

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