CAT Vocabulary

New Words With Meaning to Increase CAT Vocabulary – The CAT exam focuses on accuracy, while the VARC section tests your critical reasoning ability, not just your language skills. To do better in VARC, you should read a lot to understand words in context. We’ve put together 200+ new words with meanings to help you improve your CAT vocabulary and perform well in VARC. Having a strong vocabulary can increase your chances of success, as words represent knowledge. To learn new words, read regularly, and try to use them in your daily life to remember them better.

Why it is Important to Learn New Words with Meaning to Increase CAT Vocabulary?

Every language has a lot of words, and it’s impossible to remember them all. In the CAT exam, VARC tests your accuracy, not just your language skills. Many CAT aspirants don’t give this section enough attention, and that’s a big mistake. The words in VARC are often hard, and not knowing their meanings can make it confusing to answer easy questions. Under stress, you might pick the wrong answer, and remember, for each wrong answer, you lose points due to negative marking.

Learning new words with their meanings is crucial when preparing for the CAT exam. Here’s why it’s important, step by step:

1. Increase in Vocabulary: Learning new words expands your vocabulary. It means you know more words and their meanings, which is a big advantage during the CAT exam.

2. Sharpens and Enriches Your Thinking Ability: A rich vocabulary allows you to think more precisely and clearly. You can express your thoughts in a more detailed and accurate manner.

3. Builds Self-Assurance: Knowing a wide range of words boosts your confidence. It helps you approach the exam with self-assurance, knowing you can understand and answer questions effectively.

4. Helps in Effective Expression of Thoughts: CAT is not just about knowing the right answer but also being able to explain your thought process. A strong vocabulary enables you to articulate your answers better.

5. Improvement of Reading Comprehension: Many CAT questions require a deep understanding of passages or texts. Knowing the meaning of words within those passages can significantly enhance your reading comprehension skills.

6. Improves Listening and Speaking Skills: A robust vocabulary isn’t just about written words; it also aids in understanding spoken language and expressing yourself clearly when discussing or presenting.

7. Enhances Writing Ability: During CAT preparation, you might have to write essays or responses. A good vocabulary is a valuable asset when it comes to writing effectively and persuasively.

In summary, learning new words and their meanings is an integral part of CAT preparation, as it boosts your vocabulary, refines your thinking, and improves your overall communication skills, which are essential for success in the exam.

List Of New Words With Meaning to Improve Your Verbal Ability

Part of SpeechMeaning
AbateVerbCollapse or lessen
AbdicateVerbGive up the powers (monarchs and royals)
AccedeVerbYielding to someone’s wish
AcrophobiaNounMorbid dread of heights
AcumenNounMental keenness, the ability to understand and judge things quickly and clearly
AffluenceNounWealth, the state of having a lot of money
AgoraphobiaNounMorbid dread of open spaces
Alma MaterNounOne’s school or college
AnachronousAdjectiveBelonging to a different time
AnimosityNounA strong feeling of anger and not liking somebody/something
AnimusNounHostility or ill feeling
AnomalousAdjectiveUnusual, different from what is normal
AntipathyNounA strong feeling of not liking somebody/something
ApatheticAdjectiveIndifferent, uninterested, uninvolved
AppriseVerbTo inform or notify
AtheistNounDisbeliever in God
AtrophyVerbTo become weaker, (of a body part) to be reduced in size and therefore strength
AttenuateVerbWeaken, to make something weaker or less effective
AudaciousAdjectiveShowing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks
AustereAdjectiveSevere, strict, very simple without decoration
BackfireVerbRebound or boomerang
BafflingAdjectivePuzzling, extremely confusing to understand
BaleNounBundle or bunch
BaskVerbLaze or Revel in (something relaxing)
BenefactionNounGood deed, act of charity or kindness
CacheNounHoard or Stockpile
CacographyNounUgly, bad handwriting
CaliberNounLevel of ability or distinction in someone’s character
CallousAdjectiveHeartless or uncaring
CelerityNounSwiftness of movement
ChauvinismNounExcessive patriotism
ChronicAdjectiveRecurring, continuing over a long period of time
CircumlocutionNounTalking around; method of talking indirectly or in a roundabout way
CircumspectAdjectiveCautious, thinking very carefully about something before you do it
CircumspectionNounCare, watchfulness, caution, alertness
ClandestineAdjectiveSecret and often not legal
CogencyNounPersuasiveness through logic; keen-mindedness in reasoning
CollusionNounPlotting and planning, secret agreement especially for illegal purposes
CommandeerVerbTake possession of something for military or police use
ConcatenateVerbLink together in a chain of series
CondonationNounAct of overlooking or forgiving an offense or a transgression
CongenitalAdjectiveFrom birth
ConsummateAdjectiveExtremely skilled, a perfect example of something
ConvivialAdjectiveFriendly in atmosphere or character
CredulousAdjectiveWilling to believe, gullible, trusting
CreedNounA set of beliefs or principles (especially religious beliefs) that strongly influence someone’s life
DebaseVerbDegrade or Devalue
DebonairAdjectiveConfident and stylish
DevitalizeVerbDeprived of strength and vigor
DichotomyNounThe separation that exists between two groups or things that are completely opposite to and different from each other
DilettantismNounA lack of the level of skill associated with an expert or profession
DocileAdjectiveCompliant or submissive
DrawlVerbSpeak in a slow, lazy way with prolonged vowel sounds
DrivelNounNonsense, talk nonsense
DubiousAdjectiveDoubtful, not sure or certain
EccentricityNounStrangeness, oddness, unconventionality
EgregiousAdjectiveOutstandingly bad or vicious
EloquenceNounGreat, emotional, or artistic expressiveness
EnervatedAdjectiveCompletely exhausted
EpitomeNouna perfect example of something
EvanescenceNounVanish gradually from sight
ExurbsNounRegions far from the city
FallaciousAdjectiveFalse or Incorrect
FerociousAdjectiveSavage or cruel
FurtiveAdjectiveHidden and secret
FutileAdjectiveUseless, hopeless, having no success
GambolVerbFrolic, run or jump playfully
GapeVerbWide open
GarbleVerbDistorted, confused
GarrulityNounIncessant chatter with little meaning
GlibAdjectiveSuspiciously smooth, using words in a way that is clever and quick but not sincere
GluttonizeVerbStuff oneself like a pig, eat excessively
GrandiloquentAdjectiveUsing flossy, flowery, elegant or impressive phraseology
GraphologyNounAnalysis or study of handwriting
GrappleVerbWrestle or struggle
GregariousAdjectiveVery sociable
GullibleAdjectiveBelieving and trusting people too easily, and therefore easily tricked
HalcyonAdjectiveSerene or pleasant
HoodwinkVerbDeceive or trick
HypercriticalAdjectiveExcessively critical
IconoclastNounAntitradition, a person who doesn’t believe in and is opposed to traditions
ImpelVerbForce or urge
IncendiarismNounMalicious setting of fires, as for revenge, etc.
IncorrigibleAdjectiveBeyond reform, too bad to be corrected or improved (behavior)
IncorrigibleAdjectiveBeyond correction or reform (a person’s behavior)
IndefatigableAdjectiveTireless, never giving up or getting tired of something
IngeniousAdjectiveClever, original, and inventive
IngenuityNounCleverness in devising or combining
IngenuousAdjectiveA person full of new ideas and clever at finding solutions to problems or at inventing things
InnocuousAdjectiveInnocent or Harmless
InsurgentNounA rebel, a person fighting against the government or armed forces of their own country
InterminableAdjectiveNever-ending, endless
IntransigenceNounStubbornness, refusal to change one’s views or to agree about something
IntrinsicAdjectiveInherent or essential
IntrospectiveAdjectiveSelf-analytical, self-examining
InveterateAdjectiveForm long-standing habit that is unlikely to change
JeopardizeVerbEndanger (someone/something)
JudiciousAdjectiveWise and sensible
JuxtaposeVerbPlace something close together
KibbleVerbGrind or Chop
KnighthoodNounTitle or rank
LaconicityNounGreat economy in speech, expressing much in few words
LampoonVerbSarcasm or criticizing publicly
LimpVerbWalking with difficulty
LitheAdjectiveSupple, Agile
LudicrousAdjectiveUnreasonable or Absurd
MagnanimousAdjectiveGenerous or Benevolent
MagnanimousAdjectiveNoble, generous, and forgiving
MagnateNounBig wheel, important or influential person
MagniloquenceNounFloweriness, pompousness, or elegance in speech
Magnum OpusNounGreat artistic work, masterpiece
MalignVerbTo say or write bad things about someone publicly, especially in an unfair manner
MartinetNounA complete disciplinarian
MettleNounSpirit or determination
MisogynistNounA man who hates women
MisrepresentationNounDeliberately deceiving, the act of giving false information
ModicumNounSmall quantity of a particular thing
NaiveAdjectiveInexperienced, unworldly, innocent
NascentAdjectiveBeing born
NeurosisNounEmotional disturbance
NexusNounSeries of connection
NotoriousAdjectiveUnfavourably known
NoviceNounBeginner or Learner
OccultNounMystical or supernatural
OminousAdjectiveSuggesting that something unpleasant is going to happen
OnusNounBurden or responsibility
PatriarchNounMan who is the head of the family or social group
PatrimonyNounInheritance from one’s father
PenuryNounExtreme poverty
PerditionNounDamnation, hell, eternal punishment
PeremptoryAdjectiveIn a commanding manner
PerfunctoryAdjectiveSuperficial, done quickly as a duty without any interest or feeling
PeripateticAdjectiveSomething that is moving from place to place
PerspicaciousAdjectiveKeen-minded, having a ready insight into and understanding of things
PetulantAdjectiveChildishly Bad-tempered
PhilanthropyNounCharitable works, the desire to promote the welfare of others
PhlegmaticAdjectiveEmotionally unresponsive
PrevalentAdjectiveMost common in a particular place or time
PusillanimityNounLack of courage or determination
QuagmireNounMarsh, bog, a difficult, complicated, or dangerous situation
QuarryNounMine for stone, a place from which stone or other materials are or have been extracted
RepentanceNounSincere regret
RepulsiveAdjectiveThat causes a strong feeling of disgust
ReticenceNounUnwillingness to talk, or disclose, out of fear, shyness, reserve, etc.
RetrospectNounLooking back on or dealing with past events or situations
RetrospectNounA survey or review of the past course of events
ReverentAdjectiveDeep Respect
ScintillatingAdjectiveSparking or shining brightly
ScintillationNounA flash or sparkle of light
ScribbleVerbWriting carelessly
SemanticsNounScience of the meanings and effects of words
SenilityNounDeteriorated old age
SimulateVerbPretend, to do or make something that looks real but is not real
SoliloquyNounTalking or a speech ‘to oneself’
SomberAdjectiveDark or Serious
SpeciousnessNounFalsity, the fact of seeming to be right or true but really being wrong or false
StoicismNounUncomplaining attitude to pain or trouble
StokeVerbAdd fuel to, strengthen, to make people feel more strongly
SupersedeVerbTake the place of (a person or a thing previously in authority/use)
SycophantNounA person who praises important or powerful people too much in a way that’s not sincere, flatterer
TacitnessNounState of being understood though not actually expressed
TaciturnityNounUnwillingness to engage in conversation
TrepidationNounThe feeling of fear or anxiety about something that may happen
UnanimityNounComplete agreement about something among a group of people
UnconscionableAdjectiveWithout conscious, not right or reasonable
UnequivocalAdjectiveClear and forthright
UprootVerbPull out
UrbaneAdjectivePolished, sophisticated, courteous, and refined in manner
UxoricideNounKilling of one’s wife
VacillateVerbSwing back and forth in indecision, to waver in mind, will, or feeling
VentriloquismNounThe production of the voice in such a way that the sound seems to come from a source other than the vocal organs of the speaker
VerbatimAdjectiveWord for word
VerifyVerbConfirm or prove
VersatileAdjectiveAble to adapt many directions, functions, or activities
ViragoNounA violent unpleasant woman who is often angry
VirtuosoNounAn accomplished musician
VitalAdjectiveEssential, lively
VolitionNounThe faculty or power of using one’s free will
VolubilityNounFluency, ease, and/or rapidity of speech
WintryAdjectiveCold (in feeling)
YearnVerbLonging for something

How to Learn New Words to Improve Your CAT Vocabulary

Improving your CAT vocabulary involves strategic learning of new words. By following a structured approach, you can enhance your language skills and excel in the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section of the CAT exam.

Step 1: Read Newspapers for CAT Preparation

Start Reading Editorial Sections: Whether you’re a regular reader or not, begin by reading the editorial sections of different newspapers. This is crucial for CAT preparation.

Benefits of Reading Newspapers: Reading newspapers helps boost your general knowledge and prepares you for group discussions and personal interviews. Newspapers contain expert opinions on various subjects and provide updates on global events and technology trends.

Daily Reading Routine: Allocate 40 minutes daily to read different newspapers. Since there’s no set syllabus for the CAT exam, newspapers can be a great starting point for your preparation.

Step 2: List of Newspapers – Online/Offline

Here’s a list of newspapers you can consider reading: 

  •   The Hindu
  •   Frontline
  •   The Economist
  •   The Guardian
  •   Business Standard
  •   The Economic Times
  •   Financial Express
  •   The Atlantic
  •   The New York Times
  •   The New Yorker

Important Note: Avoid replacing newspapers with news channels, as the CAT exam focuses on reading skills, speed, and accuracy.

Step 3: Create a Personal Dictionary for New Words

Be Prepared: Whenever you read a newspaper, an article, or a book, keep a notepad handy or open a Google Doc to create your personal dictionary for new words.

What to Include: In this personal dictionary, add the new words you come across, along with their meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence examples. If time allows, include images to help remember the words visually.

Example: For instance, if you encounter the word “laconic,” record it in your dictionary with its meaning, synonyms, antonyms, and a sentence example to understand its usage.

Step 4: Advantages of Creating a Personal Dictionary

Efficient Vocabulary Building: Spend time building your personal dictionary systematically, as mentioned above. Organize it by date to make revisions easier.

Effective Revision: This dictionary will serve as a valuable resource for CAT preparation. Regularly revising the words you’ve collected will help enhance your vocabulary.

Step 5: Analyze Your VARC Section in Mock Tests

Importance of Mock Tests: As a CAT aspirant, taking mock tests is essential. It helps you assess your performance in different sections.

Focus on VARC Section: Pay close attention to the VARC (Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension) section of mock tests.

Analyze Wrong Answers: Review and attempt to solve the questions you answered incorrectly.

Add New Words: Add any new words you encounter in the VARC section of mock tests to your personal dictionary on Google Doc.

Identify Repeated Words: While analyzing mock tests, keep an eye out for words that appear multiple times. These are more likely to show up in the actual CAT exam.

Continuous Revision: The key is to keep revising the words and concepts you’ve learned to reinforce your vocabulary.

Skills Required to Build and Increase CAT Vocabulary

Building and expanding your CAT vocabulary demands specific skills. A well-rounded vocabulary not only enhances your language proficiency but also plays a pivotal role in CAT exam success. This article explores the essential skills needed to effectively increase your word power for CAT preparation.

Step 1: Equal Focus on Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension

Equal Time Allocation: Ensure you dedicate equal time to prepare for both the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) sections. Both are essential in CAT preparation.

Step 2: Read Widely, Regardless of Personal Interests

Diverse Reading: Understand that not every topic or subject will pique your interest, but it’s crucial to read them anyway to sharpen your skills.

Step 3: Enhance Your Vocabulary

Daily Vocabulary Building: Aim to be above average in your vocabulary. Allocate a minimum of 40 to 60 minutes each day for reading books, newspapers, and articles.

Familiarize with Jargon**: Get to know the specialized language (jargon) in various fields such as science and technology, literature, philosophy, economics, environmental issues, and politics.

Step 4: Develop Reading and Comprehension Skills

Read and Understand: Cultivate the skill of reading and comprehending different topics in English, whether you have a personal interest in the subject or not.

Step 5: Utilize Post-it Sticky Notes

Daily Vocabulary Practice: Take advantage of Post-it sticky notes. Every day, jot down 8 to 10 new words and their meanings on these notes.

Strategic Placement: Stick these notes on prominent places in your room, like your mirror, desk, or wall. Each time you enter your room, you’ll encounter these notes and reinforce your memory of the words.

Regular Rotation: Change the words on the notes every day or every alternate day to continuously expand your vocabulary.

By following these steps, you can effectively improve and expand your list of new words in your CAT vocabulary.

Tips to Improve Reading for Non-Readers

Improving reading skills, especially for those who are not avid readers, is a valuable endeavor in CAT preparation. This article provides essential tips and strategies to help non-readers enhance their reading abilities and perform better in the Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension (VARC) section of the CAT exam.

Step 1: Extra Effort for Non-Readers

Acknowledging the Challenge: Non-readers should recognize that they may need to put in additional effort to prepare for the VARC section because it’s important to increase their CAT vocabulary.

Adjustment Period: Be patient with yourself as it might take a few days or even weeks to get into the rhythm of regular reading.

Step 2: Broaden Your Knowledge

Stay Updated: Reading about various topics, even those not of personal interest, is crucial. It will help you stay informed about general knowledge, including domestic and international affairs, which can be beneficial in both the CAT exam and group discussions/personal interviews (GDPI).

Step 3: Develop Reading Skills

Reading at a Comfortable Pace: Start by reading for 10 minutes daily. This manageable duration helps you ease into the habit of reading.

Gradual Increase: As you get more comfortable with reading, gradually extend the time spent reading.

Step 4: Improve Reading Skills

Stay Focused: Practice slow, focused reading. Don’t rush through the text, and try to understand what you’re reading.

Quick Analysis: Work on your ability to analyze and process answers swiftly. This is crucial for the VARC section.

Read Varied Texts: Practice reading and comprehending text from different topics, such as newspapers, articles, fiction, and non-fiction books.

Step 5: Timed Reading for Speed

Habit Formation: Once you are accustomed to regular reading, shift to timed reading exercises. This helps increase your reading speed over time.

Gradual Progress: Begin with shorter time intervals and progressively increase the time as you become more comfortable with timed reading.

By following these steps, non-readers can effectively prepare for the VARC section in CAT, gradually increasing their reading skills and vocabulary. This will ultimately benefit their performance in the exam and GDPI.

CAT Vocabulary – Frequently Asked Question

Why is building a strong vocabulary important for CAT preparation?

A strong vocabulary is essential for CAT as it helps you understand and answer complex questions, express your thoughts clearly, and improve your reading comprehension skills. It can significantly boost your verbal ability, which is a crucial part of the exam.

How can I efficiently learn and remember new words for CAT?

To efficiently learn new words, create a personal dictionary where you record words, meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and sentence examples. Regularly review and revise these words. Consistent practice is the key to remembering them.

Where can I find new words to add to my CAT vocabulary?

You can find new words in newspapers, books, articles, and online resources. Reading diverse materials exposes you to a wide range of vocabulary. Additionally, you can use apps or websites designed to teach new words.

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