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KPSC KAS Mock Tests 2024

Attempt Free Mock Tests to boost your KAS Preparation

  • Total 30 KAS Mock Tests
  • 15 Paper 1 Mock Tests in Kannada and English Medium
  • 15 Paper 2 Mock Tests in Kannada and English Medium

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Why Attempt KPSC KAS Mock Test Series?

As per Latest Pattern

Designed by professionals who have in-depth knowledge about the exam pattern, syllabus and question types.

Detailed Solutions for Each Question

Get Detailed solutions and explanations to help you master every concepts of the KAS Exam

AI-Based Performance Analysis

The AI engine automatically ranks the student's performance on every mock test and provides recommendations on how to improve your score.

KAS Mock Tets Test Series

KAS Paper I - 1

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 1

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 2

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 2

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 3

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 3

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 4

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 4

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 5

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 5

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 6

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 6

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 7

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 7

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 8

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 8

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 9

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 9

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 10

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 10

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 11

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 11

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 12

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 12

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 13

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 13

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 14

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper II - 14

200 100 2 Hrs

KAS Paper I - 15

200 100 2 Hrs

KPSC KAS Mock Test 2024

Gauge your subject knowledge

Mock Tests are online tests that closely simulate the actual exams. They are often based on the previous year's question papers, giving you an idea of what to and what not to prepare for. Mock tests are a great way to gauge your subject knowledge as well as practice for the actual test. It helps you to not only prepare for the test but also get familiar with how the test is conducted and how the questions are framed. A mock test can be made in two ways. You can either attempt a sample paper from previous year's question papers, or you can attend Oliveboard's KAS Mock Tests curated by Karnataka's top faculties. 

It simulates the experience of attending Real Exams

Mock tests are simulated tests of real exams. The idea is to provide students with an opportunity to practice the exam under exam conditions, so that they can learn to tackle it confidently when the time comes. Mock tests can be designed in different ways and focus on different areas, such as the questions the student might face, the strategy of answering questions, remembering formulas and facts, etc.

Strategy Building and Time Management

The primary benefit of a mock test is that it helps students to prepare well for the exam in terms of time management and strategy. If students practice enough with mock tests, they would be able to solve most questions in the actual test without much difficulty. Ideally, students should start practicing with mock tests at least two months before the exam date.

KPSC KAS Mock Test in English

Oliveboard offers its mock tests exclusively in English, including the KAS Mock Test. Candidates who are proficient in English can confidently take these mock tests.

KPSC KAS Mock Test in Kannada

Oliveboard provides candidates with the flexibility to take mock tests in either English or Kannada. All mock tests, including the KAS Mock Test, are available in both languages. Additionally, candidates will have the opportunity to select their preferred language for the actual exam.

KPSC KAS Mock Test 2024 - Overview

Karnataka Administrative Service (KAS) is the civil service of Karnataka state in India.[1] The Public Service Commission conducts exams to recruit candidates for the service. These young officers recruited by KPSC take up various administrative posts at the district and state levels. At the start, they play the role of Sub Divisional Magistrate and, on promotion, Additional District Magistrates. After promotion to IAS, they take up various key positions at the district level as Deputy Commissioners and also equivalent IAS cadre jobs at the state level.


Authority NameKarnataka Public Service Commission (KPSC)
Job LocationKarnataka State
CategoryGovt Jobs
Exam Year2024-21
Official Linkhttp://www.kpsc.kar.nic.in/
HeadquartersBanglore, Karnataka

KAS Exam Pattern 2024

KPSC KAS Prelims Exam Pattern:

PaperName of the SubjectsNo. of questionsNo. of Marks
Paper IGeneral Studies related to National and International importance4080
Paper-IIGeneral Studies related to State Importance4080
General Science & Tech, Environment & Ecology3060
General Mental Ability3060

KPSC KAS Mains Exam Pattern:

PaperNo. of SubjectsNo. of Marks
Paper III & IVGeneral Studies300
Paper V, VI, VII, & VIIITwo subjects to be selected from the list of optional subjects. Each subject will have two papers300
  • The first stage is the preliminary examination that consists of two papers, both of which are objective type (MCQs).
  • The second stage is the mains. There are 7 papers in all that include descriptive/essay-type questions. Previously there were 2 optional papers; however, they have been eliminated now.
  • The final stage is the interview round.

The KAS exam pattern for the preliminary exams can be understood by the following points:

  • The exam comprises mainly 2 papers.
  • The examination is held through an offline mode.
  • Papers 1 and 2 have MCQ-based questions.
  • Each correct answer is given 2 marks, and 0.25 marks are deducted for each wrong answer.
  • Both the papers will be of 200 marks each.

KPSC KAS Mock Test Series FAQs

Can we attempt the Mock Tests in both Kannada and English?

Yes, Oliveboard's KPSC KAS Mock Test is available in both English and Kannada. You can attempt the Mock Tests in your preferred language.

How many Full-length Mock Tests are available for KPSC KAS? +

Oliveboard provides 30 Full-length Mock Tests for KPSC KAS Exam. It includes 15 Mock Tests for Paper 1 and 15 Mock Tests for Paper 2.

What is the duration of the KAS Prelims? +

The time duration of the examination is as follows:
KPSC KAS Preliminary examination consists of 2 papers of 2 hours (120 minutes) each

What is the number of attempts a candidate can take for the KPSC KAS Recruitment examination? +

Details of the number of times a candidate can attempt the KPSC KAS Recruitment examination is provided below:
General Category- 5 attempts
Scheduled Caste (SC)- No limit
Scheduled Tribes (ST)- No limit
CAT-1- No Limit
Other Backward Classes (OBC)- 7 attempts

Are there any negative marking in the KPSC KAS recruitment exam? +

Yes, negative marking is applicable. A negative marking of 0.25 mark is done for every incorrect answer or multiple answers to one question in the KPSC KAS Preliminary examination. There is no negative marking in the KPSC KAS Mains examination.

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