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OSCB Assistant Manager Syllabus 2022

OSCB Assistant Manager Syllabus 2022

One of India's Scheduled State Cooperative Government Banks in Odisha State Cooperative Bank. This bank, established under the Orissa Cooperative Societies Act, is crucial in altering the state's agricultural economy by meeting the financial needs of farm households. This is an exciting opportunity for people between 21 and 32 who want to work with the Odisha State Cooperative Bank. From December 29, 2021, until January 17, 2022, interested and qualified applicants can apply online for OSCB 2022 recruitment. The Odisha State Cooperative Bank has published the OSCB Syllabus on its official website, www.odishascb.com. Applicants who intend to begin test study to achieve the highest possible score in the written examination may download the OSCB Assistant Manager Syllabus. We have provided OSCB Assistant Manager complete Syllabus and exam pattern 2022 to assist candidates in their preparation. This will allow them to cover all of the major subjects questioned in the examination. They may find the complete curriculum and other relevant information in the details below.

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OSCB Assistant Manager Syllabus

Applicants studying for the OSCB test should be familiar with all of the essential themes included in the OSCB Syllabus per subject, as these are the topics from which the questions in the paper will be drawn. Here are some of the essential subjects included in the OSCB Exam curriculum for the preliminary and main examinations. However, certain courses are covered in both examinations. Let's have a look at the OSCB Assistant Manager Syllabus 2022 section by section in the table below:

General and Financial AwarenessNumerical AbilityEnglishReasoning Ability
Indian Culture & HeritageNumbers and AgesPrepositionsClassification
Finance CommissionsAveragesAntonymsData Sufficiency
Taxes on Income and ExpenditureMensurationFill in the blanksAlpha-Numeric Sequence Puzzle
Financial and Railway BudgetProfit and LossPassage CompletionPuzzle Test
Revenue of Central GovernmentProblems on NumbersSpotting ErrorsBlood Relations
Economic PlanningPipes and CisternsSubstitutionCoding-Decoding
InflationIndices and SurdsSentenceAssertion and Reasoning
National IncomeSimple EquationsError CorrectionArithmetical Reasoning
Money Market in IndiaProbabilityTransformationOperations of Mathematics
Role of BankingTime and DistancePara CompletionFriend Diagrams
Public FinanceQuadratic EquationsJoining SentencesWord Sequence
BillsOdd Man OutActive and Passive VoiceMissing Characters
Concept of BudgetRaces and GamesIdioms and PhrasesSequential Output training
Schemes and Policies implemented by GovernmentPermutations and CombinationsSentence ImprovementDirections
Indian Banking Industry HistoryCompound InterestSynonymsTest on Alphabets
Current Events – National & InternationalBoats and StreamsSentence ArrangementAnalogy
Indian PolityProblems on TrainsSubstitutionSeries Completion
Indian ConstitutionRatio and ProportionCompletionVerification of truth of the Statement
Science & TechnologyAreasSpelling TestSituation Reaction Test
Indian GeographyVolumesError CorrectionDirection Sense Test
IT & Space etcPercentages Eligibility Test
Indian EconomySimplification and Approximation Figure Matrix
Functions of BanksMixtures and Allegations Completion Incomplete Pattern
Types of BanksSimple Interest Spotting embedded figures
RBI and its Monetary PolicyProblems on LCM and HCF Classification
Capital market in IndiaTime and Work Partnership. Rules Detection
   Dot Situation
   Identical figure groupings
   Forming figures and analysis
   Construction of Squares and Triangles

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OSCB Assistant Manager Exam Pattern

To aid students in their preparation, we will present the OSCB Assistant Manager exam pattern 2022. This will enable them to cover all of the important subjects raised during the test. Applicants must prepare for the OSCB Prelims and Mains to obtain reputable employment.

OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims Exam Pattern

The OSCB Assistant Manager Prelims Exam will be divided into English Language, Reasoning Ability, and Quantitative Aptitude sections. Let's look at the test pattern in detail in the table below.

SectionMax. MarksDuration
English Language3020 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude3520  Minutes
Reasoning Ability3520 Minutes
Total10060 Minutes

OSCB Assistant Manager Mains Exam Pattern

The OSCB Assistant Manager Mains Exam will be divided into four sections: English Language, Reasoning Ability, Quantitative Aptitude, and General Awareness. Let's look at the test pattern in detail in the table below.

SectionMax. MarksDuration
English Language4040 Minutes
Quantitative Aptitude4035  Minutes
Reasoning Ability4035 Minutes
General Awareness4030 Minutes
Total160140 Minutes


The exam syllabus is being sought by those who have applied for OSCBL Assistant Manager Jobs 2022. Odisha State Bank officials intend to hold a preliminary examination to employ qualified and talented candidates for the positions of Assistant Manager. The preliminary test is the first stage in the selection process. Therefore start studying the topics that are important for the exam now. You may systematically begin your preparation now that you know the OSCB Assistant Manager Syllabus. Obtain the necessary books and make a schedule. Study the topics extensively since you must be aware that answering questions requires a deep understanding of the subject. Plan your studies and make sure you remember what you study. Always remember that hard effort pays off. As a result, keep moving on with zeal. You will undoubtedly succeed. I hope that this writing has given you enough information about the curriculum to help you to plan correctly. On the Oliveboard website, you may find more articles like this. 


1. How much does an OSCB Assistant Manager Grade-II Officer make?

OSCB Assistant Manager Grade-II Officers would be paid between Rs 9300 to Rs 34800 per month, with a GP of Rs 4200 and other perks.

2. How long does the OSCB Banking Assistant Mains Exam last?

Candidates taking the OSCB Banking Assistant Mains Exam will have 140 minutes to complete the exam.

3. How can I get the OSCB Assistant Manager Syllabus?

The above article has the OSCB Assistant Manager 2022 Syllabus for candidates to refer to.

4. How much are the Odisha Cooperative Bank Application fees?

For the unreserved categories, the application cost for the Odisha Cooperative Bank Application Form 2022 is Rs. 1000.

5. When is the deadline for submitting an online application for the Odisha State Cooperative Bank Application Form 2022?

The deadline to submit an online application for the Odisha State Cooperative Bank Application Form 2022 is January 17, 2022.


Which identity proof has been discarded in the OSCB Assistant Manager Recruitment Notification?

The notification discards the Ration card and Learner’s Driving Licence and hence is not considered valid identity proof.

Is there any negative marking for the OSCB Assistant Manager Recruitment online examination? +

Yes, there is a negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer, and then the total scores will be computed.

What is the accepted mode for online payment of examination fees? +

The candidates can make payments using Debit cards, Credit Cards, Internet Banking, IMPS, Cash Cards, or Mobile wallets.

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